标签:native sys bsp read rcm data contract sso false
/* 当第一个类执行到此函数时,我们在dvmDefineClass执行之前,也就是第一个类加载之前 注入我们的dump代码;即DumpClass()函数 */ static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_defineClassNative(const u4* args, JValue* pResult) { StringObject* nameObj = (StringObject*) args[0]; Object* loader = (Object*) args[1]; int cookie = args[2]; ClassObject* clazz = NULL; DexOrJar* pDexOrJar = (DexOrJar*) cookie; DvmDex* pDvmDex; char* name; char* descriptor; name = dvmCreateCstrFromString(nameObj); descriptor = dvmDotToDescriptor(name); ALOGV("--- Explicit class load ‘%s‘ l=%p c=0x%08x", descriptor, loader, cookie); free(name); if (!validateCookie(cookie)) RETURN_VOID(); if (pDexOrJar->isDex) pDvmDex = dvmGetRawDexFileDex(pDexOrJar->pRawDexFile); else pDvmDex = dvmGetJarFileDex(pDexOrJar->pJarFile); /* once we load something, we can‘t unmap the storage */ pDexOrJar->okayToFree = false; //------------------------added begin----------------------// int uid=getuid(); if (uid) { if (readable) { pthread_mutex_lock(&read_mutex); if (readable) { readable=false; pthread_mutex_unlock(&read_mutex); pthread_t read_thread; pthread_create(&read_thread, NULL, ReadThread, NULL); }else{ pthread_mutex_unlock(&read_mutex); } } } //每个APP都对应一个Thread if(uid && strcmp(dexname,"")) { //dexname非空 char * res=strstr(pDexOrJar->fileName, dexname); if (res && flag) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); if (flag) { flag = false; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); DexFile* pDexFile=pDvmDex->pDexFile; //取dex file MemMapping * mem=&pDvmDex->memMap; //取memmory map //part1区,classdef前内容 char * temp=new char[100]; strcpy(temp,dumppath); strcat(temp,"part1"); FILE *fp = fopen(temp, "wb+"); const u1 *addr = (const u1*)mem->addr; int length=int(pDexFile->baseAddr+pDexFile->pHeader->classDefsOff-addr); fwrite(addr,1,length,fp); fflush(fp); fclose(fp); //data区,classdef后内容 strcpy(temp,dumppath); strcat(temp,"data"); fp = fopen(temp, "wb+"); addr = pDexFile->baseAddr+pDexFile->pHeader->classDefsOff+sizeof(DexClassDef)*pDexFile->pHeader->classDefsSize; length=int((const u1*)mem->addr+mem->length-addr); fwrite(addr,1,length,fp); fflush(fp); fclose(fp); delete temp; param.loader=loader; param.pDvmDex=pDvmDex; pthread_t dumpthread; dvmCreateInternalThread(&dumpthread,"ClassDumper",DumpClass,(void*)¶m); //DumpClass用来生成classdef 和 extra内容 }else{ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); } } } //------------------------added end----------------------// clazz = dvmDefineClass(pDvmDex, descriptor, loader); //加载类。当APP第一个类加载之前,调用我们的脱壳代码 Thread* self = dvmThreadSelf(); if (dvmCheckException(self)) { /* * If we threw a "class not found" exception, stifle it, since the * contract in the higher method says we simply return null if * the class is not found. */ Object* excep = dvmGetException(self); if (strcmp(excep->clazz->descriptor, "Ljava/lang/ClassNotFoundException;") == 0 || strcmp(excep->clazz->descriptor, "Ljava/lang/NoClassDefFoundError;") == 0) { dvmClearException(self); } clazz = NULL; } free(descriptor); RETURN_PTR(clazz); }
标签:native sys bsp read rcm data contract sso false