标签:des style blog http color io os 使用 ar
{----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Name: uMsgThread Author: xwing eMail : xwing@263.net ; MSN : xwing1979@hotmail.com Purpose: Thread with message Loop History: 2003-6-19, add function to Send Thread Message. ver 1.0 use Event List and waitforsingleObject your can use WindowMessage or ThreadMessage 2003-6-18, Change to create a window to Recving message 2003-6-17, Begin. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} unit uMsgThread; interface {$WARN SYMBOL_DEPRECATED OFF} {$DEFINE USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} uses Classes, windows, messages, forms, sysutils; type TMsgThread = class(TThread) private {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} FWinName : string; FMSGWin : HWND; {$ELSE} FEventList : TList; FCtlSect : TRTLCriticalSection; {$ENDIF} FException : Exception; fDoLoop : Boolean; FWaitHandle : THandle; {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} procedure MSGWinProc(var Message: TMessage); {$ELSE} procedure ClearSendMsgEvent; {$ENDIF} procedure SetDoLoop(const Value: Boolean); procedure WaitTerminate; protected Msg :tagMSG; procedure Execute; override; procedure HandleException; procedure DoHandleException;virtual; //Inherited the Method to process your own Message procedure DoProcessMsg(var Msg:TMessage);virtual; //if DoLoop = true then loop this procedure //Your can use the method to do some work needed loop. procedure DoMsgLoop;virtual; //Initialize Thread before begin message loop procedure DoInit;virtual; procedure DoUnInit;virtual; procedure PostMsg(Msg:Cardinal;wParam:Integer;lParam:Integer); //When Use SendMsg method Must not use Synchronize Method in ThreadLoop !!! //otherwise will caurse DeadLock procedure SendMsg(Msg:Cardinal;wParam:Integer;lParam:Integer); public constructor Create(Loop:Boolean=False;ThreadName: string=‘‘); destructor destroy;override; procedure AfterConstruction;override; //postMessage to Quit,and Free(if FreeOnTerminater = true) //can call this in thread loop, don‘t use terminate property. procedure QuitThread; //PostMessage to Quit and Wait, only call in MAIN THREAD procedure QuitThreadWait; //just like Application.processmessage. procedure ProcessMessage; //enable thread loop, no waitfor message property DoLoop: Boolean read fDoLoop Write SetDoLoop; end; implementation { TMsgThread } {//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////} constructor TMsgThread.Create(Loop:Boolean;ThreadName:string); begin {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} if ThreadName <> ‘‘ then FWinName := ThreadName else FWinName := ‘Thread Window‘; {$ELSE} FEventList := TList.Create; InitializeCriticalSection(fCtlSect); {$ENDIF} FWaitHandle := CreateEvent(nil, True, False, nil); FDoLoop := Loop; //default disable thread loop inherited Create(False); //Create thread FreeOnTerminate := True; //Thread quit and free object //Call resume Method in Constructor Method Resume; //Wait until thread Message Loop started WaitForSingleObject(FWaitHandle,INFINITE); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMsgThread.AfterConstruction; begin end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} destructor TMsgThread.destroy; begin {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} {$ELSE} FEventList.Free; DeleteCriticalSection(FCtlSect); {$ENDIF} inherited; end; {//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////} procedure TMsgThread.Execute; var mRet:Boolean; aRet:Boolean; {$IFNDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} uMsg:TMessage; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} FMSGWin := CreateWindow(‘STATIC‘,PChar(FWinName),WS_POPUP,0,0,0,0,0,0,hInstance,nil); SetWindowLong(FMSGWin, GWL_WNDPROC, Longint(MakeObjectInstance(MSGWinProc))); {$ELSE} PeekMessage(Msg,0,WM_USER,WM_USER,PM_NOREMOVE); //Force system alloc a msgQueue {$ENDIF} //notify Conctructor can returen. SetEvent(FWaitHandle); CloseHandle(FWaitHandle); mRet := True; try DoInit; while mRet do //Message Loop begin if fDoLoop then begin aRet := PeekMessage(Msg,0,0,0,PM_REMOVE); if aRet and (Msg.message <> WM_QUIT) then begin {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} TranslateMessage(Msg); DispatchMessage(Msg); {$ELSE} uMsg.Msg := Msg.message; uMsg.wParam := Msg.wParam; uMsg.lParam := Msg.lParam; DoProcessMsg(uMsg); {$ENDIF} if Msg.message = WM_QUIT then mRet := False; end; {$IFNDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} ClearSendMsgEvent; //Clear SendMessage Event {$ENDIF} DoMsgLoop; end else begin mRet := GetMessage(Msg,0,0,0); if mRet then begin {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} TranslateMessage(Msg); DispatchMessage(Msg); {$ELSE} uMsg.Msg := Msg.message; uMsg.wParam := Msg.wParam; uMsg.lParam := Msg.lParam; DoProcessMsg(uMsg); ClearSendMsgEvent; //Clear SendMessage Event {$ENDIF} end; end; end; DoUnInit; {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} DestroyWindow(FMSGWin); FreeObjectInstance(Pointer(GetWindowLong(FMSGWin, GWL_WNDPROC))); {$ENDIF} except HandleException; end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} {$IFNDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} procedure TMsgThread.ClearSendMsgEvent; var aEvent:PHandle; begin EnterCriticalSection(FCtlSect); try if FEventList.Count <> 0 then begin aEvent := FEventList.Items[0]; if aEvent <> nil then begin SetEvent(aEvent^); CloseHandle(aEvent^); Dispose(aEvent); end; FEventList.Delete(0); end; finally LeaveCriticalSection(FCtlSect); end; end; {$ENDIF} {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMsgThread.HandleException; begin FException := Exception(ExceptObject); //Get Current Exception object try if not (FException is EAbort) then inherited Synchronize(DoHandleException); finally FException := nil; end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMsgThread.DoHandleException; begin if FException is Exception then Application.ShowException(FException) else SysUtils.ShowException(FException, nil); end; {//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////} {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} procedure TMsgThread.MSGWinProc(var Message: TMessage); begin DoProcessMsg(Message); with Message do Result:=DefWindowProc(FMSGWin,Msg,wParam,lParam); end; {$ENDIF} {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMsgThread.DoProcessMsg(var Msg:TMessage); begin end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMsgThread.ProcessMessage; {$IFNDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} var uMsg:TMessage; {$ENDIF} begin while PeekMessage(Msg,0,0,0,PM_REMOVE) do if Msg.message <> WM_QUIT then begin {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} TranslateMessage(Msg); DispatchMessage(msg); {$ELSE} uMsg.Msg := Msg.message; uMsg.wParam := Msg.wParam; uMsg.lParam := Msg.lParam; DoProcessMsg(uMsg); {$ENDIF} end; end; {//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////} procedure TMsgThread.DoInit; begin end; procedure TMsgThread.DoUnInit; begin end; procedure TMsgThread.DoMsgLoop; begin Sleep(1); end; {//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////} procedure TMsgThread.QuitThread; begin {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} PostMessage(FMSGWin,WM_QUIT,0,0); {$ELSE} PostThreadMessage(ThreadID,WM_QUIT,0,0); {$ENDIF} end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMsgThread.QuitThreadWait; begin QuitThread; WaitTerminate; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMsgThread.SetDoLoop(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value = fDoLoop then Exit; fDoLoop := Value; if fDoLoop then PostMsg(WM_USER,0,0); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} //Can only call this method in MAIN Thread!! procedure TMsgThread.WaitTerminate; var xStart:Cardinal; begin xStart:=GetTickCount; try //EnableWindow(Application.Handle,False); while WaitForSingleObject(Handle, 10) = WAIT_TIMEOUT do begin Application.ProcessMessages; if GetTickCount > (xStart + 4000) then begin TerminateThread(Handle, 0); Beep; Break; end; end; finally //EnableWindow(Application.Handle,True); end; end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMsgThread.PostMsg(Msg: Cardinal; wParam, lParam: Integer); begin {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} postMessage(FMSGWin,Msg,wParam,lParam); {$ELSE} EnterCriticalSection(FCtlSect); try FEventList.Add(nil); PostThreadMessage(ThreadID,Msg,wParam,lParam); finally LeaveCriticalSection(FCtlSect); end; {$ENDIF} end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMsgThread.SendMsg(Msg: Cardinal; wParam, lParam: Integer); {$IFNDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} var aEvent:PHandle; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} SendMessage(FMSGWin,Msg,wParam,lParam); {$ELSE} EnterCriticalSection(FCtlSect); try New(aEvent); aEvent^ := CreateEvent(nil, True, False, nil); FEventList.Add(aEvent); PostThreadMessage(ThreadID,Msg,wParam,lParam); finally LeaveCriticalSection(FCtlSect); end; WaitForSingleObject(aEvent^,INFINITE); {$ENDIF} end; end.
我参考了一下msdn,还有windows核心编程. 写了一个类来封装这个功能,不知道对不对.
通过设置 DoLoop属性可以设定线程是否循环(不阻塞等待消息),这样派生类线程在循环做一些其他事情的同时还可以接受消息. 例如:
{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit Name: uMsgThread Author: xwing eMail : xwing@263.net ; MSN : xwing1979@hotmail.com Purpose: Thread with message Loop History: 2003-7-15 Write thread class without use delphi own TThread. 2003-6-19, add function to Send Thread Message. ver 1.0 use Event List and waitforsingleObject your can use WindowMessage or ThreadMessage 2003-6-18, Change to create a window to Recving message 2003-6-17, Begin. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- } unit uMsgThread; interface {$WARN SYMBOL_DEPRECATED OFF} {$DEFINE USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} uses Classes, windows, messages, forms, sysutils; const NM_EXECPROC = $8FFF; type EMsgThreadErr = class( Exception ); TMsgThreadMethod = procedure of object; TMsgThread = class private SyncWindow : HWND; FMethod : TMsgThreadMethod; procedure SyncWindowProc( var Message : TMessage ); private m_hThread : THandle; threadid : DWORD; {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} FWinName : string; FMSGWin : HWND; {$ELSE} FEventList : TList; FCtlSect : TRTLCriticalSection; {$ENDIF} FException : Exception; fDoLoop : Boolean; FWaitHandle : THandle; {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} procedure MSGWinProc( var Message : TMessage ); {$ELSE} procedure ClearSendMsgEvent; {$ENDIF} procedure SetDoLoop( const Value : Boolean ); procedure Execute; protected Msg : tagMSG; {$IFNDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} uMsg : TMessage; fSendMsgComp : THandle; {$ENDIF} procedure HandleException; procedure DoHandleException; virtual; // Inherited the Method to process your own Message procedure DoProcessMsg( var Msg : TMessage ); virtual; // if DoLoop = true then loop this procedure // Your can use the method to do some work needed loop. procedure DoMsgLoop; virtual; // Initialize Thread before begin message loop procedure DoInit; virtual; procedure DoUnInit; virtual; procedure PostMsg( Msg : Cardinal; wParam : Integer; lParam : Integer ); // When Use SendMsg method Must not use Synchronize Method in ThreadLoop !!! // otherwise will caurse DeadLock function SendMsg( Msg : Cardinal; wParam : Integer; lParam : Integer ) : Integer; public constructor Create( Loop : Boolean = False; ThreadName : string = ‘‘ ); destructor destroy; override; // Return TRUE if the thread exists. FALSE otherwise function ThreadExists : BOOL; procedure Synchronize( syncMethod : TMsgThreadMethod ); function WaitFor : Longword; function WaitTimeOut( timeout : DWORD = 4000 ) : Longword; // postMessage to Quit,and Free(if FreeOnTerminater = true) // can call this in thread loop, don‘t use terminate property. procedure QuitThread; // just like Application.processmessage. procedure ProcessMessage; // enable thread loop, no waitfor message property DoLoop : Boolean read fDoLoop write SetDoLoop; end; implementation function msgThdInitialThreadProc( pv : Pointer ) : DWORD; stdcall; var obj : TMsgThread; begin obj := TMsgThread( pv ); obj.Execute; Result := 0; end; { TMsgThread } { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } constructor TMsgThread.Create( Loop : Boolean; ThreadName : string ); begin {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} if ThreadName <> ‘‘ then FWinName := ThreadName else FWinName := ‘Thread Window‘; {$ELSE} FEventList := TList.Create; InitializeCriticalSection( FCtlSect ); fSendMsgComp := CreateEvent( nil, True, False, nil ); {$ENDIF}
fDoLoop := Loop; // default disable thread loop // Create a Window for sync method SyncWindow := CreateWindow( ‘STATIC‘, ‘SyncWindow‘, WS_POPUP, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, hInstance, nil ); SetWindowLong( SyncWindow, GWL_WNDPROC, Longint( MakeObjectInstance( SyncWindowProc ) ) ); FWaitHandle := CreateEvent( nil, True, False, nil ); // Create Thread m_hThread := CreateThread( nil, 0, @msgThdInitialThreadProc, Self, 0, threadid ); if m_hThread = 0 then raise EMsgThreadErr.Create( ‘不能创建线程。‘ ); // Wait until thread Message Loop started WaitForSingleObject( FWaitHandle, INFINITE ); end; { ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } destructor TMsgThread.destroy; begin if m_hThread <> 0 then QuitThread; WaitFor; // Free Sync Window DestroyWindow( SyncWindow ); FreeObjectInstance( Pointer( GetWindowLong( SyncWindow, GWL_WNDPROC ) ) ); {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE}
{$ELSE} FEventList.Free; DeleteCriticalSection( FCtlSect ); CloseHandle( fSendMsgComp ); {$ENDIF}
inherited; end; { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } procedure TMsgThread.Execute; var mRet : Boolean; aRet : Boolean; begin {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} FMSGWin := CreateWindow( ‘STATIC‘, PChar( FWinName ), WS_POPUP, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, hInstance, nil ); SetWindowLong( FMSGWin, GWL_WNDPROC, Longint( MakeObjectInstance( MSGWinProc ) ) ); {$ELSE} PeekMessage( Msg, 0, WM_USER, WM_USER, PM_NOREMOVE ); // Force system alloc a msgQueue {$ENDIF}
mRet := True; try DoInit; // notify Conctructor can returen. SetEvent( FWaitHandle ); CloseHandle( FWaitHandle ); while mRet do // Message Loop begin if fDoLoop then begin aRet := PeekMessage( Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ); if aRet and ( Msg.Message <> WM_QUIT ) then begin {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} TranslateMessage( Msg ); DispatchMessage( Msg ); {$ELSE} uMsg.Msg := Msg.Message; uMsg.wParam := Msg.wParam; uMsg.lParam := Msg.lParam; DoProcessMsg( uMsg ); {$ENDIF} if Msg.Message = WM_QUIT then mRet := False; end; {$IFNDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} ClearSendMsgEvent; // Clear SendMessage Event {$ENDIF} DoMsgLoop; end else begin mRet := GetMessage( Msg, 0, 0, 0 ); if mRet then begin {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} TranslateMessage( Msg ); DispatchMessage( Msg ); {$ELSE} uMsg.Msg := Msg.Message; uMsg.wParam := Msg.wParam; uMsg.lParam := Msg.lParam; DoProcessMsg( uMsg ); ClearSendMsgEvent; // Clear SendMessage Event {$ENDIF} end; end; end; DoUnInit; {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} DestroyWindow( FMSGWin ); FreeObjectInstance( Pointer( GetWindowLong( FMSGWin, GWL_WNDPROC ) ) ); {$ENDIF} except HandleException; end; end; { ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } {$IFNDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} procedure TMsgThread.ClearSendMsgEvent; var aEvent : PHandle; begin EnterCriticalSection( FCtlSect ); try if FEventList.Count <> 0 then begin aEvent := FEventList.Items[ 0 ]; if aEvent <> nil then begin SetEvent( aEvent^ ); CloseHandle( aEvent^ ); Dispose( aEvent ); WaitForSingleObject( fSendMsgComp, INFINITE ); end; FEventList.Delete( 0 ); end; finally LeaveCriticalSection( FCtlSect ); end; end; {$ENDIF} { ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } procedure TMsgThread.HandleException; begin FException := Exception( ExceptObject ); // Get Current Exception object try if not( FException is EAbort ) then Synchronize( DoHandleException ); finally FException := nil; end; end; { ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } procedure TMsgThread.DoHandleException; begin if FException is Exception then Application.ShowException( FException ) else sysutils.ShowException( FException, nil ); end; { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} procedure TMsgThread.MSGWinProc( var Message : TMessage ); begin DoProcessMsg( message ); if message.Msg < WM_USER then with message do Result := DefWindowProc( FMSGWin, Msg, wParam, lParam ); end; {$ENDIF} { ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } procedure TMsgThread.DoProcessMsg( var Msg : TMessage ); begin end; { ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } procedure TMsgThread.ProcessMessage; {$IFNDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} var uMsg : TMessage; {$ENDIF} begin while PeekMessage( Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) do if Msg.Message <> WM_QUIT then begin {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} TranslateMessage( Msg ); DispatchMessage( Msg ); {$ELSE} uMsg.Msg := Msg.Message; uMsg.wParam := Msg.wParam; uMsg.lParam := Msg.lParam; DoProcessMsg( uMsg ); {$ENDIF} end; end; { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } procedure TMsgThread.DoInit; begin end; procedure TMsgThread.DoUnInit; begin end; procedure TMsgThread.DoMsgLoop; begin Sleep( 0 ); end; { ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } function TMsgThread.ThreadExists : BOOL; begin if m_hThread = 0 then Result := False else Result := True; end; { ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } procedure TMsgThread.QuitThread; begin {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} PostMessage( FMSGWin, WM_QUIT, 0, 0 ); {$ELSE} PostThreadMessage( threadid, WM_QUIT, 0, 0 ); {$ENDIF} end; { ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } procedure TMsgThread.SetDoLoop( const Value : Boolean ); begin if Value = fDoLoop then Exit; fDoLoop := Value; if fDoLoop then PostMsg( WM_USER, 0, 0 ); end; { ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } function TMsgThread.WaitTimeOut( timeout : DWORD ) : Longword; var xStart : Cardinal; H : THandle; begin H := m_hThread; xStart := GetTickCount; while WaitForSingleObject( H, 10 ) = WAIT_TIMEOUT do begin Application.ProcessMessages; if GetTickCount > ( xStart + timeout ) then begin TerminateThread( H, 0 ); Break; end; end; GetExitCodeThread( H, Result ); end; { ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } function TMsgThread.WaitFor : Longword; var Msg : TMsg; H : THandle; begin H := m_hThread; if GetCurrentThreadID = MainThreadID then while MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( 1, H, False, INFINITE, QS_SENDMESSAGE ) = WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 do PeekMessage( Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE ) else WaitForSingleObject( H, INFINITE ); GetExitCodeThread( H, Result ); end; { ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } procedure TMsgThread.PostMsg( Msg : Cardinal; wParam, lParam : Integer ); begin {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} PostMessage( FMSGWin, Msg, wParam, lParam ); {$ELSE} EnterCriticalSection( FCtlSect ); try FEventList.Add( nil ); PostThreadMessage( threadid, Msg, wParam, lParam ); finally LeaveCriticalSection( FCtlSect ); end; {$ENDIF} end; { ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } function TMsgThread.SendMsg( Msg : Cardinal; wParam, lParam : Integer ) : Integer; {$IFNDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} var aEvent : PHandle; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF USE_WINDOW_MESSAGE} Result := SendMessage( FMSGWin, Msg, wParam, lParam ); {$ELSE} EnterCriticalSection( FCtlSect ); try New( aEvent ); aEvent^ := CreateEvent( nil, True, False, nil ); FEventList.Add( aEvent ); PostThreadMessage( threadid, Msg, wParam, lParam ); finally LeaveCriticalSection( FCtlSect ); end; WaitForSingleObject( aEvent^, INFINITE ); Result := uMsg.Result; SetEvent( fSendMsgComp ); {$ENDIF} end; { ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } procedure TMsgThread.Synchronize( syncMethod : TMsgThreadMethod ); begin FMethod := syncMethod; SendMessage( SyncWindow, NM_EXECPROC, 0, Longint( Self ) ); end; { ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } procedure TMsgThread.SyncWindowProc( var Message : TMessage ); begin case message.Msg of NM_EXECPROC : with TMsgThread( message.lParam ) do begin message.Result := 0; try FMethod; except raise EMsgThreadErr.Create( ‘执行同步线程方法错误。‘ ); end; end; else message.Result := DefWindowProc( SyncWindow, message.Msg, message.wParam, message.lParam ); end; end; end.
标签:des style blog http color io os 使用 ar