标签:技术分享 rgs 图片 problem [] zed new nts bsp
《Thinking in Java》说:
Because the inner-class constructor must attach to a reference of the enclosing class object,
things are slightly complicated when you inherit from an inner class. The problem is that the
"secret" reference to the enclosing class object must be initialized, and yet in the derived class
there’s no longer a default object to attach to.
package com.zywj; class A { class B{ B(String s) { System.out.println(s); } } } public class App extends A.B { App(A a) { a.super("hello"); } public static void main(String[] args) { A a = new A(); App app = new App(a); } }
这里的a.super("hello"); 有点不好理解。我一开始以为是对象a的super对象。
标签:技术分享 rgs 图片 problem [] zed new nts bsp