标签:des style blog http io os ar for sp
我很喜欢Python,Python具有强大的扩展能力,我列出了50个很棒的Python模块,包含几乎所有的需要:比如Databases,GUIs,Images, Sound, OS interaction, Web,以及其他。推荐收藏。
Graphical interface |
wxPython |
Graphical interface |
pyGtk |
Graphical interface |
pyQT |
Graphical interface |
Pmw |
Graphical interface |
Tkinter 3000 |
Graphical interface |
Tix |
Database |
MySQLdb |
Database |
PyGreSQL |
Database |
Gadfly |
Database |
SQLAlchemy |
Database |
psycopg |
Database |
kinterbasdb |
Database |
cx_Oracle |
Database |
pySQLite |
MSN Messenger |
msnlib |
MSN Messenger |
pymsn |
MSN Messenger |
msnp |
Network |
Twisted |
Images |
Images |
gdmodule |
Images |
VideoCapture |
Sciences and Maths |
scipy |
Sciences and Maths |
NumPy |
Sciences and Maths |
numarray |
Sciences and Maths |
matplotlib |
Games |
Pygame |
Games |
Pyglet |
Games |
PySoy |
Games |
pyOpenGL |
Jabber |
jabberpy |
Web |
scrape |
Web |
Beautiful Soup |
Web |
pythonweb |
Web |
mechanize |
Localisation |
geoname.py |
Serial port |
pySerial |
Serial port |
Parallel Port |
pyParallel |
USB Port |
pyUSB |
Windows |
ctypes |
Windows |
pywin32 |
Windows |
pywinauto |
Windows |
pyrtf |
Windows |
wmi |
PDA/GSM/Mobiles |
pymo |
PDA/GSM/Mobiles |
pyS60 |
Sound |
pySoundic |
Sound |
pyMedia |
Sound |
Sound |
pyMIDI |
GMail |
libgmail |
pyGoogle |
Expect |
pyExpect |
WordNet |
pyWordNet |
Command line |
cmd |
Compiler backend |
llvm-py |
3D |
VPython |
标签:des style blog http io os ar for sp