标签:java数据结构和算法 数据结构 算法 栈
public class Stack { private int array[]; private int max; private int top; public Stack(int max){ this.max = max; array = new int[max]; top = 0; } public void push(int value){ if(isFull()){ System.out.println("full,can not insert"); return; } array[top++]=value; } public int pop(){ return array[--top]; } public boolean isEmpty(){ if(top == 0){ return true; } return false; } public boolean isFull(){ if(top == max ){ return true; } return false; } public void display(){ while(!isEmpty()){ System.out.println(pop()); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Stack s = new Stack(5); s.push(1); s.push(3); s.push(5); s.push(5); s.push(5); s.display(); } }其实还是觉得设置top为-1好计算一点,记住这里的i++和++i,如果i=1,那么array[i++]=2,指的是array[1]=2,下次用到i的时候i的值才会变2,而++i就是直接使用i=2。
5 5 5 3 1
public String reverse(String in){ String out=""; for (int i = 0; i < in.length(); i++) { char c = in.charAt(i); push(c); } while(!isEmpty()){ out+=pop(); } return out; } public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in); String string = s.nextLine(); Stack st = new Stack(string.length()); System.out.println(st.reverse(string)); }将Stack的数组类型改为char即可。
public static void main(String[] args) { InputStreamReader is = new InputStreamReader(System.in); BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(is); String string=""; try { string = b.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Stack st = new Stack(string.length()); System.out.println(st.reverse(string)); }
public int charat(char c){ for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if(c == array[i]) return i; } return array.length; } public void match(String in){ String out=""; for (int i = 0; i < in.length(); i++) { char c = in.charAt(i); if(c == '{' || c == '(' || c == '[' ){ push(c); } if(c == '}' || c == ')' || c == ']'){ char temp = pop(); if(c == '}' && temp != '{'|| c == ')' && temp != '('|| c == ']' && temp != ']'){ System.out.println("can not match in "+i); } } } while(!isEmpty()){ char c = pop(); if(c == '{'){ System.out.println("insert } to match "+charat(c)); } if(c == '[' ){ System.out.println("insert ] to match "+charat(c)); } if(c == '(' ){ System.out.println("insert ) to match "+charat(c)); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in); String string = s.nextLine(); Stack st = new Stack(string.length()); st.match(string); } result: klsjdf(klj{lkjjsdf{) can not match in 19 insert } to match 1 insert ) to match 0
标签:java数据结构和算法 数据结构 算法 栈