标签:coding author wan 要求 输入 utf-8 str 大写 apc
python 3字符串大小写转换
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # Author:Hiuhung Wan str1 = input("请输入字符串:") list1 = list(str1) str2 = ‘‘ for i in list1: if int(ord(i)) >= 65 and int(ord(i)) <= 90: #大写 str2 += chr(int(ord(i))+32) #字符串拼接 elif int(ord(i)) >= 97 and int(ord(i)) <= 122: #小写 str2 += chr(int(ord(i)) - 32) print(str2)
python 字符串大小写转换(不能使用swapcase()方法)
标签:coding author wan 要求 输入 utf-8 str 大写 apc