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时间:2018-08-10 18:00:55      阅读:159      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:调用函数   author   should   sum   append   number   提示   fir   ali   




 1 #!/user/bin/env python
 2 #-*-coding:utf-8 -*-
 3 #Author: qinjiaxi
 4 import random
 5 #一次摇三个骰子并将结果存在列表中
 6 def role_a_dice(number = 3, point = None ):
 7     print(Let\‘s play a game)
 8     if point is None:
 9         point = []
10     while number > 0:
11         point.append(random.randint(1, 6))
12         number -= 1
13     return point
14 #将结果转换成‘大小‘字符串
15 def dice_reslut(total):
16     isBig = 11 <= total <= 18
17     isSmall = 3 <= total <= 10
18     if isBig:
19         return "Big"
20     if isSmall:
21         return  "Small"
22 def start_game(money = 1000):
23     while money > 0:
24         print("-----GAME START-----")
25         choices = [Big, Small]
26         U_choices = input(pls enter your choice:)
27         if U_choices in choices:
28             money_choice = int(input(How much you wanna bet ? -))
29             points = role_a_dice()#调用函数摇骰子得到三个骰子的结果
30             totals = sum(points)#三次结果相加得到最终点数
31             resluts = dice_reslut(totals)#调用函数得到将最终点数转换成字符串
32             if U_choices == resluts:
33                 print(点数是:{}恭喜你猜对了.format(points))
34                 money += money_choice
35                 print(you gain {}, you have:{} now.format(money_choice,money))
36             else:
37                 print(点数是:{}抱歉猜错了.format(points))
38                 money -= money_choice
39                 print(you lost {}, you have:{} now.format(money_choice, money))
40         else:
41             print(Invalid words.)
42             start_game()
43     else:
44         print(GAME OVER)
45 start_game()




 1 !/user/bin/env python
 2 #-*-coding:utf-8 -*-
 3 #Author: qinjiaxi
 5 def verificate_number():
 6     while True:
 7         CN_mobile =[134,135,136,137,138,139,150,151,152,157,158,159,182,183,184,187,188,147,178,1705]
 8         CN_union = [130,131,132,155,156,185,186,145,176,1709]
 9         CN_telecom = [133,153,180,181,189,177,1700]
10         number = input(pls enter your number:)
11         first_three = int(number[0:3])
12         first_four = int(number[0:4])
13         if len(number) == 11:
14             if first_four in CN_mobile or first_three in CN_mobile:
15                 print(operator is china mobile )
16                 print(we\‘re sending verification code via text to your phone {}.format(number))
17                 break
18             elif first_four in CN_union or first_three in CN_union:
19                 print(operator is china union)
20                 print(we\‘re sending verification code via text to your phone {}.format(number))
21                 break
22             elif first_four in CN_telecom or first_three in CN_telecom:
23                 print(operator is china telecom)
24                 print(we\‘re sending verification code via text to your phone {}.format(number))
25                 break
26             else:
27                 print(No such a operator)
28         else:
29             print(Invalid length, your number should be in 11 digits)
30 verificate_number()



标签:调用函数   author   should   sum   append   number   提示   fir   ali   


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