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标签:sre   领域   lse   asics   manager   should   思维   logic   简单的   


Working with Json

  1. JSON basics
  2. JSON with HTTP
  3. JSON Reads/Writes/Format Combinators
  4. JSON automated mapping
  5. JSON Transformers



package serialize

case class Location(lat: Double, long: Double)
case class Resident(name: String, age: Int, role: Option[String])
case class Place(name: String, location: Location, residents: Seq[Resident])


import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
import serialize.{Location, Place, Resident}

object PlayJsonTest{

  def main(args:Array[String]):Unit={

    implicit val locationReads = Json.reads[Location]
    implicit val residentReads = Json.reads[Resident]
    implicit val placeReads = Json.reads[Place]

    val json: JsValue = Json.parse("""
                    "name" : "Watership Down",
                    "location" : {
                      "lat" : 51.235685,
                      "long" : -1.309197
                    "residents" : [ {
                      "name" : "Fiver",
                      "age" : 4,
                      "role" : null
                    }, {
                      "name" : "Bigwig",
                      "age" : 6,
                      "role" : "Owsla"
                    } ]

    val result: JsResult[Place] = Json.fromJson[Place](json)

    result match {
      case JsSuccess(r: Place, path: JsPath) => println("Name: " + r.name)
      case e: JsError => println("Errors: " + JsError.toJson(e).toString())


一般的json序列化比较简单,有一个类似JsonManager的管理类,提供serialize(object obj)与deserialize<T>(string json)这样方法,一般不需要开发者做太多的工作,比较简单,也是基于这种认识,所以对play的json处理方式就会困惑。


Are we doomed to convert JSON to OO?

For a few years now, in almost all web frameworks (except recent JavaScript server side stuff maybe in which JSON is the default data structure), we have been used to get JSON from network and convert JSON (or even POST/GET data) into OO structures such as classes (or case classes in Scala). Why?

  • For a good reason : OO structures are “language-native” and allows manipulating data with respect to your business logic in a seamless way while ensuring isolation of business logic from web layers.
  • For a more questionable reason : ORM frameworks talk to DB only with OO structures and we have (kind of) convinced ourselves that it was impossible to do else… with the well-known good & bad features of ORMs… (not here to criticize those stuff)

Is OO conversion really the default use case?

In many cases, you don’t really need to perform any real business logic with data but validating/transforming before storing or after extracting. Let’s take the CRUD case:

  • You just get the data from the network, validate them a bit and insert/update into DB.
  • In the other way, you just retrieve data from DB and send them outside.

So, generally, for CRUD ops, you convert JSON into a OO structure just because the frameworks are only able to speak OO.

I don’t say or pretend you shouldn’t use JSON to OO conversion but maybe this is not the most common case and we should keep conversion to OO only when we have real business logic to fulfill.




标签:sre   领域   lse   asics   manager   should   思维   logic   简单的   


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