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MariaDB 10.3 Series

MariaDB 10.3 is the current stable release of MariaDB. It is built on MariaDB 10.2 with new features not found anywhere else.

See "What is MariaDB 10.3?" for an overview.

 Download 10.3.9 Stable Now!


MariaDB 10.2 Series

MariaDB 10.2 is a stable release of MariaDB. It is built on MariaDB 10.1 with features from MySQL 5.6 & 5.7, and entirely new features not found anywhere else.

See "What is MariaDB 10.2?" for an overview.

 Download 10.2.17 Stable Now!


MariaDB 10.1 Series

MariaDB 10.1 a stable (GA) release of MariaDB. It is built on MariaDB 10.0 with features from MySQL 5.6 & 5.7, and entirely new features not found anywhere else.

See "What is MariaDB 10.1?" for an overview.

 Download 10.1.36 Stable Now!


MariaDB 10.0 Series

MariaDB 10.0 is a stable (GA) release of MariaDB. It is built on the MariaDB 5.5 series with backported features from MySQL 5.6 and entirely new features not found anywhere else.

See "What is MariaDB 10.0?" for an overview.

 Download 10.0.36 Stable Now!


MariaDB 5.5 Series

MariaDB 5.5 is a stable (GA) release of MariaDB. It is MariaDB 5.3 + MySQL 5.5.

See "What is MariaDB 5.5" for an overview of what is in MariaDB 5.5.

 Download 5.5.61 Stable Now!






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