标签:多个 方法 result rgs turn RoCE sed port col
Python 3.4+的concurrent库用于多线程、并发编程,抽象层次高,使用方便。用得最多的是concurrent里面的futures类,futures又有ThreadPoolExecutor和ProcessPoolExcutor两个子类,前者用于多线程,后者用于多进程。
from concurrent import futures import time def f(x): return x*(8-x) def test_func(n): print(f"{n} starts!") for i in range(n): time.sleep(0.5) return f"n = {n} completed!" def test(max_workers=4): with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers) as executor: list1 = [ f(x) for x in range(1, max_workers+1)] # it is a iterator of results. it = executor.map(test_func, list1) print(it) for x in it: print(x) if __name__ == "__main__": m_workers = 6 test(m_workers)
7 starts! 12 starts! 15 starts! 16 starts! 15 starts! 12 starts! <generator object Executor.map.<locals>.result_iterator at 0x000002093367AA98> n = 7 completed! n = 12 completed! n = 15 completed! n = 16 completed! n = 15 completed! n = 12 completed!
上面反映出迭代器it是依照线程启动的顺序来迭代结果的,而非线程完成的先后顺序。it中的元素是各个线程(函数)返回的结果。在实际的运行过程中,it是逐渐等待线程完成(n = 7 - 16),然后几乎是同时把剩下的结果都打印出来。这说明前面(n = 7 ~ 16)的过程是阻塞的,而后面部分的线程已经全部执行完毕,没有阻塞。
那么当len(list1) > max_workers的时候呢?稍微修改程序:list1 = [ f(x) for x in range(1, max_workers+10)。程序执行结果如下:
7 starts! 12 starts! 15 starts! 16 starts! 15 starts! 12 starts! <generator object Executor.map.<locals>.result_iterator at 0x0000029134D25A40> # print(it) 7 starts! n = 7 completed! # 开始打印结果了,然而还有线程刚开始 0 starts! n = 12 completed! # 阻塞 -9 starts! -20 starts! -33 starts! -48 starts! -65 starts! -84 starts! -105 starts! n = 15 completed! n = 16 completed! n = 15 completed! n = 12 completed! n = 7 completed! n = 0 completed! n = -9 completed! n = -20 completed! n = -33 completed! n = -48 completed! n = -65 completed! n = -84 completed! n = -105 completed!
.submit(func, *args)接受一个参数,*args的内容作为这个函数的参数,返回一个future对象。
def test_2(max_workers=4): with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers) as executor: list1 = [f(x) for x in range(1, max_workers+1)] it_ls = [] for x in list1: future = executor.submit(test_func, x) # 返回一个future it_ls.append(future) done_iter = futures.as_completed(it_ls) # as_completed()返回迭代器 print(done_iter) for x in done_iter: # x是future对象 print(x.result())
7 starts! 12 starts! 15 starts! 16 starts! 15 starts! 12 starts! <generator object as_completed at 0x0000028AD6B79990> n = 7 completed! n = 12 completed! n = 12 completed! n = 15 completed! n = 15 completed! n = 16 completed!
标签:多个 方法 result rgs turn RoCE sed port col