标签:含义 死循环 div 脚本 logs 内容 多行注释 odi rect
Name = "Yuhl1"
Age = 27
Name 是变量名,Yuhl1是变量值。下边Age同等
# 被注是的内容
""" 被注释的内容 """
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
_Author_ = "Yuhl"
Google_Mail = "cnblogs.honglin@gmail.com"
# 提示前台输入 关键字"input"
Google_Url = input("Please Input Google The Url:")
user_name = input("Please input user name:") password = input("Please input user password:") if user_name == "Yuhl" and password == "abc123" print("welcome %s Login successful"%user_name) else: print("username and password errors..") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my_age = 27 user_age = input("Please Input your age") if user_age == my_age: print("Congratulations, you got it") elif user_age > my_age: print("Oops,got guess bigger") else: print("Oops,got guess small")
打印十个数字 for line in range(10): print(line) 流程控制 只打印数字5后面的 for line in range(10): if line > 5: print(line) for循环猜年龄游戏【只能猜三次】 Yuhl_age = 27 for line in range(3): user_age = input("Please Input user age:") if user_age == Yuhl_age: print("welcome your guessed it") elif user_age > Yuhl_age: print("input errors larger. please again input use age") else: print("input errors smaller. please again input use age") for else结合使用猜年龄游戏讲解【for else】 Yuhl_age = 27 for line in range(3): user_age = input("Please Input user age:") if user_age == Yuhl_age: print("welcome your guessed it") elif user_age > Yuhl_age: print("input errors larger. please again input use age") else: print("input errors smaller. please again input use age") else: exit("Too Many Attemots....") PS:for else的含义是程序在正常执行的时候走else下的代码.如果中间程序有呗break的那么就不会执行else里代码 如果以下代码中的if 判断和break注视加上. 那么会执行else中的代码. 正常执行 如果以下代码中的if 判断和break注视未加. 那么不会执行else中的代码. 这就是区别. 中间截断不执行else下数据 for i in range(10): print(i) if i == 5: break else: print("程序正常结束") for 循环嵌套讲解01 for i in range(5): for j in range(5): print(i,j) # 此处pint包含3 if j > 3: break # break跳出整个当前层循环. 只跳一层 print(i,j) # 此处pint不包含3. 逻辑问题 for 循环嵌套讲解02 for i in range(10): for j in range(10): print(i.j) # 此处print的话包含6 if j < 5: break # break. 外层大循环依旧被执行过. 嵌套循环中j < 5就break了. 那么下边的print就不会被执行 continue # 跳出当前循环. 继续下一次循环 print(i,j) # 此处print的话不包含6 逻辑问题
while 死循环 count = 0 while True: print("welcome your enter while Infinite loop.....%s"%count) count += 1 while 语句if进行流控制.只打印某一点数据 count = 0 while True: if count == 9999 print("welcome your enter while Infinite loop.....%s"%count) break count += 1 while 语句. 只打印多少次 count = 0 while count < 10: print("welcome your enter while Infinite loop.....%s"%count) count += 1 while 语句.加if控制流 count = 0 while True: print("welcome your came to Heaven on earth") if count == 5: print("What a paradise on earth it is hell on earth") break count += 1 while 猜年龄游戏 count = 0 YHL_age = 27 while count < 3: """strip() #去除空格 isdigit()判断是不是整数 int()转换成整数 """ input_age = input("Please input age:").strip() if input_age.isdigit(): input_age = int(input_age) else: continue if input_age == YHL_age: print("guess correct .....") break elif input_age == YHL_age: print("guess the.") else: print("Guess a little") count += 1
标签:含义 死循环 div 脚本 logs 内容 多行注释 odi rect