标签:计算 sql alt mysql UNC auto mysql密码 银行 自定义
create table t2(id int(10) not null,name varchar(5));
alter table t2 modify name varchar(5) not null;
alter table t2 constraint test_id default (‘xxx’) for stuname;
alter table t2 modify name varchar(5);
create table t3(userid int(10) unique,name varchar(10));
alter table t3 add constraint t3_id unique(id)
alter table test4 add unique(id,name,age)
create table test1(user_id int(10) primary key,name varchar(10));
alter table test1 drop primary key;
create table t4 (id int,name varchar(255),primary key(id,name));
alter table stu add constraint id primary key (id)
CREATE TABLE `students` (
`StuID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`Name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
KEY `hello_fk` (`Name`),
CONSTRAINT `hello_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`Name`) REFERENCES `classes` (`Name`)
alter table students add constraint mage_stu_class_fk foreign key(classid) references classes(classid);
MariaDB [hellodb]> select upper(name) from teachers;
MariaDB [hellodb]> select lower(name) from teachers;
MariaDB [hellodb]> select name,insert(phone,4,4,‘****‘) phone from students;
MariaDB [hellodb]> select substr(name,5,3) phone from students;
MariaDB [hellodb]> select length(name) phone from students;
#CONCAT(s1,s2...sn) 字符串 s1,s2 等多个字符串合并为一个字符串
MariaDB [hellodb]> SELECT CONCAT("hello ", "mariadb ", "mysql ", "orcale") AS ConcatenatedString;
#FIELD(s,s1,s2...) 返回第一个字符串 s 在字符串列表(s1,s2...)中的位置
MariaDB [hellodb]> SELECT FIELD("c", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e");
#LEFT(s,n) 返回字符串 s 的前 n 个字符
MariaDB [hellodb]> SELECT LEFT(‘abcde‘,2);
#REPEAT(s,n) 将字符串 s 重复 n 次
MariaDB [hellodb]> SELECT REPEAT(‘mariadb ‘,3);
#SUBSTRING(s, start, length) 从字符串 s 的 start 位置截取长度为 length 的子字符串
MariaDB [hellodb]> SELECT SUBSTRING("mariadb", 2, 3) AS ExtractString;
MariaDB [hellodb]> select now();
#DATEDIFF(d1,d2) 计算日期 d1->d2 之间相隔的天数
MariaDB [hellodb]> SELECT DATEDIFF(‘2001-03-01‘,‘2001-02-02‘);
#DATE_FORMAT(d,f) 按表达式 f的要求显示日期 d
MariaDB [hellodb]> SELECT DATE_FORMAT(‘2011-11-11 11:11:11‘,‘%Y-%m-%d %r‘);
#DAY(d) 返回日期值 d 的日期部分
MariaDB [hellodb]> SELECT DAY("2017-06-15");
#DAYNAME(d) 返回日期 d 是星期几
MariaDB [hellodb]> SELECT DAYNAME(‘2011-11-11 11:11:11‘);
#DAYOFMONTH(d) 计算日期 d 是本月的第几天
MariaDB [hellodb]> SELECT DAYOFMONTH(‘2011-11-11 11:11:11‘);
#WEEK(d) 计算日期 d 是本年的第几个星期
MariaDB [hellodb]> SELECT WEEK(‘2011-11-11 11:11:11‘);
MariaDB [hellodb]> select abs(-20);
MariaDB [hellodb]> select mod(11,3);
MariaDB [hellodb]> select ceil(9.2);
MariaDB [hellodb]> select floor(3.6);
#n DIV m 整除,n 为被除数,m 为除数
MariaDB [hellodb]> SELECT 10 DIV 5;
#GREATEST(expr1, expr2, expr3, ...) 返回列表中的最大值
MariaDB [hellodb]> SELECT GREATEST(3, 12, 34, 8, 25);
MariaDB [hellodb]> SELECT GREATEST("mysql", "mariadb", "linux");
MariaDB [hellodb]> show function status\G;
MariaDB [test]> CREATE FUNCTION simple() RETURNS VARCHAR(20) RETURN "Hello World!";
MariaDB [test]> select simple();
MariaDB [mysql]> show create function simple\G;
MariaDB [test]> delimiter // #为了方便书写把结束符重新定义
MariaDB [test]> create function addtwo(x int unsigned,y int unsigned) returns int begin declare a,b int unsigned; set a=x,b=y; return a+b; end//
MariaDB [test]> drop function simpleFun;
MariaDB [hellodb]> create view viewname as select * from teachers;
MariaDB [hellodb]> select * from viewname;
select * from information_schema.views\G;
desc viewname
MariaDB [hellodb]> drop view viewname;
MariaDB [m33student]> create index age_index on student(phone);
MariaDB [m33student]> show indexes from student\G;
create table ti(
id int not null,
name char(30) not null,
unique index uniqidx(id)
create table book(
bookid int not null,
bookname varchar(255) not null,
authors varchar(255) not null,
info varchar(255) null ,
comment varchar(255) null,
year YEAR not null,
index(year) #对属性年创建索引
MariaDB [hellodb]> alter table teachers add index index_name(name);
MariaDB [hellodb]> drop index [indexn_ame] on teachers;
MariaDB [hellodb]> show index from teachers\G;
create trigger trigger_name
trigger_event on table_name
for each row(行级监视,mysql固定写法,oracle不同)
trigger_time:{ BEFORE | AFTER },表示在事件之前或之后触发
trigger event::{ INSERT |UPDATE | DELETE },触发的具体事件
trigger_stmt:触发器程序体,可以是一句SQL语句,或者用 BEGIN 和 END 包含的多条语句。
MariaDB [hellodb]> create table student_info(stu_id int(11) primary key auto_increment,stu_name varchar(255) default null);
MariaDB [hellodb]> create table student_count( student_count int(11) default 0);
MariaDB [hellodb]> insert into student_count values (0);
MariaDB [hellodb]> create trigger trigger_student_count_insert after insert on student_info for each row update student_count set student_count=student_count+1;
MariaDB [hellodb]> create trigger trigger_student_count_delete after delete on student_info for each row update student_count set student_count=student_count-1;
MariaDB [hellodb]> insert into student_info (stu_id,stu_name) values (123,‘abc‘);
MariaDB [hellodb]> select * from student_count;
MariaDB [hellodb]> delete from student_info where stu_id=123;
MariaDB [hellodb]> select * from student_count;
MariaDB [hellodb]> create user name@host identified by ‘passwd‘;
MariaDB [hellodb]> grant all on *.* to name@host identified by ‘passwd‘;
MariaDB [hellodb]>set password for name@‘host‘=password("newpasswd");
MariaDB [hellodb]> update mysql.user password=password("passwd") where host =‘localhost‘
/etc/my.cnf 关闭密码认证 skip_grant_tables
MariaDB [hellodb]> grant all on database.(database|table|view) to name@host ;
MariaDB [hellodb]> grant select,insert on database.(database|table|view) to name@host;
MariaDB [hellodb]> grant select(属性) on database.(database|table|view) to name@host;
MariaDB [hellodb]>show grant for name@host;
MariaDB [hellodb]>revoke commod|all on database.(database|table|view) from name@host;
标签:计算 sql alt mysql UNC auto mysql密码 银行 自定义