标签:sha 继承 函数 结果 may python面向对 abstract orm error
#类定义 class people: #定义基本属性 name = ‘‘ age = 0 #定义私有属性,私有属性在类外部无法直接进行访问 __weight = 0 #定义构造方法 def __init__(self,n,a,w): self.name = n self.age = a self.__weight = w def speak(self): print("%s 说: 我 %d 岁。" %(self.name,self.age)) #单继承示例 class student(people): grade = ‘‘ def __init__(self,n,a,w,g): #调用父类的构函 people.__init__(self,n,a,w) self.grade = g #覆写父类的方法 def speak(self): print("%s 说: 我 %d 岁了,我在读 %d 年级"%(self.name,self.age,self.grade)) s = student(‘ken‘,10,60,3) s.speak()
ken 说: 我 10 岁了,我在读 3 年级
#类定义 class people: #定义基本属性 name = ‘‘ age = 0 #定义私有属性,私有属性在类外部无法直接进行访问 __weight = 0 #定义构造方法 def __init__(self,n,a,w): self.name = n self.age = a self.__weight = w def speak(self): print("%s 说: 我 %d 岁。" %(self.name,self.age)) #单继承示例 class student(people): grade = ‘‘ def __init__(self,n,a,w,g): #调用父类的构函 people.__init__(self,n,a,w) self.grade = g #覆写父类的方法 def speak(self): print("%s 说: 我 %d 岁了,我在读 %d 年级"%(self.name,self.age,self.grade)) #另一个类,多重继承之前的准备 class speaker(): topic = ‘‘ name = ‘‘ def __init__(self,n,t): self.name = n self.topic = t def speak(self): print("我叫 %s,我是一个演说家,我演讲的主题是 %s"%(self.name,self.topic)) #多重继承 class sample(speaker,student): a =‘‘ def __init__(self,n,a,w,g,t): student.__init__(self,n,a,w,g) speaker.__init__(self,n,t) test = sample("Tim",25,80,4,"Python") test.speak() #方法名同,默认调用的是在括号中排前地父类的方法
class Student(object): def __init__(self, name, score): self.name = name self.score = score May = Student("May",90) # 须要提供两个属性 Peter = Student("Peter",85) print(May.name, May.score) print(Peter.name, Peter.score) def print_score(Student): # 外部函数 print_score(Student) # print("%s‘s score is: %d" %(Student.name,Student.score)) # 普通 print 写法 print("{0}‘s score is: {1}".format(Student.name,Student.score)) print_score(May) print_score(Peter)
class Animal(object): def __init__(self, name): # Constructor of the class self.name = name def talk(self): raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must implement abstract method") class Cat(Animal): def talk(self): print(‘%s: 喵喵喵!‘ %self.name) class Dog(Animal): def talk(self): print(‘%s: 汪!汪!汪!‘ %self.name) def func(obj): #一个接口,多种形态 obj.talk() c1 = Cat(‘毛毛‘) d1 = Dog(‘灰灰‘) func(c1) func(d1)
标签:sha 继承 函数 结果 may python面向对 abstract orm error