标签:style blog http color ar java for 数据 sp
--------------------------------------------- create table Student ( sId int not null primary key, sName varchar(20) not null, sage int, sSex varchar(20) ); insert into Student values (01,"congcong",22,"男"), (02,"bingbing",23,"女"), (03,"fangfang",24,"女"); --------------------------------------- create table Course ( cId int not null primary key, cName varchar(20) not null, tId int not null ); insert into Course values (01,"数据结构",01), (02,"java基础",02), (03,"c++基础",02), (04,"操作系统",03); -------------------------------------------- create table SC ( sId int not null , cId int not null , score int, foreign key (cId) references Course(cId), foreign key (sId) references Student(sId) ) insert into SC values(01,01,98); insert into SC values(01,02,91); insert into SC values(01,03,30); insert into SC values(02,03,80); insert into SC values(02,01,99); insert into SC values(02,02,70); insert into SC values(03,01,66); create table Teacher ( tId int not null primary key, tName int not null ) alter table course add foreign key (tId) references Teacher(tId); alter table Teacher change tName tName varchar(20); insert into Teacher values(01,"张燕"); insert into Teacher values(02,"聪姐"); insert into Teacher values(03,"谢芳");
create view view_test as select s.sId,s.sName,s.sage,s.sSex,sc.cId,c.cName,t.tId,t.tName,sc.score from Student s,sc,Course c,Teacher t where s.sId=sc.sId and sc.cId=c.cId and c.tId=t.tId; select * from view_test;
1、查询“01”课程比“02”课程成绩高的所有学生的学号; select a.sId from (select sId,score from SC where cId=01) a,(select sId,score from SC where cId=02) b where a.score>b.score and a.sId=b.sId; 2、查询平均成绩大于60分的同学的学号和平均成绩; select sId,avg(score) from sc group by sId having avg(score)>60; 3、查询所有同学的学号、姓名、选课数、总成绩; select s.sId,s.sName,count(sc.cId),sum(score) from Student s,sc where s.sId=sc.sId group by s.sId,s.sName; select s.sId,s.sName,count(sc.cId),sum(score) from Student s left outer join sc on s.sId=sc.sId group by s.sId,s.sName; 4、查询姓“聪”的老师的个数; select count(distinct(tName)) from Teacher where tName like "聪%"; 5、查询没学过“谢芳”老师课的同学的学号、姓名; select Student.sId,Student.sName from Student where sId not in (select sc.sId from sc,Course,Teacher where sc.cId=Course.cId and Course.tId=Teacher.tId and Teacher.tName="谢芳" ); 6、查询学过“001”并且也学过编号“002”课程的同学的学号、姓名; select sId,sName from Student where sId in(select sc.sId from sc,Student where cId=01 and sc.sId=Student.sId and sc.sId in (select sc.sId from sc,Student where cId=02 and sc.sId=Student.sId )); select Student.sId,Student.sName from Student,sc where Student.sId=sc.sId and sc.cId=01 and exists(select * from sc as sc_2 where sc_2.sId=sc.sId and sc_2.cId=02); 7、查询学过“聪姐”老师所教的同学的学号、姓名; select distinct s.sId,s.sName from Student s,sc,Course c,Teacher t where t.tName="聪姐" and c.tId=t.tId and c.cId=sc.cId and sc.sId=s.sId; 8、查询课程编号“002”的成绩比课程编号“001”课程低的所有同学的学号、姓名; select result.sId,result.sName from (select s.sId,s.sName,sc.score,(select score from sc sc_2 where sc_2.sId=s.sId and sc_2.cId=02) score2 from Student s,sc where s.sId=sc.sId and sc.cId=01)result where score2<score; 9、查询所有课程成绩小于60分的同学的学号、姓名 select result.sId,result.sName from (select s.sId,s.sName,sc.score from Student s,sc where s.sId=sc.sId and sc.score>60) result; 10、查询没有学全所有课的同学的学号、姓名; select s.sId,s.sName from Student s,sc where s.sId=sc.sId group by s.sId,s.sName having count(sc.cId)<(select count(cId) from Course);
标签:style blog http color ar java for 数据 sp