标签:方法 edr async server img and RoCE 图片 标签
前言:监控web网站方法有很多种,这篇文章说一下对windows服务器 asp.net网站的监控
采用的方案,Powershell + Influxdb + Grafana
标签分别是:Server主机名 ,AppName是网站名称
1 function waitsec{ 2 $step=10 #设置间隔 3 $add=0 #设置延时 4 $t=(get-date) 5 $step-(($t.Hour*3600+$t.Minute*60+$t.Second)%$step)+$add 6 } 7 function GetData($cluster,$dept,$group,$project,$type) 8 { 9 $commandSet=@( 10 "\Web Service(*)\Current Anonymous Users", 11 "\Web Service(*)\Current Connections", 12 "\Web Service(*)\Current NonAnonymous Users", 13 "\Web Service(*)\Current Blocked Async I/O Requests", 14 "\Web Service(*)\Maximum Anonymous Users", 15 "\Web Service(*)\Measured Async I/O Bandwidth Usage", 16 "\Web Service(*)\Total Blocked Async I/O Requests", 17 "\Web Service(*)\Total Get Requests", 18 "\Web Service(*)\Total Method Requests", 19 "\Web Service(*)\Total Method Requests/sec", 20 "\Web Service(*)\Total Post Requests", 21 "\Web Service(*)\Total Put Requests", 22 "\Web Service(*)\Delete Requests/sec", 23 "\Web Service(*)\Get Requests/sec", 24 "\Web Service(*)\Options Requests/sec", 25 "\Web Service(*)\Post Requests/sec", 26 "\Web Service(*)\Put Requests/sec", 27 "\Web Service(*)\Other Request Methods/sec", 28 "\HTTP Service Request Queues(*)\CurrentQueueSize", 29 "\HTTP Service Request Queues(*)\RejectedRequests", 30 "\.NET CLR Exceptions(*)\# of Exceps Thrown / sec", 31 "\Process(w3wp*)\Thread Count", 32 "\Process(w3wp*)\% Processor Time", 33 "\Process(w3wp*)\Working Set - Private", 34 "\Process(w3wp*)\Working Set", 35 "\Process(w3wp*)\Private Bytes" 36 ) 37 $res= get-counter -counter $commandSet 38 $index=0 39 $metricAppName="" 40 $timestamp=[int] (Get-Date (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime() -uformat "%s") 41 $host_name = hostname 42 $table_name="" 43 while($res.countersamples[$index]) 44 { 45 $Metrics1=@{} 46 $value= $res.countersamples[$index].cookedvalue 47 $metric=$res.countersamples[$index].path 48 $metricAppName=$res.countersamples[$index].InstanceName 49 $tempArray=$metric.replace("\\","").split("\") 50 $metric=$tempArray[2] 51 $Metrics1.$metric = $value 52 if($tempArray[1].startswith(‘web service‘)) 53 { 54 $table_name = "iis_web_service" 55 } 56 Elseif($tempArray[1].startswith(‘http service‘)) 57 { 58 $table_name = "iis_http_service" 59 } 60 Elseif($tempArray[1].startswith(‘.net clr exceptions‘)) 61 { 62 $table_name = "iis_net_clr_exceptions" 63 } 64 Elseif($tempArray[1].startswith(‘process(w3wp‘)) 65 { 66 $table_name = "iis_process" 67 } 68 Write-Influx -Measure $table_name -Tags @{Server = $host_name; AppName = $metricAppName;} -Metrics $Metrics1 -Database monitor -Server http://influxdb:9096 69 $index = $index + 1 70 } 71 } 72 write-host "running...... please wait" (waitsec)"S" 73 Start-Sleep -s (waitsec) 74 while(1){ 75 #执行代码 76 get-date 77 (GetData) 78 #…… 79 Start-Sleep -s (waitsec) 80 }
还可以在grafana告警里面设置一个WebHook,进行处理告警后的逻辑,比如:当这台机器压力比较大时可以对其进行从负载均衡移除 等等。
标签:方法 edr async server img and RoCE 图片 标签