标签:create sub 2.0 return php default exists uniqid ret
function guid( $opt = true ){ // Set to true/false as your default way to do this.
if( function_exists(‘com_create_guid‘) ){
if( $opt ){ return com_create_guid(); }
else { return trim( com_create_guid(), ‘{}‘ ); }
else {
mt_srand( (double)microtime() * 10000 ); // optional for php 4.2.0 and up.
$charid = strtoupper( md5(uniqid(rand(), true)) );
$hyphen = chr( 45 ); // "-"
$left_curly = $opt ? chr(123) : ""; // "{"
$right_curly = $opt ? chr(125) : ""; // "}"
$uuid = $left_curly
. substr( $charid, 0, 8 ) . $hyphen
. substr( $charid, 8, 4 ) . $hyphen
. substr( $charid, 12, 4 ) . $hyphen
. substr( $charid, 16, 4 ) . $hyphen
. substr( $charid, 20, 12 )
. $right_curly;
return $uuid;
标签:create sub 2.0 return php default exists uniqid ret