标签:where HERE sql rom star bsp div color 用户名
SELECT s.user_name 用户名 , p.full_name 人员 , v.responsibility_name 职责名 , u.end_date 用户失效日期 FROM apps.fnd_user_resp_groups_all u , apps.fnd_responsibility_vl v , apps.fnd_user s , apps.per_all_people_f p , apps.per_all_assignments_f a , apps.hr_all_organization_units h WHERE v.responsibility_id(+) = u.responsibility_id AND s.user_id = u.user_id(+) AND s.employee_id = p.person_id(+) --AND s.end_date IS NULL --AND u.END_DATE IS NULL --and p.effective_end_date > SYSDATE --AND SYSDATE BETWEEN a.effective_start_date AND a.effective_end_date AND s.user_name = ‘ZHAORONG‘ AND p.person_id = a.person_id(+) AND a.organization_id = h.organization_id(+) ORDER BY 1
标签:where HERE sql rom star bsp div color 用户名