标签:number server time serve ber als sel nbsp 另一个
USE [CDM] GO /****** Object: Trigger [dbo].[UpdateAkisFlight] Script Date: 2018/6/14 16:43:29 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[UpdateAkisFlight] ON [dbo].[FlightWarnTime] FOR INSERT,DELETE AS BEGIN if(exists(select 1 from inserted) and not exists(select 1 from deleted)) begin declare @TwoCode nvarchar(50),@FlightNum nvarchar(50),@ThreeCode nvarchar(50),@Etd datetime,@FlightId int,@Calsign nvarchar(50),@ID int select @TwoCode=TwoCode,@FlightNum=FlightNumber,@Etd = Etd,@ID = Id from inserted select @ThreeCode=Code3 from Company with(nolock) where Code2=@TwoCode if @ThreeCode is not null begin set @Calsign=@ThreeCode+@FlightNum if @FlightNum is not null begin update [dbo].[FlightWarnTime] set Calsign=@Calsign where Id=@ID end if @Etd is not null begin select @FlightId=FlightId from [AKIS].[dbo].[ValidFlight] with(nolock) where Calsign=@Calsign and ABS(DATEDIFF(MINUTE,Etd,@Etd)) <=60 and DepAddrName=‘ZHCC‘ end if @FlightId is not null begin update [dbo].[FlightWarnTime] set AkisFlightId=@FlightId where Id=@ID end end end END
标签:number server time serve ber als sel nbsp 另一个