标签:代码 result bottom tin name sel sele isp const
<div class="m-table"> <el-table :data="logs" style="width: 100%" stripe height="calc(100% - 60px)" @sort-change="sortChange" :header-cell-style="{ ‘background-color‘: ‘#fafafa‘, ‘color‘: ‘rgb(103, 194, 58)‘, ‘border-bottom‘: ‘1px rgba(103, 194, 58, 0.43) solid‘ }" :default-sort = "{prop: ‘operatetime‘, order: ‘descending‘}"> <el-table-column type="expand"> <template slot-scope="props"> <el-form label-position="left" inline class="demo-table-expand2"> <el-form-item label="账号(md5)"> <span>{{ props.row.account }}</span> </el-form-item><br/> <el-form-item label="目标链接"> <div>{{ props.row.url }}</div> </el-form-item> <el-form-item label="提交内容"> <div style="white-space: initial; width: calc(100% - 90px)">{{ props.row.post }}</div> </el-form-item> </el-form> </template> </el-table-column> <el-table-column label="用户昵称" prop="nickname" sortable :header-align="table_align" :align="table_align"></el-table-column> <el-table-column label="操作类型" prop="type" sortable="custom" :header-align="table_align" :align="table_align"></el-table-column> <!--<el-table-column label="目标链接" prop="url" sortable :header-align="table_align" :align="table_align"></el-table-column>--> <el-table-column label="操作时间" prop="operatetime" sortable :header-align="table_align" :align="table_align"></el-table-column> <el-table-column label="序号" type="index" width="50"></el-table-column> </el-table> </div> <el-pagination @size-change="handleSizeChange" @current-change="handleCurrentChange" :current-page="currentPage" :page-sizes="[10, 20, 30, 50]" :page-size="currentSize" layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper" :total="total"></el-pagination> </div>
data () { return { currentPage: 1, currentSize: 10, total: 0, table_align: ‘left‘, logs: [], logType: ‘‘, logTypes: [], timeRange: [], keyStr: ‘‘, order: ‘desc‘, orderProp: ‘operatetime‘, times: [ {value: 1, unit: ‘小时‘}, {value: 3, unit: ‘小时‘}, {value: 6, unit: ‘小时‘}, {value: 12, unit: ‘小时‘}, {value: 1, unit: ‘天‘}, {value: 3, unit: ‘天‘}, {value: 7, unit: ‘天‘}, {value: 1, unit: ‘月‘}, {value: 3, unit: ‘月‘}, ], pickerOptions: { shortcuts: [] } } }, methods:{ getFilter(){ let filters = [] if(this.logType !== ‘‘) filters.push({ prop: [‘url‘], type: ‘and‘, operator: ‘like‘, value: this.logType }) if(this.keyStr !== ‘‘) filters.push({ prop: [‘nickname‘, ‘post‘], type: ‘or‘, operator: ‘like‘, value: this.keyStr }) if(this.timeRange.length===2) filters.push({ prop: ‘operatetime‘, operator: ‘between‘, value: this.timeRange }) return JSON.stringify(filters) }, getData(page){ if(page) this.currentPage = page let obj = { page: page || this.currentPage, size: this.currentSize, filters: this.getFilter(), order: this.order, orderProp: this.orderProp } this.$http.post(BASE_URL+‘log/list‘, obj, {emulateJSON: true}).then((response) => { this.logs = response.data.data this.total = response.data.total this.logs.forEach(log=>{ log.type = ‘‘ for(let i in LOG.type){ if(log.url.indexOf(i)>=0) log.type += LOG.type[i] } log.operatetime = TIME_FORMATE(log.operatetime) if(log.nickname===null) log.nickname=‘--‘ if(log.account===null) log.account=‘--‘ }) }, (response) => { // error callback }); }, handleSizeChange(size){ this.currentSize = size this.getData(1) }, handleCurrentChange(page){ this.currentPage = page this.getData() }, sortChange(column){ if(column.prop === ‘type‘) column.prop = ‘url‘ switch (column.order){ case ‘ascending‘: this.order = ‘asc‘; break case ‘descending‘: this.order = ‘desc‘; break default: this.order = ‘‘ } this.orderProp = column.prop this.getData(1) }, initTypeSelector(){ this.logTypes = [] for(let i in LOG.type){ this.logTypes.push({ label: LOG.type[i], value: i }) } }, selectInit(){ this.logType = ‘‘ this.timeRange = [] this.keyStr = ‘‘ this.getData(1) }, createTimes(){ this.pickerOptions.shortcuts = [{ text: ‘清除时间‘, onClick(picker) { picker.$emit(‘pick‘, []); } }] this.times.forEach(t=>{ this.pickerOptions.shortcuts.push({ text: ‘最近‘+TOCN(t.value)+t.unit, onClick(picker) { const end = new Date(); const start = new Date(); start.setTime(start.getTime() - t.value*TIMETYPE[t.unit]); picker.$emit(‘pick‘, [start, end]); } }) }) } }, created(){ this.createTimes() this.initTypeSelector() this.getData() }
@app.route(‘/log/list‘, methods=[‘POST‘, ‘OPTIONS‘]) @loginCheck def list_log(): if request.method == ‘POST‘: page = int(request.form[‘page‘]) size = int(request.form[‘size‘]) condition = parseFilters(request) order = parseOrder(request) dbsession = DBSession() sql_str = ‘‘‘SELECT T2.* from( SELECT T.*, rownum RN FROM( SELECT * FROM v_log where %s %s )T) T2 WHERE RN BETWEEN :rowBegin and :rowEnd ‘‘‘%(condition, order) print sql_str logs = dbsession.execute(sql_str, { ‘rowBegin‘: (page-1)*size+1, ‘rowEnd‘: page*size }) total = dbsession.execute(‘select count(*) from v_log where %s‘ %condition).first()[0] dbsession.close() return jsonify({‘result‘: ‘1‘, ‘data‘: [{ ‘account‘: log.account, ‘nickname‘: log.nickname, ‘url‘: log.url, ‘post‘: log.post, ‘operatetime‘: log.operatetime } for log in logs], ‘total‘: total}) return jsonify({‘result‘: ‘1‘}) 后台管理,就没考虑sql注入,写的比较烂
def parseFilters(request):#解析页面传过来的各种条件 filters = request.form[‘filters‘] sqlStr = ‘1=1 ‘ filters = json.loads(filters) for f in filters: if f[‘operator‘] == ‘between‘:#特殊处理,接收时间 timeStr = "to_date(‘%s‘,‘yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss‘)" sqlStr += "and %s between %s and %s" %(f[‘prop‘], timeStr%f[‘value‘][0], timeStr%f[‘value‘][1]) elif f[‘operator‘] == ‘like‘: temp = ‘1=1‘ if f[‘type‘] == ‘and‘ else ‘1=2‘ for prop in f[‘prop‘]: temp += " %s %s like ‘%%%s%%‘"% (f[‘type‘], prop, f[‘value‘]) sqlStr += ‘and (%s)‘%temp elif f[‘operator‘] in [‘=‘, ‘>‘, ‘<‘]: temp = ‘1=1‘ if f[‘type‘] == ‘and‘ else ‘1=2‘ for prop in f[‘prop‘]: temp += " %s %s %s ‘%s‘" %(f[‘typo‘], prop, f[‘operator‘], f[‘value‘]) sqlStr += ‘and (%s)‘ % temp return sqlStr def parseOrder(request): order = request.form[‘order‘] orderProp = request.form[‘orderProp‘] if order==‘‘: return ‘‘ else: return ‘order by %s %s‘%(orderProp, order)
标签:代码 result bottom tin name sel sele isp const