威胁向量一:伪造的流量,可以用来攻击交换机和控制器。设备错误与恶意用户都可以引发,攻击者可以发起Dos攻击。简单的认证机制可以缓解问题,但如果攻击者控制存储许多用户详细信息的应用服务器,则可以很容易地使用相同的授权端口和源mac地址将授权但伪造的流量注入到网络中。Possible solutions:The use of intrusion detection systems with support for runtime root-cause analysis could help identify abnormal flows.
威胁向量二:攻击交换机上的漏洞,对网络造成恶劣影响。Possible solutions:the use of mechanisms of software attestation, such as autonomic trust management solutions for software components./ mechanisms to monitor and detect abnormal behavior of network devices.
威胁向量三:对控制平面通讯的攻击,可以用来产生Dos攻击或数据窃取。例如,在全世界的关键系统中使用了许多易受中间人攻击的SSL实现[14]。此外,tls/ssl模型不足以建立和确保控制器和交换机之间的信任。信任的缺失可能造成虚拟网络黑洞允许数据泄露。Possible solutions:the use of oligarchic(寡头的) trust models with multiple trust-anchor certication authorities (e.g., one per sub-domain or per controller instance) is a possibility.
威胁向量四:针对控制器漏洞的攻击,可能是SDN中最严重的威胁。控制器出问题可能使整个网络陷入威胁,仅仅使用普通的入侵检测系统可能是不够的,因为可能难以找到触发特定行为的事件的确切组合,并且重要的是给其贴上恶意的标签。Possible solutions:several techniques can be used, such as replication (to detect, remove or mask abnormal behavior), employing diversity (of controllers, protocols, programming languages, software images, etc.), and recovery (periodically refreshing the system to a clean and reliable state). it is also important to secure all the sensitive elements inside the controller (e.g., crypto keys/secrets).
威胁向量五:控制器和管理应用之间缺乏信任机制。 Possible solutions:mechanisms for autonomic trust management could be used to guarantee that the application is trusted during its lifetime.
威胁向量六:攻击管理站点的漏洞。Possible solutions:the use of protocols requiring double credential verication (e.g., requiring the credentials of two different users to access a control server).
威胁向量七:缺乏可信资源用于取证或补救。这能够让我们了解检测到的问题的原因,并继续进行快速和安全的模式恢复。Possible solutions:logging and tracing are the common mechanisms in use, and are needed both in the data and control planes.