标签:div max == 解析json this date font ora substr
// Copyright ? 2013-2017 David Caldwell <david@porkrind.org> // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY // SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES // WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN // CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. // Usage // ----- // The module exports one entry point, the `renderjson()` function. It takes in // the JSON you want to render as a single argument and returns an HTML // element. // // Options // ------- // renderjson.set_icons("+", "-") // This Allows you to override the disclosure icons. // // renderjson.set_show_to_level(level) // Pass the number of levels to expand when rendering. The default is 0, which // starts with everything collapsed. As a special case, if level is the string // "all" then it will start with everything expanded. // // renderjson.set_max_string_length(length) // Strings will be truncated and made expandable if they are longer than // `length`. As a special case, if `length` is the string "none" then // there will be no truncation. The default is "none". // // renderjson.set_sort_objects(sort_bool) // Sort objects by key (default: false) // // renderjson.set_replacer(replacer_function) // Equivalent of JSON.stringify() `replacer` argument when it‘s a function // // renderjson.set_property_list(property_list) // Equivalent of JSON.stringify() `replacer` argument when it‘s an array // // Theming // ------- // The HTML output uses a number of classes so that you can theme it the way // you‘d like: // .disclosure ("⊕", "?") // .syntax (",", ":", "{", "}", "[", "]") // .string (includes quotes) // .number // .boolean // .key (object key) // .keyword ("null", "undefined") // .object.syntax ("{", "}") // .array.syntax ("[", "]") var module, window, define, renderjson=(function() { var themetext = function(/* [class, text]+ */) { var spans = []; while (arguments.length) spans.push(append(span(Array.prototype.shift.call(arguments)), text(Array.prototype.shift.call(arguments)))); return spans; }; var append = function(/* el, ... */) { var el = Array.prototype.shift.call(arguments); for (var a=0; a<arguments.length; a++) if (arguments[a].constructor == Array) append.apply(this, [el].concat(arguments[a])); else el.appendChild(arguments[a]); return el; }; var prepend = function(el, child) { el.insertBefore(child, el.firstChild); return el; } var isempty = function(obj, pl) { var keys = pl || Object.keys(obj); for (var i in keys) if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, keys[i])) return false; return true; } var text = function(txt) { return document.createTextNode(txt) }; var div = function() { return document.createElement("div") }; var span = function(classname) { var s = document.createElement("span"); if (classname) s.className = classname; return s; }; var A = function A(txt, classname, callback) { var a = document.createElement("a"); if (classname) a.className = classname; a.appendChild(text(txt)); a.href = ‘#‘; a.onclick = function(e) { callback(); if (e) e.stopPropagation(); return false; }; return a; }; function _renderjson(json, indent, dont_indent, show_level, options) { var my_indent = dont_indent ? "" : indent; var disclosure = function(open, placeholder, close, type, builder) { var content; var empty = span(type); var show = function() { if (!content) append(empty.parentNode, content = prepend(builder(), A(options.hide, "disclosure", function() { content.style.display="none"; empty.style.display="inline"; } ))); content.style.display="inline"; empty.style.display="none"; }; append(empty, A(options.show, "disclosure", show), themetext(type+ " syntax", open), A(placeholder, null, show), themetext(type+ " syntax", close)); var el = append(span(), text(my_indent.slice(0,-1)), empty); if (show_level > 0 && type != "string") show(); return el; }; if (json === null) return themetext(null, my_indent, "keyword", "null"); if (json === void 0) return themetext(null, my_indent, "keyword", "undefined"); if (typeof(json) == "string" && json.length > options.max_string_length) return disclosure(‘"‘, json.substr(0,options.max_string_length)+" ...", ‘"‘, "string", function () { return append(span("string"), themetext(null, my_indent, "string", JSON.stringify(json))); }); if (typeof(json) != "object" || [Number, String, Boolean, Date].indexOf(json.constructor) >= 0) // Strings, numbers and bools return themetext(null, my_indent, typeof(json), JSON.stringify(json)); if (json.constructor == Array) { if (json.length == 0) return themetext(null, my_indent, "array syntax", "[]"); return disclosure("[", " ... ", "]", "array", function () { var as = append(span("array"), themetext("array syntax", "[", null, "\n")); for (var i=0; i<json.length; i++) append(as, _renderjson(options.replacer.call(json, i, json[i]), indent+" ", false, show_level-1, options), i != json.length-1 ? themetext("syntax", ",") : [], text("\n")); append(as, themetext(null, indent, "array syntax", "]")); return as; }); } // object if (isempty(json, options.property_list)) return themetext(null, my_indent, "object syntax", "{}"); return disclosure("{", "...", "}", "object", function () { var os = append(span("object"), themetext("object syntax", "{", null, "\n")); for (var k in json) var last = k; var keys = options.property_list || Object.keys(json); if (options.sort_objects) keys = keys.sort(); for (var i in keys) { var k = keys[i]; if (!(k in json)) continue; append(os, themetext(null, indent+" ", "key", ‘"‘+k+‘"‘, "object syntax", ‘: ‘), _renderjson(options.replacer.call(json, k, json[k]), indent+" ", true, show_level-1, options), k != last ? themetext("syntax", ",") : [], text("\n")); } append(os, themetext(null, indent, "object syntax", "}")); return os; }); } var renderjson = function renderjson(json) { var options = Object.assign({}, renderjson.options); options.replacer = typeof(options.replacer) == "function" ? options.replacer : function(k,v) { return v; }; var pre = append(document.createElement("pre"), _renderjson(json, "", false, options.show_to_level, options)); pre.className = "renderjson"; return pre; } renderjson.set_icons = function(show, hide) { renderjson.options.show = show; renderjson.options.hide = hide; return renderjson; }; renderjson.set_show_to_level = function(level) { renderjson.options.show_to_level = typeof level == "string" && level.toLowerCase() === "all" ? Number.MAX_VALUE : level; return renderjson; }; renderjson.set_max_string_length = function(length) { renderjson.options.max_string_length = typeof length == "string" && length.toLowerCase() === "none" ? Number.MAX_VALUE : length; return renderjson; }; renderjson.set_sort_objects = function(sort_bool) { renderjson.options.sort_objects = sort_bool; return renderjson; }; renderjson.set_replacer = function(replacer) { renderjson.options.replacer = replacer; return renderjson; }; renderjson.set_property_list = function(prop_list) { renderjson.options.property_list = prop_list; return renderjson; }; // Backwards compatiblity. Use set_show_to_level() for new code. renderjson.set_show_by_default = function(show) { renderjson.options.show_to_level = show ? Number.MAX_VALUE : 0; return renderjson; }; renderjson.options = {}; renderjson.set_icons(‘⊕‘, ‘?‘); renderjson.set_show_by_default(true); renderjson.set_sort_objects(false); renderjson.set_max_string_length("none"); renderjson.set_replacer(void 0); renderjson.set_property_list(void 0); return renderjson; })(); // if (define) define({renderjson:renderjson}) // else (module||{}).exports = (window||{}).renderjson = renderjson; export default renderjson;
.renderjson a { text-decoration: none; } .renderjson .disclosure { color: crimson; font-size: 100%; } .renderjson .syntax { color: grey; } .renderjson .string { color: darkred; } .renderjson .number { color: darkcyan; } .renderjson .boolean { color: blueviolet; } .renderjson .key { color: darkblue; } .renderjson .keyword { color: blue; } .renderjson .object.syntax { color: lightseagreen; } .renderjson .array.syntax { color: orange; }
import React from "react"; import renderjson from "./renderJson.js"; import "./renderjson.css"; export default class RenderJson extends React.Component { componentDidMount() { const json = renderjson(JSON.parse(this.props.json)); this.refs.dom.innerHTML = ‘‘; this.refs.dom.appendChild(json); } render() { return <div ref="dom" />; } }
标签:div max == 解析json this date font ora substr