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Install a new Linux Kernel (3.10.56) in Guest OS (Dom U)

时间:2014-10-10 06:51:44      阅读:294      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:io   os   ar   strong   sp   on   linux   ad   new   

These days I want to install a new Linux kernel in Guest Operating System.

The original version of Guest OS is 2.6.32, but I need a kernel version 3.10.

I have tried several ways and following steps is just one of methods which can


1. We should download a linux kernel (3.10.56) from kernel.org, after downloading

linux-3.10.56.tar.xz, using command tar -xf linux-3.10.56.tar.xz can get resource

code directory.

2. The key point is to modify the .config file, of course, we can change this file

using command make menuconfig.  We should first enter the menu Processor type

and features, then enter the menu Linux Guest Support, and the last step is to 

enable all the options belonging this menu.

3. After exiting this menuconfig and saving the changes, we should using the follwoing

commands to recompile and install the new kernel.

make -j  4 (4 is number of cores in this computer)

make modules

make modules_install

make install

4. Then reboot the computer and select the new kernel to load. 

Install a new Linux Kernel (3.10.56) in Guest OS (Dom U)

标签:io   os   ar   strong   sp   on   linux   ad   new   


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