标签:detail erro clu vector fine ubuntu 读取文件 http oid
摘要:采用 io.h 头文件提供的函数读取指定文件夹中多个文件(文件名没有规律)
系统配置:ubuntu16.04, cmake编译
void getFilesAll(string path, vector<string>& files) { //文件句柄 long hFile = 0; //文件信息 struct _finddata_t fileinfo; string p; if ((hFile = _findfirst(p.assign(path).append("\\*").c_str(), &fileinfo)) != -1) { do { if ((fileinfo.attrib & _A_SUBDIR)) { if (strcmp(fileinfo.name,".") != 0 && strcmp(fileinfo.name,"..") != 0) { //files.push_back(p.assign(path).append("\\").append(fileinfo.name)); getFilesAll(p.assign(path).append("\\").append(fileinfo.name), files); } } else { files.push_back(p.assign(path).append("\\").append(fileinfo.name)); } } while (_findnext(hFile, &fileinfo) == 0); _findclose(hFile); } }
error: aggregate ‘*********’ has incomplete type and cannot be defined
解决方法: struct _finddata_t fileinfo; 将struct去除, _finddata_t fileinfo;
error: ‘_finddata_t’ was not declared in this scope
error: ‘_findfirst’ was not declared in this scope
error: ‘_A_SUBDIR’ was not declared in this scope
error: ‘_findnext’ was not declared in this scope
error: ‘_findclose’ was not declared in this scope
尝试过很多方法,包括修改头文件格式,修改CMakeLists.txt的include路径,复制io.h文件到 /usr/include/ 路径下,都失败了。
最后在github的issue上看到有人提到,io.h 头文件可能不兼容跨平台操作。在windows下这个头文件运行稳定,但是在linux下这个头文件不能正常运行。
标签:detail erro clu vector fine ubuntu 读取文件 http oid