标签:core def 回归 title att 实验 == dde bec
# Package imports import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import sklearn import sklearn.datasets import sklearn.linear_model import matplotlib # Display plots inline and change default figure size %matplotlib inline matplotlib.rcParams[‘figure.figsize‘] = (10.0, 8.0) # 指定matplotlib画布规模
# Generate a dataset and plot it np.random.seed(0) X, y = sklearn.datasets.make_moons(200, noise=0.20) plt.scatter(X[:,0], X[:,1], s=40, c=y, cmap=plt.cm.Spectral)
# Train the logistic regression classifier clf = sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegressionCV() clf.fit(X, y)
Out[3]: LogisticRegressionCV(Cs=10, class_weight=None, cv=None, dual=False, fit_intercept=True, intercept_scaling=1.0, max_iter=100, multi_class=‘ovr‘, n_jobs=1, penalty=‘l2‘, random_state=None, refit=True, scoring=None, solver=‘lbfgs‘, tol=0.0001, verbose=0)
# Helper function to plot a decision boundary. # If you don‘t fully understand this function don‘t worry, it just generates the contour plot below. def plot_decision_boundary(pred_func): # Set min and max values and give it some padding x_min, x_max = X[:, 0].min() - .5, X[:, 0].max() + .5 y_min, y_max = X[:, 1].min() - .5, X[:, 1].max() + .5 h = 0.01 # Generate a grid of points with distance h between them xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, h), np.arange(y_min, y_max, h)) # Predict the function value for the whole gid Z = pred_func(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]) Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape) # Plot the contour and training examples plt.contourf(xx, yy, Z, cmap=plt.cm.Spectral) plt.scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=y, cmap=plt.cm.Spectral)
# Plot the decision boundary plot_decision_boundary(lambda x: clf.predict(x)) plt.title("Logistic Regression")
z_1 & = xW_1 + b_1 \\
a_1 & = \tanh(z_1) \\
z_2 & = a_1W_2 + b_2 \\
a_2 & = \hat{y} = \mathrm{softmax}(z_2)
学习参数是让我们的网络找到一组参数 ($W_1, b_1, W_2, b_2$)使得训练集上的损失最小化。现在我们来定义损失函数,这里我们使用常用的交叉熵损失函数,如下:
L(y,\hat{y}) = - \frac{1}{N} \sum_{n \in N} \sum_{i \in C} y_{n,i} \log\hat{y}_{n,i}
梯度下降需要计算出损失函数相对于我们要更新参数的梯度 $\frac{\partial{L}}{\partial{W_1}}$, $\frac{\partial{L}}{\partial{b_1}}$, $\frac{\partial{L}}{\partial{W_2}}$, $\frac{\partial{L}}{\partial{b_2}}$。为了计算这些梯度我们使用著名的反向传播算法,这种方法能够从输出开始有效地计算梯度。此处不细讲反向传播是如何工作的,只给出方向传播需要的公式,如下:
& \delta_3 = \hat{y} - y \\
& \delta_2 = (1 - \tanh^2z_1) \circ \delta_3W_2^T \\
& \frac{\partial{L}}{\partial{W_2}} = a_1^T \delta_3 \\
& \frac{\partial{L}}{\partial{b_2}} = \delta_3\\
& \frac{\partial{L}}{\partial{W_1}} = x^T \delta_2\\
& \frac{\partial{L}}{\partial{b_1}} = \delta_2 \\
num_examples = len(X) # 训练集大小 nn_input_dim = 2 # 输入层维度 nn_output_dim = 2 # 输出层维度 # Gradient descent parameters (I picked these by hand) epsilon = 0.01 # 梯度下降学习率 reg_lambda = 0.01 # 正规化权重
# Helper function to evaluate the total loss on the dataset def calculate_loss(model): W1, b1, W2, b2 = model[‘W1‘], model[‘b1‘], model[‘W2‘], model[‘b2‘] # 前向传播,计算出预测值 z1 = X.dot(W1) + b1 a1 = np.tanh(z1) z2 = a1.dot(W2) + b2 exp_scores = np.exp(z2) probs = exp_scores / np.sum(exp_scores, axis=1, keepdims=True) # 计算损失 corect_logprobs = -np.log(probs[range(num_examples), y]) data_loss = np.sum(corect_logprobs) # 损失值加入正规化 data_loss += reg_lambda/2 * (np.sum(np.square(W1)) + np.sum(np.square(W2))) return 1./num_examples * data_loss
# Helper function to predict an output (0 or 1) def predict(model, x): W1, b1, W2, b2 = model[‘W1‘], model[‘b1‘], model[‘W2‘], model[‘b2‘] # Forward propagation z1 = x.dot(W1) + b1 a1 = np.tanh(z1) z2 = a1.dot(W2) + b2 exp_scores = np.exp(z2) probs = exp_scores / np.sum(exp_scores, axis=1, keepdims=True) return np.argmax(probs, axis=1)
# This function learns parameters for the neural network and returns the model. # - nn_hdim: Number of nodes in the hidden layer # - num_passes: Number of passes through the training data for gradient descent # - print_loss: If True, print the loss every 1000 iterations def build_model(nn_hdim, num_passes=20000, print_loss=False): # 随机初始化权重 np.random.seed(0) W1 = np.random.randn(nn_input_dim, nn_hdim) / np.sqrt(nn_input_dim) b1 = np.zeros((1, nn_hdim)) W2 = np.random.randn(nn_hdim, nn_output_dim) / np.sqrt(nn_hdim) b2 = np.zeros((1, nn_output_dim)) # 返回字典初始化 model = {} # 对于每一个批次进行梯度下降 for i in range(0, num_passes): # 前向传播 z1 = X.dot(W1) + b1 a1 = np.tanh(z1) z2 = a1.dot(W2) + b2 exp_scores = np.exp(z2) probs = exp_scores / np.sum(exp_scores, axis=1, keepdims=True) # 反向传播 delta3 = probs delta3[range(num_examples), y] -= 1 dW2 = (a1.T).dot(delta3) db2 = np.sum(delta3, axis=0, keepdims=True) delta2 = delta3.dot(W2.T) * (1 - np.power(a1, 2)) dW1 = np.dot(X.T, delta2) db1 = np.sum(delta2, axis=0) # 加入正则化 dW2 += reg_lambda * W2 dW1 += reg_lambda * W1 # 梯度下降参数更新 W1 += -epsilon * dW1 b1 += -epsilon * db1 W2 += -epsilon * dW2 b2 += -epsilon * db2 # 分配新权重 model = { ‘W1‘: W1, ‘b1‘: b1, ‘W2‘: W2, ‘b2‘: b2} # Optionally print the loss. # This is expensive because it uses the whole dataset, so we don‘t want to do it too often. if print_loss and i % 1000 == 0: print("Loss after iteration %i: %f" %(i, calculate_loss(model))) return model
# Build a model with a 3-dimensional hidden layer model = build_model(3, print_loss=True) # Plot the decision boundary plot_decision_boundary(lambda x: predict(model, x)) plt.title("Decision Boundary for hidden layer size 3")
Loss after iteration 0: 0.432387 Loss after iteration 1000: 0.068947 Loss after iteration 2000: 0.068926 Loss after iteration 3000: 0.071218 Loss after iteration 4000: 0.071253 Loss after iteration 5000: 0.071278 Loss after iteration 6000: 0.071293 Loss after iteration 7000: 0.071303 Loss after iteration 8000: 0.071308 Loss after iteration 9000: 0.071312 Loss after iteration 10000: 0.071314 Loss after iteration 11000: 0.071315 Loss after iteration 12000: 0.071315 Loss after iteration 13000: 0.071316 Loss after iteration 14000: 0.071316 Loss after iteration 15000: 0.071316 Loss after iteration 16000: 0.071316 Loss after iteration 17000: 0.071316 Loss after iteration 18000: 0.071316 Loss after iteration 19000: 0.071316
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 32)) hidden_layer_dimensions = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 20, 50] for i, nn_hdim in enumerate(hidden_layer_dimensions): plt.subplot(5, 2, i+1) plt.title(‘Hidden Layer size %d‘ % nn_hdim) model = build_model(nn_hdim) plot_decision_boundary(lambda x: predict(model, x)) plt.show()
使用模拟退火算法更新学习率,公式为$epsilon=\frac{epsilon_0}{1+d \times t}$。
# This function learns parameters for the neural network and returns the model. # - nn_hdim: Number of nodes in the hidden layer # - num_passes: Number of passes through the training data for gradient descent # - print_loss: If True, print the loss every 1000 iterations # - d: the decay number of annealing schedule def build_model(nn_hdim, num_passes=20000, print_loss=False, d=10e-3): # Initialize the parameters to random values. We need to learn these. np.random.seed(0) W1 = np.random.randn(nn_input_dim, nn_hdim) / np.sqrt(nn_input_dim) b1 = np.zeros((1, nn_hdim)) W2 = np.random.randn(nn_hdim, nn_output_dim) / np.sqrt(nn_hdim) b2 = np.zeros((1, nn_output_dim)) # This is what we return at the end model = {} # Gradient descent. For each batch... for i in range(0, num_passes): # Forward propagation z1 = X.dot(W1) + b1 a1 = np.tanh(z1) z2 = a1.dot(W2) + b2 exp_scores = np.exp(z2) probs = exp_scores / np.sum(exp_scores, axis=1, keepdims=True) # Backpropagation delta3 = probs delta3[range(num_examples), y] -= 1 dW2 = (a1.T).dot(delta3) db2 = np.sum(delta3, axis=0, keepdims=True) delta2 = delta3.dot(W2.T) * (1 - np.power(a1, 2)) dW1 = np.dot(X.T, delta2) db1 = np.sum(delta2, axis=0) # Add regularization terms (b1 and b2 don‘t have regularization terms) dW2 += reg_lambda * W2 dW1 += reg_lambda * W1 epsilon_ = epsilon / (1+d*i) # Gradient descent parameter update W1 += -epsilon_ * dW1 b1 += -epsilon_ * db1 W2 += -epsilon_ * dW2 b2 += -epsilon_ * db2 # Assign new parameters to the model model = { ‘W1‘: W1, ‘b1‘: b1, ‘W2‘: W2, ‘b2‘: b2} # Optionally print the loss. # This is expensive because it uses the whole dataset, so we don‘t want to do it too often. if print_loss and i % 1000 == 0: print("Loss after iteration %i: %f" %(i, calculate_loss(model))) return model
Loss after iteration 0: 0.432387 Loss after iteration 1000: 0.081007 Loss after iteration 2000: 0.075384 Loss after iteration 3000: 0.073729 Loss after iteration 4000: 0.072895 Loss after iteration 5000: 0.072376 Loss after iteration 6000: 0.072013 Loss after iteration 7000: 0.071742 Loss after iteration 8000: 0.071530 Loss after iteration 9000: 0.071357 Loss after iteration 10000: 0.071214 Loss after iteration 11000: 0.071092 Loss after iteration 12000: 0.070986 Loss after iteration 13000: 0.070894 Loss after iteration 14000: 0.070812 Loss after iteration 15000: 0.070739 Loss after iteration 16000: 0.070673 Loss after iteration 17000: 0.070613 Loss after iteration 18000: 0.070559 Loss after iteration 19000: 0.070509
计算机视觉学习记录 - Implementing a Neural Network from Scratch - An Introduction
标签:core def 回归 title att 实验 == dde bec