标签:preview 注意 引擎 str 练习题 put art 超过 16px
1 import time 2 def timmer(func): 3 def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): 4 start= time.time() 5 func(*args,**kwargs) 6 stop = time.time() 7 print(‘执行时间是%s‘%(stop-start)) 8 return wrapper 9 @timmer 10 def exe(): 11 print(‘装饰器练习题!‘) 12 exe() 13 14 View Code
1 import time 2 def timmer(func): 3 def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): 4 start= time.time() 5 func(*args,**kwargs) 6 stop = time.time() 7 print(‘执行时间是%s‘%(stop-start)) 8 return wrapper 9 @timmer 10 def exe(): 11 print(‘你愁啥!‘) 12 exe() 13 14 View Code
1 def auth(func): 2 def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): 3 name = input(‘请输入你的名字>>: ‘).strip() 4 password = input(‘请输入你的密码>>: ‘).strip() 5 if name == ‘egon‘ and password == ‘123‘: 6 func(*args,**kwargs) 7 return wrapper 8 @auth 9 def my_log(name): 10 print(‘%s欢迎登陆‘%(name)) 11 my_log(‘egon‘) 12 13 View Code
1 current_user = {‘name‘:None} 2 def auth(func): 3 def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): 4 if current_user[‘name‘]: 5 func(*args, **kwargs) 6 else: 7 name = input(‘请输入你的用户名>>: ‘).strip() 8 password = input(‘请输入你的密码>>: ‘).strip() 9 with open(‘登录文件.txt‘,‘r‘,encoding = ‘utf-8‘) as f: 10 line = f.readline() 11 my_dic = eval(line) 12 if name == my_dic[‘name‘] and password == my_dic[‘password‘]: 13 func(*args,**kwargs) 14 current_user[‘name‘] = name 15 else: 16 print(‘your input not exists‘) 17 return wrapper 18 @auth 19 def my_log(): 20 print(‘this is my_log‘) 21 @auth 22 def my_name(): 23 print(‘欢迎登陆‘) 24 my_log() 25 my_name() 26 27 View Code
1 import time,random 2 user={‘user‘:None,‘login_time‘:None,‘timeout‘:0.000003,} 3 def timmer(func): 4 def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): 5 s1=time.time() 6 res=func(*args,**kwargs) 7 s2=time.time() 8 print(‘%s‘ %(s2-s1)) 9 return res 10 return wrapper 11 def auth(func): 12 def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): 13 if user[‘user‘]: 14 timeout=time.time()-user[‘login_time‘] 15 if timeout < user[‘timeout‘]: 16 return func(*args,**kwargs) 17 name=input(‘name>>: ‘).strip() 18 password=input(‘password>>: ‘).strip() 19 if name == ‘egon‘ and password == ‘123‘: 20 user[‘user‘]=name 21 user[‘login_time‘]=time.time() 22 res=func(*args,**kwargs) 23 return res 24 return wrapper 25 @auth 26 def index(): 27 time.sleep(random.randrange(3)) 28 print(‘welcome to index‘) 29 @auth 30 def home(name): 31 time.sleep(random.randrange(3)) 32 print(‘welcome %s to home ‘ %name) 33 34 index() 35 home(‘egon‘) 36 37 View Code
1 import requests 2 def my_down(url = ‘https://www.baidu.com‘): 3 def get(): 4 return requests.get(url).text 5 return get 6 baidu_web = my_down() 7 print(baidu_web()) 8 9 View Code
1 import requests 2 import os 3 cache_file=‘cache.txt‘ 4 def make_cache(func): 5 def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): 6 if not os.path.exists(cache_file): 7 with open(cache_file,‘w‘):pass 8 9 if os.path.getsize(cache_file): 10 with open(cache_file,‘r‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: 11 res=f.read() 12 else: 13 res=func(*args,**kwargs) 14 with open(cache_file,‘w‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: 15 f.write(res) 16 return res 17 return wrapper 18 19 @make_cache 20 def get(url): 21 return requests.get(url).text 22 23 View Code
1 route_dic={} 2 3 def make_route(name): 4 def deco(func): 5 route_dic[name]=func 6 return deco 7 @make_route(‘select‘) 8 def func1(): 9 print(‘select‘) 10 11 @make_route(‘insert‘) 12 def func2(): 13 print(‘insert‘) 14 15 @make_route(‘update‘) 16 def func3(): 17 print(‘update‘) 18 19 @make_route(‘delete‘) 20 def func4(): 21 print(‘delete‘) 22 23 print(route_dic) 24 25 View Code
九 编写日志装饰器,实现功能如:一旦函数f1执行,则将消息2017-07-21 11:12:11 f1 run写入到日志文件中,日志文件路径可以指定
import time
time.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d %X’)
1 import time,os 2 def auth(logfile): 3 def deco(func): 4 if not os.path.exists(logfile): 5 with open(logfile,‘w‘,encoding = ‘utf-8‘) as f: 6 pass 7 def wrapper(*args,**kwargs): 8 res = func(*args,**kwargs) 9 with open(logfile,‘a‘,encoding = ‘utf-8‘) as f: 10 f.write(‘%s %s run‘%(time.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d %X‘),func.__name__)) 11 return wrapper 12 return deco 13 @auth(‘suhao.txt‘) 14 def index(): 15 print(‘this is my index‘) 16 index() 17 18 View Code
标签:preview 注意 引擎 str 练习题 put art 超过 16px