标签:empty list turn art current || star next amp
#include<stack> struct ListNode { int m_nValue; ListNode* m_pNext; }; ListNode* CreateListNode(int value) { ListNode* pNode = new ListNode(); pNode->m_nValue = value; pNode->m_pNext = nullptr; return pNode; } void ConnectListNodes(ListNode* pCurrent, ListNode* pNext) { if (pCurrent == nullptr) { printf("Error to connect two nodes.\n"); exit(1); } pCurrent->m_pNext = pNext; } void PrintListNodeValue(ListNode* pNode) { if (pNode == nullptr) printf("The node is nullptr.\n"); else printf("The value of the node is %d .\n", pNode->m_nValue); } void PrintListNode(ListNode* pHead) { printf("PrintList starts.\n"); ListNode* pNode = pHead; while (pNode != nullptr) { printf("%d\t", pNode->m_nValue); pNode = pNode->m_pNext; } printf("\nPrintList ends.\n"); } void DestroyList(ListNode* pHead) { ListNode* pNode = pHead; while (pNode != nullptr) { pHead = pHead->m_pNext; delete pNode; pNode = pHead; } } void AddToTail(ListNode**pHead, int value) { ListNode* pNew = new ListNode(); pNew->m_nValue = value; pNew->m_pNext = nullptr; if (*pHead = nullptr) *pHead = pNew; else { ListNode* pNode = *pHead; while (pNode->m_pNext != nullptr) pNode = pNode->m_pNext; pNode->m_pNext = pNew; } } void RemoveNode(ListNode** pHead, int value) { if (*pHead == nullptr || pHead == nullptr) return; ListNode* pToBeDeleted = nullptr; if ((*pHead)->m_nValue == value) { pToBeDeleted = *pHead; *pHead = (*pHead)->m_pNext; } else { ListNode* pNode = *pHead; while (pNode->m_pNext != nullptr && pNode->m_pNext->m_nValue != value) pNode = pNode->m_pNext; if (pNode->m_pNext != nullptr && pNode->m_pNext->m_nValue == value) { pToBeDeleted = pNode->m_pNext; pNode->m_pNext = pNode->m_pNext->m_pNext; } } if (pToBeDeleted != nullptr) { delete pToBeDeleted; pToBeDeleted = nullptr; } } void PrintListReversingly_Iteratively(ListNode* pHead) { std::stack<ListNode*>nodes; ListNode* pNode = pHead; while (pNode != nullptr) { nodes.push(pNode); pNode = pNode->m_pNext; } while (!nodes.empty()) { pNode = nodes.top(); printf("%d\t", pNode->m_nValue); nodes.pop(); } } void PrintListReversingly_Recursively(ListNode* pHead) { if (pHead != nullptr) { if (pHead->m_pNext != nullptr) { PrintListReversingly_Recursively(pHead->m_pNext); } printf("%d\t", pHead->m_nValue); } } void Test(ListNode* pHead) { PrintListNode(pHead); PrintListReversingly_Iteratively(pHead); printf("\n"); PrintListReversingly_Recursively(pHead); } void Test1() { printf("\nTest1 begins.\n"); ListNode* pNode1 = CreateListNode(1); ListNode* pNode2 = CreateListNode(2); ListNode* pNode3 = CreateListNode(3); ListNode* pNode4 = CreateListNode(4); ListNode* pNode5 = CreateListNode(5); ConnectListNodes(pNode1, pNode2); ConnectListNodes(pNode2, pNode3); ConnectListNodes(pNode3, pNode4); ConnectListNodes(pNode4, pNode5); Test(pNode1); DestroyList(pNode1); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { Test1(); getchar(); }
标签:empty list turn art current || star next amp