标签:else 快速排序 www. and www art app star []
from random import Random def quick_sort(arr): if len(arr) > 1: qsort(arr, 0, len(arr) - 1) def qsort(arr, start, end): base = arr[start] pl = start pr = end while pl < pr: while pl < pr and arr[pr] >= base: pr -= 1 if pl == pr: break else: arr[pl], arr[pr] = arr[pr], arr[pl] while pl < pr and arr[pl] <= base: pl += 1 if pl == pr: break else: arr[pl], arr[pr] = arr[pr], arr[pl] # now pl == pr if pl - 1 > start: qsort(arr, start, pl - 1) if pr + 1 < end: qsort(arr, pr + 1, end) r = Random() a = [] for i in range(20): a.append(r.randint(0, 100)) print(a) quick_sort(a) print(a)
标签:else 快速排序 www. and www art app star []