标签:服务 consumer nec rabbit host col 发送 connect 程序
fwrite(): send of 13 bytes failed with errno=32 Broken pipe
fwrite(): send of 21 bytes failed with errno=104 Connection reset by peer
用 rabbitmq 做消息队列时报上面的错误,当消费队列一启动,Unacked 瞬间达到好几百。经查:RabbitMQ服务器在短时间内发送大量的消息给Consumer,如果你没有来得及Ack的话,那么服务端会积压大量的UnAcked消息,而Consumer如果来不急处理也会处于假死或程序崩溃。
$connection = new AMQPStreamConnection(HOST, PORT, USER, PASS, VHOST); $channel = $connection->channel(); $channel->queue_declare(‘qos_queue‘, false, true, false, false); $channel->basic_qos(null, 10, null); //加上这个就好了 这个10 就是Unacked 里面的值,表示预先取出多少值来消费 prefetch_count
标签:服务 consumer nec rabbit host col 发送 connect 程序