标签:+= 常用 The 停止 false 出现 中断 end ret
if .....elif.....else..... 如果....再如果.....否则.....
1 score = int(input(‘score:‘)) 2 3 if score>90: 4 print("A") 5 elif score>80: 6 print("B") 7 elif score>70: 8 print("C") 9 elif score>60: 10 print("D") 11 else: 12 print("不及格")
1 name = input(‘Name:‘) 2 age = int(input(‘Age:‘)) 3 job = input(‘Job:‘) 4 salary = input(‘salary:‘) #salary是薪资的意思 5 6 if salary.isdigit(): #判断salary 是否为数字 7 salary = int(salary) 8 else: 9 exit(‘salary must input digit‘) #不是就停止程序并提示 10 11 msg = ‘‘‘ 12 -------inf of %s------- 13 Name:%s 14 Age:%s 15 Job:%s 16 Salary: %s 17 You will be retired in %s years 18 --------end--------- 19 ‘‘‘ % (name,name,age,job,salary,55 - age) #int 不能和 str运算,要将第二行的age转为int 20 21 print(msg)
常用的占位符:%s s = string
%d d = digit 整数
%f f = float 浮点数,绝大多数就是表示小数
name = "king" age = "22" print(‘my name is‘,name,‘and I am‘,age,‘years old‘) print(‘my name is‘+name+‘and I am‘+age+‘years old‘) #字符串可以+* ,但不可以-,但是+会开辟五块内存,不建议用+
1 for i in rang(3): #循环三次 2 print("loop:",i)
1 #打印1-100中所有的奇数 2 3 for i in rang(1,101): 4 if i % 2 ==1: 5 print(i) 6 7 8 for i in rang(1,101,2): #2代表步长 9 print(i)
1 #1-100中50-70不打印 2 3 for i in rang(100): 4 if i < 50 or i > 70: 5 print(i)
1 #登录输入,限制次数3次 2 3 _user = "king" 4 _password = "1234" 5 6 passed_authentication = Flase 7 8 for i in range(3): 9 username = input("Username:") 10 password = input("Password:") 11 if username == _user and password == _password: 12 print("welcome %s login ..." % _user) 13 passed_authentication = Ture 14 break #跳出,中断 15 else: 16 print("Invalid username or password !") 17 18 if not passed_authentication:
19 print("time is over")
1 #登录输入,限制次数3次 2 3 _user = "king" 4 _password = "1234" 5 6 7 8 for i in range(3): 9 username = input("Username:") 10 password = input("Password:") 11 if username == _user and password == _password: 12 print("welcome %s login ..." % _user) 13 14 break #跳出,中断,打断 15 else: 16 print("Invalid username or password !") 17 18 else: #只要上面的循环语句能正常执行完,就执行else语句,如果不能执行完就不执行下面的语句。 19 print("time is over")
while 循环:
1 #登录输入,限制次数3次 2 3 _user = "king" 4 _password = "1234" 5 6 counter = 0 7 8 while counter < 3: 9 username = input("Username:") 10 password = input("Password:") 11 if username == _user and password == _password: 12 print("welcome %s login ..." % _user) 13 break #跳出,中断,打断 14 else: 15 print("Invalid username or password !") 16 17 counter += 1 18 19 else: #只要上面的循环语句能正常执行完,就执行else语句,如果不能执行完就不执行下面的语句。 20 print("time is over")
#登录输入,限制次数3次 _user = "king" _password = "1234" counter = 0 while counter < 3: username = input("Username:") password = input("Password:") if username == _user and password == _password: print("welcome %s login ..." % _user) break #跳出,中断,打断 else: print("Invalid username or password !") counter += 1 if counter == 3: #提供选择是否重新开始 choice = input("would you want again:[y/n]") if choice == "y": counter = 0 else: #只要上面的循环语句能正常执行完,就执行else语句,如果不能执行完就不执行下面的语句。 print("time is over")
1 #countine和break的区别: 2 3 exit_flag = False #标志位 4 5 for i in range(10): 6 if i < 5: 7 continue #countine跳过这次运算,继续执行运算 8 print(i) 9 for j in range(10): 10 print("第二",j ) 11 if j == 6: 12 exit_flag = True 13 break #break是跳出当前级别的这个循环 14 if exit_flag : 15 break
1 A = [‘a‘,‘b‘,‘c‘,‘d‘,‘e‘,‘f‘] 2 3 #查 4 print(A[1:]) #从第二个取到最后 5 print(A[1:-1]) #从第二个取到倒数第二个 6 print(A[1:-1:1]) #从第二个一个一个取取到倒数第二个 7 print(A[1::2]) #从第二个二个二个取取最后 8 print(A[3::-1]) #如果步长为负数就是从右往左取,从左往右数第四个开始取。 9 print(A[-2::-1]) 10 11 #添加 append insert 12 A.append(‘g‘) #默认插到最后的位子 13 A.insert(2,‘p‘) #插入到索引为2的位置 14 15 #修改 16 17 A[1] = ‘2‘ #将索引为1的修改为2 18 A[1:3] = [‘4‘,‘5‘] #将第二个和第三个改为4和5 19 20 #删除 remove pop del 21 22 A.remove(‘a‘) #括号里一定要放元素,不能放索引,删除a这个元素 23 A.pop(2) #提取索引的元素,并且可以提取。 24 del A[1] #删除元素 25 del A #删除整个
1 # count 计算所查找的元素出现的次数 2 a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,12,3,4,5] 3 print(a.count(3)) 4 5 #extend 追加 6 a = [1,2,3] 7 b = [3,4,5] 8 a.extend(b) 9 print(a) 10 11 #index 查找元素的位置 12 a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] 13 print(a.index(4)) 14 15 #reverse 将顺序倒转 16 a = [1,2,3,4,5,6] 17 a.reverse() 18 print(a) 19 20 #sort 排序 21 a = [5,7,1,4,8,3] 22 a.sort() 23 print(a)
1 your_money = 5000 2 bag = [] 3 a = [‘iphone6s‘,‘mac_book‘,‘coffee‘,‘python_book‘,‘bicycle‘] 4 h = [‘iphone6s‘,‘mac_book‘,‘coffee‘,‘python_book‘,‘bicycle‘] 5 d = your_money 6 a[0] = 5800 7 a[1] = 9000 8 a[2] = 32 9 a[3] = 80 10 a[4] =1500 #赋值 11 12 iphone6s = 5800 13 mac_book = 9000 14 coffee = 32 15 python_book = 80 16 bicycle = 1500 17 18 have_people = True 19 20 while have_people: 21 b = int(input(‘请输入购买的商品:‘)) 22 c = b - 1 23 d = d - int(a[c]) 24 if d < 0: 25 print(‘余额不足‘,d) 26 else: 27 bag.append(h[c]) #将已买商品加入到bag中 28 print(‘已加入到bag中,当前余额‘,d) 29 choice = input(‘您是否要继续购买:y/n‘) 30 if choice == ‘y‘: 31 continue 32 33 else: 34 print(‘您购买了以下商品:‘,bag) 35 print(‘您的余额:‘,d) 36 print(‘欢迎下次光临‘) 37 break
标签:+= 常用 The 停止 false 出现 中断 end ret