标签:print 参数 code %s 作用 exit 函数 files name
1、正常注册 ,示例如下。
def goodbye(name, adjective): print("Goodbye %s, it was %s to meet you."% (name, adjective)) def hello(): print(‘hello world!‘) def a(): print(‘a‘) import atexit atexit.register(goodbye, ‘Donny‘, ‘nice‘) atexit.register(a) hello() # 输出 PS E:\Atom\files\app> python .\ex9_atexit.py hello world! a Goodbye Donny, it was nice to meet you.
import atexit @atexit.register def hello(): print(‘Hello world!‘) # 输出 PS E:\Atom\files\app> python .\ex9_atexit.py Hello world!
3、取消注册, 示例如下。
def goodbye(name, adjective): print("Goodbye %s, it was %s to meet you."% (name, adjective)) def hello(): print(‘hello world!‘) def a(): print(‘a‘) import atexit atexit.register(goodbye, ‘Donny‘, ‘nice‘) atexit.register(a) atexit.register(a) atexit.register(a) hello() atexit.unregister(a) # 输出 PS E:\Atom\files\app> python .\ex9_atexit.py hello world! Goodbye Donny, it was nice to meet you.
标签:print 参数 code %s 作用 exit 函数 files name