标签:pytho 直接 反射 分享 style turn *args foo 打印
a. Python中一切事物都是对象
b. class Foo:
obj = Foo()
# obj是对象,Foo类
# Foo类也是一个对象,type的对象
c. 类都是type类的对象 type(..)
“对象”都是以类的对象 类()
d. 类实际上是type类型的对象,所有的类都是Object的子类
# 第一种:类实际上是type类型的对象,所有的类都是Object的子类 Foo = type(‘Foo‘, (object,), {‘func‘: ‘function‘}) # 第二种: class Foo: def func(self): print(123) f = Foo() f.func()
利用metaclass创建类: 必须继承type类,同时init必须传递4个参数过去
必须继承type类 ---代码有误--- class MyType(type): # the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases # 必须给出4个参数 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # __init__() takes 1 positional argument but 4 were given print(‘Mytype创建类对象‘) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): print(‘Mytype的call方法‘) def __new__(self, *args, **kwargs): print(‘Mytype的new方法‘) class Foo(object, metaclass=MyType): def func(self): print(123) # 创建对象后执行init方法 def __new__(self, *args, **kwargs): print(‘Foo的new方法‘) return ‘返回Foo的对象‘ f = Foo() # 调用MyType的__init__方法,Foo是MyType的对象,Foo()会调用MyType的__call__方法 f.func() # Mytype创建类对象,这里是有MyType的 # 123
try: pass except IndentationError as e: pass except ValueError as e: # 小的Exception放在Exception前面 pass except Exception as e: # e是Exception的对象,封装了Exception信息 pass else: # 正常代码正常,则执行else,否则执行else pass finally: pass # 出错不出错,一定要执行的代码
主动触发异常: raise Exception("Sorry")
try: raise Exception("Sorry") except Exception as e: print(e)
class HhH(Exception): def __init__(self, msg): self.message = msg def __str__(self): return self.message # 这里只需要返回就可以了,不能直接打印 try: raise HhH(‘hhh, Wrong‘) except HhH as e: print(e)
assert 比较的内容: 条件成立,则打印XXX,否则报错
assert 1 < 5 print(‘hhh‘)
1. 通过字符串操作对象的成员(方法,字段):
class Foo: def __init__(self, name, age): self.name = name self.age = age def fun(self): print(‘%s-%s‘ % (self.name, self.age)) obj = Foo(‘ftl‘, 23) print(obj.name) b = ‘name‘ print(‘obj.__dict__[b]:‘,obj.__dict__[b]) # 通过字典取值 print("getattr(obj, ‘name‘):",getattr(obj, ‘name‘)) # 通过内置函数getattr取出值 fun = getattr(obj, ‘fun‘) fun() setattr(obj, ‘school‘, ‘xupt‘) print(hasattr(obj, ‘school‘)) print(delattr(obj, ‘school‘))
class Foo(): NAME = ‘ftl‘ def hello(self): print(‘hello‘) print(getattr(Foo, ‘NAME‘)) hello = getattr(Foo(), ‘hello‘) # 取到函数的内存地址 print(hello) print(hello()) # 取到函数的对象
class Foo: __instance = None def __init__(self, name, age): self.age = age self.name = name @classmethod # 静态方法 def get_Instance(cls): if cls.__instance: return cls.__instance else: cls.__instance = Foo(‘hhh‘, 23) return cls.__instance def show(self): print(self.age, self.name) obj = Foo.get_Instance() obj.show()
标签:pytho 直接 反射 分享 style turn *args foo 打印