标签:sum -- more any from ati div hat price
/*************** * Aggregation * ***************/ -- Find minimum msrp of all products select min(msrp) from product; -- Find maximum msrp of all products select max(msrp) from product; -- Top 2 MSRP of all products; select * from product order by msrp limit 2; -- Find average msrp of all products select avg(msrp) from product; -- Find how many kind of products we have select count(product_id) from product; -- Find total of msrp of all kind of products select sum(product_id) from product; -- Find total sales revenue(amount); select sum(price*quantity) from sales; select * from sales; /*************** * Group by * ***************/ -- Find total sales revenue by product. Order by sales_amount desendingly; select *, price*quantity, sum(price*quantity) from sales group by product_id order by quantity desc; -- total # of transactions by product select p.*, count(1) as tran_count from sales s, product p where s.product_id = p.product_id group by s.product_id; -- count distinct product and client that have sales; select p.name, count(s.product_id), count(s.client_id) from sales s,client c,product p where s.client_id = c.client_id and s.product_id = p.product_id; -- how many different/unique products each client purchased; select c.name,count(distinct s.product_id) from sales s,client c where s.client_id = c.client_id group by s.client_id; -- find clients that purchase more than 1 unique products; select c.name, count(distinct s.product_id) dis_product from client c, sales s where s.client_id = c.client_id group by s.client_id having dis_product > 2; -- practice: find products that are sold less than 20 units; select p.name, sum(s.quantity) as total_sale from product p, sales s where p.product_id = s.product_id group by s.product_id having total_sale < 20;
标签:sum -- more any from ati div hat price