标签:glob letter 装饰器 进制 key shell命令 igp 支付 txt
# 1、logging模块有几个日志级别? logging模块共有5个级别,分别是: DEBUG INFO WARNING ERROR CRITICAL logging的日志可以分为 debug(), info(), warning(), error(){ 美 /‘?r?/ } and critical()5个级别
#2 请配置logging模块,使其在屏幕和文件里同时打印以下格式的日志 #2017-10-18 15:56:26,613 - access - ERROR - account [1234] too many login attempts #将日志同时输出到屏幕和日志文件 import logging #logger提供了应用程序可以直接使用的接口; logger = logging.getLogger(‘access‘) logger.setLevel(level = logging.INFO) #handler将(logger创建的)日志记录发送到合适的目的输出; # FileHandler()输出至文件 handler = logging.FileHandler("log.txt") handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) # StreamHandler()输出至屏幕 console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(logging.ERROR) #增加指定的Handler logger.addHandler(handler) logger.addHandler(console) #formatter决定日志记录的最终输出格式。 formatter = logging.Formatter(‘%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s‘) handler.setFormatter(formatter) #logger.info("Start print log") logger.error("account [1234] too many login attempts") #logger.warning("Something maybe fail.") #logger.info("Finish")
3、json、pickle、shelve三个区别是什么? 首先,这三个模块都是序列化工具。 1. json是所有语言的序列化工具,优点跨语言、体积小.只能序列化一些基本的数据类型。int\str\list\tuple\dict pickle是python语言特有序列化工具,所有数据都能序列化。只能在python中使用,存储数据占空间大. shelve模块是一个简单的k,v(健值对)将内存数据通过文件持久化的模块,可以持久化任何pickle可支持的python数据格式。 2. 使用方式,json和pickle用法一样, shelve是f =shelve.open(‘shelve_test‘)
subprocess.run(*popenargs, input=None, timeout=None, check=False, **kwargs) #官方推荐
subprocess.call(*popenargs, timeout=None, **kwargs) #跟上面实现的内容差不多,另一种写法
subprocess.Popen() #上面各种方法的底层封装
6、为什么要设计好目录结构? 1.可读性高: 不熟悉这个项目的代码的人,一眼就能看懂目录结构,知道程序启动脚本是哪个,测试目录在哪儿,配置文件在哪儿等等。从而非常快速的了解这个项目。 2.可维护性高: 定义好组织规则后,维护者就能很明确地知道,新增的哪个文件和代码应该放在什么目录之下。
7、打印出命令行的第一个参数。例如: python argument.py luffy 打印出 luffy 在脚本里面写入: from sys import argv script,name = argv print(name) 在命令行里输入: 先进入脚本所在目录 D:\> python argument.py luffy 输出 luffy
8、 在当前目录下的D:/Pycharm/demo/LuFei/第二模块/第二章/练习题/argument.py 文件名:/argument.py ‘‘‘ import os # 获取路径名:os.path.dirname() # 获得绝对路径: os.path.abspath() BASE_DIR = os.path.abspath(‘argument.py‘) #文件的绝对路径 BASE_DIR2 = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(‘argument.py‘)) BASE_DIR3 = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(‘argument.py‘))) BASE_DIR4 = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(‘argument.py‘)))) print(BASE_DIR) print(BASE_DIR2) print(BASE_DIR3) print(BASE_DIR4) 打印内容: D:\Pycharm\demo\LuFei\第二模块\第二章\练习题\argument.py D:\Pycharm\demo\LuFei\第二模块\第二章\练习题 D:\Pycharm\demo\LuFei\第二模块\第二章 D:\Pycharm\demo\LuFei\第二模块 打印的内容是什么? os.path.dirname和os.path.abspath含义是什么?
9、通过configparser模块完成以下功能: 文件名my.cnf.ini [DEFAULT] [client] port = 3306 socket = /data/mysql_3306/mysql.sock [mysqld] explicit_defaults_for_timestamp = true port = 3306 socket = /data/mysql_3306/mysql.sock back_log = 80 basedir = /usr/local/mysql tmpdir = /tmp datadir = /data/mysql_3306 default-time-zone = ‘+8:00‘ ----------------------------------------- import configparser config =configparser.ConfigParser() #初始化实例 config.read(‘my.cnf.ini‘)#读取配置文件 print(config.sections())#读取模块名到列表中,也就是[]中的内容 print(config.default_section) >[‘client‘, ‘mysqld‘] # 修改时区 default-time-zone = ‘+8:00‘ 为 校准的全球时间 +00:00 config[‘mysqld‘][‘default-time-zone‘] = ‘+00:00‘ config.write(open(‘my.cnf.ini‘,‘w‘)) # 删除 explicit_defaults_for_timestamp = true config.remove_option(‘mysqld‘,‘explicit_defaults_for_timestamp = true‘) config.write(open(‘my.cnf.ini‘,‘w‘)) # 为DEFAULT增加一条 character-set-server = utf8 config[‘DEFAULT‘][‘character-set-server‘] = ‘utf8‘ config.write(open(‘my.cnf.ini‘,‘w‘)) ---------------------------------------------- 拓展: #读取指定sections内的所有key print(‘se_keys:‘,config.options(‘mysqld‘)) #获取指定sections的配置信息 print(config.items(‘mysqld‘)) #在指定的sections中通过key找出value #通过get print(config.get(‘mysqld‘,‘back_log ‘))
10、写一个6位随机验证码程序(使用random模块),要求验证码中至少包含一个数字、一个小写字母、一个大写字母. def choice(): global ran1,ran2,ran3 ran1 = random.randint(0,9) # randint()头尾都包括 ran2 = chr(random.randint(65,90))# 大写 ran3 = chr(random.randint(97,122))# 小写 def random_num(): global code code = ‘‘ for i in range(3):#生成为3位数的验证码 choice() add = random.choice([ran1,ran2,ran3]) code = ‘‘.join([code,str(add)]) return code import random choice() code2 =‘‘.join([str(ran1),str(ran2),str(ran3)]) random_num() print(‘‘.join([code2,code])) --------------------------------------------------------------- #使用 string模块 # 在大、小写、数字中随机返回6位数 import string,random s = ‘‘.join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 3)) ran1 = random.randint(0,9) # randint()头尾都包括 ran2 = chr(random.randint(65,90))# 大写 ran3 = chr(random.randint(97,122))# 小写 code =‘‘.join([str(ran1),str(ran2),str(ran3)]) print(‘‘.join([code,s]))
11、利用正则表达式提取到 luffycity.com ,内容如下 <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>luffycity.com</title> </head> <body> </body> </html> import re f = open(‘index.html‘,‘r‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) data = f.read() print(re.findall(‘luffycity.com‘,data))
12、写一个用户登录验证程序,文件如下 1234.json {"expire_date": "2021-01-01", "id": 1234, "status": 0, "pay_day": 22, "password": "abc"} 用户名为json文件名,密码为 password。 判断是否过期,与expire_date进行对比。 登陆成功后,打印“登陆成功”,三次登陆失败,status值改为1,并且锁定账号。 import json,time,datetime username = ‘1234.json‘ #首次登入将数据写入文件 # data = {"expire_date": "2020-01-01", "id": 1234, "status": 0, "pay_day": 22, "password": "abc"} # with open(‘1234.json‘,‘r+‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: # file = json.dump(data,f) with open(‘1234.json‘, ‘r+‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f2: file2 = json.load(f2) print(‘请登录用户名、密码进行验证:‘) count = 3 while count > 0: user_name = input(‘name:>‘).strip() pass_word = input(‘password:>‘).strip() if file2[‘status‘] == 1: print(‘该用户已锁定‘) exit() else: time_now = time.strftime(‘%Y-%m-%d‘) d1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(file2[‘expire_date‘], ‘%Y-%m-%d‘) d2 = datetime.datetime.strptime(time_now, ‘%Y-%m-%d‘) if d1 > d2: if user_name == username: if pass_word == file2[‘password‘]: print(‘登录成功‘) exit() else: count -= 1 print(f"您还有{count}次机会输入") if count == 0: file2[‘status‘] = 1 with open(‘1234.json‘, ‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f3: json.dump(file2,f3) break else: print(‘用户名不存在:‘) continue else: print(‘已过期‘) break
13、把第12题三次验证的密码进行hashlib加密处理。即:json文件保存为md5的值,然后用md5的值进行验证。 import hashlib file2 = {"expire_date": "2020-01-01", "id": 1234, "status": 0, "pay_day": 22, "password": "abc"} hash_pass = file2[‘password‘] m5 = hashlib.md5() pass_data= m5.update(b"hash_pass") #print(m5.digest(),type(m5.digest())) #print(m5.hexdigest()) pass_word = input(‘>‘) pass_input = m5.update(b‘pass_word‘) if pass_input == pass_data: print(‘nice‘)
14、最近luffy买了个tesla,通过转账的形式,并且支付了5%的手续费,tesla价格为75万。文件为json,请用程序实现该转账行为。 需求如下: . ├── account │ ├── luffy.json │ └── tesla.json └── bin └── start.py 当执行start.py时,出现交互窗口 ------- Luffy Bank --------- 1. 账户信息 2. 转账 选择1 账户信息 显示luffy的当前账户余额。 选择2 转账 直接扣掉75万和利息费用并且tesla账户增加75万 import json,os,sys #取出当前文件的目录dir,
print(__file__) dir = os.path.abspath(__file__) dir2 = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(dir)) # 取出json文件的绝对路径 file_path1 = dir2 + "\\" + "account" + "\\" + "luffy.json" file_path2 = dir2 + "\\" + "account" + "\\" + "tesla.json" print(""" ------- Luffy Bank --------- 1. 账户信息 2. 转账 """) while True: choice = input(""" 请选择如下序号: 1. 账户信息 2. 转账 q.退出 > """) # 此题前提在luffy 下存入100万 with open(file_path1, ‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: balance = json.load(f) if choice == ‘1‘: print(f‘当前余额:{balance}万‘) continue if choice == ‘2‘: balance = balance - balance*0.05 - 75 tesla_balance = 75 print(f"购买tesla共花费{balance - balance*0.05 - 75},tesla账户增加{tesla_balance}") with open(file_path2,‘w‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f2: json.dump(tesla_balance,f2) with open(file_path1, ‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f3: json.dump(balance, f3) continue elif choice == ‘q‘: exit()
提现: 对上题增加一个需求:提现。 目录结构如下 . ├── account │ └── luffy.json ├── bin │ └── start.py └── core └── withdraw.py 当执行start.py时,出现交互窗口 ------- Luffy Bank --------- 1. 账户信息 2. 提现 选择1 账户信息 显示luffy的当前账户余额和信用额度。 选择2 提现 提现金额应小于等于信用额度,利息为5%,提现金额为用户自定义。 import json,os,sys #取出当前文件的父目录, print(__file__) dir = os.path.abspath(__file__) dir2 = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(dir)) # 取出json文件的绝对路径 file_path1 = dir2 + "\\" + "account" + "\\" + "luffy.json" file_path2 = dir2 + "\\" + "account" + "\\" + "tesla.json" print(""" ------- Luffy Bank --------- 1. 账户信息 2. 提现 """) data = {‘balance‘: 100, ‘credit‘: 50} with open(file_path1, ‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: json.dump(data,f) while True: choice = input(""" 请选择如下序号: 1. 账户信息 2. 提现 q.退出 > """) # 此题前提在luffy 下存入data字典信息 #data = {‘balance‘: 100, ‘credit‘: 50} with open(file_path1, ‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: #json.dump(data,f) balance = json.load(f) if choice == ‘1‘: print(f"当前余额:{balance[‘balance‘]}万,信用额度:{balance[‘credit‘]}万") continue if choice == ‘2‘: withdraw_money = int(input(‘请输入提现金额:‘).strip()) if withdraw_money > balance[‘credit‘]: print(f"提现金额超过信用额度:{balance[‘credit‘]}万,请重新输入") else: balance[‘balance‘] = balance[‘balance‘] - withdraw_money - withdraw_money*0.05 print(f"剩下余额{ balance[‘balance‘]}") with open(file_path1, ‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f2: json.dump(balance, f2) continue elif choice == ‘q‘: exit()
加登装饰器 import json,os,sys #取出当前文件的父目录, print(__file__) dir = os.path.abspath(__file__) dir2 = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(dir)) # 取出json文件的绝对路径 file_path1 = dir2 + "\\" + "account" + "\\" + "luffy.json" file_path2 = dir2 + "\\" + "account" + "\\" + "tesla.json" global withdraw,transfer print(""" ------- Luffy Bank --------- 1. 账户信息 2. 提现 """) # data = {‘balance‘: 100, ‘credit‘: 50} # with open(file_path1, ‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: # json.dump(data,f) user_status = False def login(fun): def inner(*args,**kwargs): user_name = ‘xiao‘ pass_word = ‘123‘ global user_status if user_status == False: username = input(‘user:>‘).strip() password = input(‘password:>‘).strip() if username == user_name and pass_word == password: print(‘welcome login...‘) user_status = True else: print(‘wrong username or passerword‘) if user_status == True: return fun(*args,**kwargs) return inner @login def transfer(): tesla_balance = 75 balance[‘balance‘] = balance[‘balance‘] - tesla_balance * 0.05 - 75 print(f"购买tesla共花费{tesla_balance * 0.05 + 75},tesla账户增加{tesla_balance}") with open(file_path2, ‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f2: json.dump(tesla_balance, f2) with open(file_path1, ‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f3: json.dump(balance, f3) @login def withdraw(): withdraw_money = int(input(‘请输入提现金额:‘).strip()) if withdraw_money > balance[‘credit‘]: print(f"提现金额超过信用额度:{balance[‘credit‘]}万,请重新输入") else: balance[‘balance‘] = balance[‘balance‘] - withdraw_money - withdraw_money*0.05 print(f"剩下余额{ balance[‘balance‘]}") with open(file_path1, ‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f2: json.dump(balance, f2) ---------------------------------主函数----------------------------------------- while True: choice = input(""" 请选择如下序号: 1. 账户信息 2. 提现 3.转账 q.退出 > """) # 此题前提在luffy 下存入data字典信息 # data = {‘balance‘: 100, ‘credit‘: 50} with open(file_path1, ‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: # json.dump(data,f) balance = json.load(f) if choice == ‘1‘: print(f"当前余额:{balance[‘balance‘]}万,信用额度:{balance[‘credit‘]}万") continue if choice == ‘2‘: withdraw() continue if choice == ‘3‘: transfer() continue elif choice == ‘q‘: exit()
加日志功能 对第15题的用户转账、登录、提现操作均通过logging模块记录日志,日志文件位置如下 . ├── account │ └── luffy.json ├── bin │ └── start.py └── core | └── withdraw.py └── logs └── bank.log import json,os,sys #取出当前文件的父目录, print(__file__) dir = os.path.abspath(__file__) dir2 = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(dir)) # 取出json文件的绝对路径 file_path1 = dir2 + "\\" + "account" + "\\" + "luffy.json" file_path2 = dir2 + "\\" + "account" + "\\" + "tesla.json" #bank.logs绝对路径 file_path3 = os.path.dirname(dir)+"\\" + "bank.log" global withdraw,transfer #日志 # 将日志同时输出到屏幕和日志文件 import logging #logger提供了应用程序可以直接使用的接口; logger = logging.getLogger(‘wed‘) logger.setLevel(level = logging.INFO) #handler将(logger创建的)日志记录发送到合适的目的输出; # FileHandler()输出至屏幕 handler = logging.FileHandler(file_path3) handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) #formatter决定日志记录的最终输出格式。 formatter = logging.Formatter(‘%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s‘) handler.setFormatter(formatter) # StreamHandler()输出至屏幕 console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(logging.INFO) #增加指定的Handler logger.addHandler(handler) logger.addHandler(console) print(""" ------- Luffy Bank --------- 1. 账户信息 2. 提现 """) # data = {‘balance‘: 100, ‘credit‘: 50} # with open(file_path1, ‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: # json.dump(data,f) user_status = False def login(fun): def inner(*args,**kwargs): user_name = ‘xiao‘ pass_word = ‘123‘ global user_status if user_status == False: username = input(‘user:>‘).strip() password = input(‘password:>‘).strip() if username == user_name and pass_word == password: logger.info(‘----登录-----‘) print(‘welcome login...‘) user_status = True else: print(‘wrong username or passerword‘) if user_status == True: return fun(*args,**kwargs) return inner @login def transfer(): tesla_balance = 75 balance[‘balance‘] = balance[‘balance‘] - tesla_balance * 0.05 - 75 print(f"购买tesla共花费{tesla_balance * 0.05 + 75},tesla账户增加{tesla_balance}") with open(file_path2, ‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f2: json.dump(tesla_balance, f2) with open(file_path1, ‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f3: json.dump(balance, f3) @login def withdraw(): withdraw_money = int(input(‘请输入提现金额:‘).strip()) if withdraw_money > balance[‘credit‘]: print(f"提现金额超过信用额度:{balance[‘credit‘]}万,请重新输入") else: balance[‘balance‘] = balance[‘balance‘] - withdraw_money - withdraw_money*0.05 print(f"剩下余额{ balance[‘balance‘]}") with open(file_path1, ‘w‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f2: json.dump(balance, f2) while True: choice = input(""" 请选择如下序号: 1. 账户信息 2. 提现 3.转账 q.退出 > """) # 此题前提在luffy 下存入data字典信息 # data = {‘balance‘: 100, ‘credit‘: 50} with open(file_path1, ‘r‘, encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: # json.dump(data,f) balance = json.load(f) if choice == ‘1‘: logger.info(‘----显示账户信息-----‘) print(f"当前余额:{balance[‘balance‘]}万,信用额度:{balance[‘credit‘]}万") continue if choice == ‘2‘: logger.info(‘----提现-----‘) print() withdraw() continue if choice == ‘3‘: logger.info(‘----转账-----‘) transfer() continue elif choice == ‘q‘: exit()
标签:glob letter 装饰器 进制 key shell命令 igp 支付 txt