标签:sts daemon end time utf-8 __name__ min username pre
#coding=utf-8 import requests import threading from time import ctime,time # D:\\code\\budget_test\\api\\1.xlsx‘ filelist=[‘C:\\Users\\53843\\Desktop\\1.xlsx‘, ‘C:\\Users\\53843\\Desktop\\2.xlsx‘ ] def t1(filedir): data1 = { ‘username‘:"admin", ‘password‘:"111", ‘loginbutton‘:"登 录" } s = requests.session() s.post(url=‘‘,data=data1) print ("I was at the %s " %ctime()) files={‘file‘: open(filedir, ‘rb‘)} print ("I was at the %s start!" %ctime()) r=s.post(url=‘‘,files=files) print(r.text) threads=[] nub=2 for i in range(2): threads.append(threading.Thread(target = t1(filelist[i]))) if __name__==‘__main__‘: for t in threads: t.setDaemon(True) t.start() t.join() print("all over %s"%ctime())
标签:sts daemon end time utf-8 __name__ min username pre