标签:开源 and event code robot sea androi zhang ati
1. Jake Whartson: https://github.com/JakeWharton
Dragger , ButterKnife, Scalpel,Java poet, Picasso, Android-ktx
2. GreenRobot: 开源组织 http://greenrobot.org/
Eventbus, GreenDao
3. 鸿洋_: https://github.com/hongyangAndroid/
okhttputils, autoLayout, FlowLayout,baseAdapter, highlight
4. stormzhang: 面向Android 学习者,面试
5. 任玉刚: https://github.com/singwhatiwanna/
DL, VirtucalAPK
6.Trinea: codeKK 维护者
autoscroll viewpager
7.代码家: https://github.com/daimajia
swpieLayout, androidViewAnimation
标签:开源 and event code robot sea androi zhang ati