标签:次数 思路 分享图片 action spec sed while json ping
因为PHP-Resque 的重试需要自己写,网上又没啥轮子,而且resque也很久不更新了,所以自己研究下resque的源码,然后也借鉴了Laravel的队列重试机制,实现了PHP-Resque的重试机制。阅读resque源码,我们知道,resque把失败的队列的数据都放在了resque:failed列表,数据如下。
* Retry Job
public function actionRetry()
$redis = new Redis(‘redis‘);
while (true) {
$json = $redis->rPop(‘resque:failed‘);
$array = json_decode($json, true);
if ($array) {
$jobArray = $array[‘payload‘];
if ($jobArray[‘attempts‘] < $this->retryTimes) {
\Resque::retry($jobArray, $array[‘queue‘]);
echo "Queued job " . $jobArray[‘id‘] . ‘ has retry!‘ . "\n";
} else {
//stop retry
$redis->lPush(‘resque:failed‘, [$json]);
//take a sleep
echo "*** Sleeping for ".$this->sleep. "\n";
return true;
* retry job and save it to the specified queue.
* @param array $jobArray The attempts of the the job .
* array(
* ‘id‘=> The id of the job
* ‘class‘ => The name of the class that contains the code to execute the job.
* ‘args‘ => Any optional arguments that should be passed when the job is executed.‘‘
* ‘attempts‘=> The retry attempts of the job
* )
* @param string $queue The name of the queue to place the job in.
* @return boolean
public static function retry($jobArray,$queue)
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/Resque/Job.php‘;
$result = Resque_Job::retry($jobArray,$queue);
if ($result) {
Resque_Event::trigger(‘afterEnqueue‘, array(
‘class‘ => $jobArray[‘class‘],
‘args‘ => $jobArray[‘args‘],
‘queue‘ => $queue,
return true;
* retry job and save it to the specified queue.
* *
* @param array $jobArray The data of the job.
* array(
* ‘id‘=> The id of the job
* ‘class‘ => The name of the class that contains the code to execute the job.
* ‘args‘ => Any optional arguments that should be passed when the job is executed.‘‘
* ‘attempts‘=> The retry attempts of the job
* )
* @param string $queue The name of the queue to place the job in.
* @return string
public static function retry($jobArray,$queue)
$args = $jobArray[‘args‘];
if($args !== null && !is_array($args)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
‘Supplied $args must be an array.‘
Resque::push($queue, array(
‘class‘ => $jobArray[‘class‘],
‘args‘ => array($args),
‘id‘ => $jobArray[‘id‘],
return true;
标签:次数 思路 分享图片 action spec sed while json ping