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时间:2018-09-06 19:52:21      阅读:293      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:特殊字符   imp   sha   dir   switch   __name__   col   中文目录   class   



 1 # coding:utf-8
 2 import ftplib
 3 import logging
 4 import traceback
 6 def ftpLogin():
 7     lasterr = None
 8     for i in range(3):
 9         try:
10             ftp = ftplib.FTP()
11             ftp.connect(
12                 host=xx.xx.xx.xx,
13                 port=21,
14                 timeout=3
15             )
16             ftp.login(
17                 user=xxx,
18                 passwd=xxx
19             )
20             return ftp
21         except Exception:
22             lasterr = traceback.format_exc()
23     print error except when ftp connect, err: %s % lasterr)
24     return None
26 def ftpCwd(ftp=None, path=/):
27     try:
28         ftp.cwd(path)
29         return True
30     except Exception:
31         try:
32             ftp.mkd(path)
33             ftp.cwd(path)
34             return True
35         except ftplib.error_perm:
36             print error except when ftp cwd, err: %s % traceback.format_exc()
37     return False
39 def ftpUpfile(ftp=None, srcpath=None, dstfile=None):
40     bufsize = 1024
41     try:
42         with open(srcpath, rb) as fp:
43             cmd = STOR  + dstfile
44             ftp.storbinary(cmd, fp, bufsize)
45             ftp.close()
46             return True
47     except Exception:
48         print error except when ftp put file,err: %s % traceback.format_exc()
49     return False
51 if __name__ == __main__:
52     file = a.txt
53     ftp = ftpLogin()
54     ftp.set_debuglevel(2)
55     ftp.set_pasv(0)
56     if ftp is not None:
57         cwd = ftpCwd(ftp=ftp, path=aa)
58         if cwd:
59             ret = ftpUpfile(ftp=ftp, srcpath=file, dstfile=file)
60             if ret:
61                 logging.info(put file success)
62         ftp.close()


ftp debug内容:

*cmd* CWD aa
*put* CWD aa\r\n
*get* 250 Directory successfully changed.\r\n
*resp* 250 Directory successfully changed.
*cmd* TYPE I
*put* TYPE I\r\n
*get* 200 Switching to Binary mode.\r\n
*resp* 200 Switching to Binary mode.
*cmd* PORT 10,10,4,48,237,115
*put* PORT 10,10,4,48,237,115\r\n
*get* 200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.\r\n
*resp* 200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
*cmd* STOR 1535340773614_\xe4\xb8\xb9\xe4\xb8\x9c_ _0_0_\xe6\x89\x93\xe7\x94\xb5\xe8\xaf\x9d_02_\xe9\x84\x82AW0613_1_SM_000006_1_1_ _ .jpg
*put* STOR 1535340773614_\xe4\xb8\xb9\xe4\xb8\x9c_ _0_0_\xe6\x89\x93\xe7\x94\xb5\xe8\xaf\x9d_02_\xe9\x84\x82AW0613_1_SM_000006_1_1_ _ .jpg\r\n
*get* 150 Ok to send data.\r\n
*resp* 150 Ok to send data.
*get* 226 Transfer complete.\r\n
*resp* 226 Transfer complete.




# python 日志
2018-09-06 17:49:05,794 pushProcess.py[line:76] ERROR error except when ftp put file,err: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/seemmo/tongliao_push/seemmo/business/pushProcess.py", line 72, in ftpUpfile
    ftp.storbinary(cmd, fp, bufsize)
  File "/home/seemmo/share/python/python-2.6/Lib/ftplib.py", line 452, in storbinary
    conn = self.transfercmd(cmd)
  File "/home/seemmo/share/python/python-2.6/Lib/ftplib.py", line 360, in transfercmd
    return self.ntransfercmd(cmd, rest)[0]
  File "/home/seemmo/share/python/python-2.6/Lib/ftplib.py", line 344, in ntransfercmd
    resp = self.sendcmd(cmd)
  File "/home/seemmo/share/python/python-2.6/Lib/ftplib.py", line 243, in sendcmd
    return self.getresp()
  File "/home/seemmo/share/python/python-2.6/Lib/ftplib.py", line 218, in getresp
    raise error_perm, resp
error_perm: 550 1536225485000_?¤§?1?é??é€?623KM+600M ?”±?????‘è¥?_ _0_0_??a?3???‰?…¨??|_02_è??ALN838_1_SM_000006_1_2_ _ .jpg: Cannot create file.

# ftp debug
*cmd* CWD \xe6\x89\x93\xe7\x94\xb5\xe8\xaf\x9d
*put* CWD \xe6\x89\x93\xe7\x94\xb5\xe8\xaf\x9d\r\n
*get* 250 Directory changed to /\xe6\x89\x93\xe7\x94\xb5\xe8\xaf\x9d\\\r\n
*resp* 250 Directory changed to /\xe6\x89\x93\xe7\x94\xb5\xe8\xaf\x9d\\
*cmd* TYPE I
*put* TYPE I\r\n
*get* 200 Type set to I.\r\n
*resp* 200 Type set to I.
*cmd* PORT 10,102,167,241,161,167
*put* PORT 10,102,167,241,161,167\r\n
*get* 200 PORT Command successful.\r\n
*resp* 200 PORT Command successful.
*cmd* STOR 1536225052000_G45\xe9\xab\x98\xe9\x80\x9f479KM 100M\xe7\x94\xb1\xe4\xb8\x9c\xe5\x90\x91\xe8\xa5\xbf_ _0_0_\xe6\x89\x93\xe7\x94\xb5\xe8\xaf\x9d_02_\xe8\xbe\xbdA382KU_1_SM_000006_1_1_ _ .jpg
*put* STOR 1536225052000_G45\xe9\xab\x98\xe9\x80\x9f479KM 100M\xe7\x94\xb1\xe4\xb8\x9c\xe5\x90\x91\xe8\xa5\xbf_ _0_0_\xe6\x89\x93\xe7\x94\xb5\xe8\xaf\x9d_02_\xe8\xbe\xbdA382KU_1_SM_000006_1_1_ _ .jpg\r\n
*get* 550 1536225052000_G45\xe9\xab\x98\xe9\x80\x9f479KM 100M\xe7\x94\xb1\xe4\xb8\x9c\xe5\x90\x91\xe8\xa5\xbf_ _0_0_\xe6\x89\x93\xe7\x94\xb5\xe8\xaf\x9d_02_\xe8\xbe\xbdA382KU_1_SM_000006_1_1_ _ .jpg: Cannot create file.\r\n
*resp* 550 1536225052000_G45\xe9\xab\x98\xe9\x80\x9f479KM 100M\xe7\x94\xb1\xe4\xb8\x9c\xe5\x90\x91\xe8\xa5\xbf_ _0_0_\xe6\x89\x93\xe7\x94\xb5\xe8\xaf\x9d_02_\xe8\xbe\xbdA382KU_1_SM_000006_1_1_ _ .jpg: Cannot create file.



标签:特殊字符   imp   sha   dir   switch   __name__   col   中文目录   class   


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