标签:ase 版本 otf erp 复杂 cas username char color
select * from user_astatus_map;
select * from user_astatus_map; STATUS# STATUS ---------- -------------------------------- 0 OPEN 1 EXPIRED 2 EXPIRED(GRACE) 4 LOCKED(TIMED) 8 LOCKED 5 EXPIRED & LOCKED(TIMED) 6 EXPIRED(GRACE) & LOCKED(TIMED) 9 EXPIRED & LOCKED 10 EXPIRED(GRACE) & LOCKED
2.1)在oracle 10g, 密码记录在sys.user$.PASSWORD列,其长度为16字符,且不区分大小写;
2.2)在oracle 11g版本后,其复杂度得到了加强,将密码同时写入到sys.user$.spare4列,并且sys.user$.spare4对大小敏感。
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_refpwd increment by 1 start with 1 nomaxvalue nocycle nocache;
create table tb_refpwd_log( id number not null, -- 引用seq_refpwd.nextval oper_time date, -- 记录操作时间 oper_command varchar2(1000) -- 记录操作命令内容 );
declare v_datetime varchar2(12) := to_char(sysdate, ‘yyyymmddHH24MI‘); v_tbname varchar2(32) := trim(concat(‘tb_userpwd_‘, v_datetime)); -- 备份表名称 v_pf_sql varchar2(1000) := ‘create profile temp_profile limit PASSWORD_REUSE_MAX UNLIMITED PASSWORD_REUSE_TIME UNLIMITED‘; -- 构造创建profile语句 v_sql varchar2(1000); TYPE RECORD_TYPE_USERS IS RECORD( v_username sys.user$.name%TYPE, v_user_pwd VARCHAR2(1000), v_profile VARCHAR2(30), v_status sys.user$.ASTATUS%TYPE); user_rec RECORD_TYPE_USERS; cursor c_pwd_cursor is select t2.name, case trim(t1.password_versions) when ‘10G‘ then t2.password else nvl(t2.spare4, t2.password) end, t1.profile, t2.astatus from sys.dba_users t1, sys.user$ t2 where t1.user_id = t2.user# and t2.astatus in (0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 10); invalid_option EXCEPTION; begin -- select to_char(sysdate, ‘yyyymmddHH24MI‘) into v_datetime from dual; -- select trim(concat(‘tb_userpwd_‘,v_datetime)) into v_tbname from dual; select ‘create table ‘ || v_tbname || ‘ as select name,type#,password,datats#,tempts#,ctime,ptime,exptime,ltime,resource$,astatus,lcount,spare4 from sys.user$ where astatus <> 9‘ into v_sql from dual; open c_pwd_cursor; fetch c_pwd_cursor into user_rec; if c_pwd_cursor%ROWCOUNT > 0 then -- 1. create unlimited temporary profile execute immediate v_pf_sql; IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN RAISE invalid_option; end IF; -- 2. backup user$ tables execute immediate v_sql; IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN RAISE invalid_option; end IF; end if; while c_pwd_cursor%FOUND LOOP -- 3. reflash user password /* dbms_output.put_line(‘alter user ‘ || user_rec.v_username || ‘ profile temp_profile‘); dbms_output.put_line(‘alter user ‘ || user_rec.v_username || ‘ identified by values ‘ || chr(39) || user_rec.v_user_pwd || chr(39)); dbms_output.put_line(‘alter user ‘ || user_rec.v_username || ‘ profile ‘ || user_rec.v_profile); */ execute immediate ‘alter user ‘ || user_rec.v_username || ‘ profile temp_profile‘; execute immediate ‘alter user ‘ || user_rec.v_username || ‘ identified by values ‘ || chr(39) || user_rec.v_user_pwd || chr(39); insert into tb_refpwd_log(id, oper_time, oper_command) values(seq_refpwd.nextval,v_datetime,‘alter user ‘ || user_rec.v_username || ‘ identified by values ‘ || chr(39) || user_rec.v_user_pwd || chr(39)); execute immediate ‘alter user ‘ || user_rec.v_username || ‘ profile ‘ || user_rec.v_profile; fetch c_pwd_cursor into user_rec; end loop; -- 4. delete temporary profile execute immediate ‘drop profile temp_profile cascade‘; insert into tb_refpwd_log(id, oper_time, oper_command) values(seq_refpwd.nextval,v_datetime,‘drop profile temp_profile cascade‘); commit; close c_pwd_cursor; EXCEPTION when invalid_option then insert into tb_refpwd_log(id, oper_time, oper_command) values(-1, v_datetime, ‘invalid opertaion, please check.‘); when others then null; end; /
select count(1) cnt from (select t1.name, t1.password, t1.spare4 from sys.user$ t1 where t1.type# = 1 minus select t2.name, t2.password, t2.spare4 from &v_datetime t2 where t2.type# = 1); select username, account_status, lock_date, expiry_date, created, profile, password_versions,default_tablespace, temporary_tablespace from dba_users;
标签:ase 版本 otf erp 复杂 cas username char color