标签:erro ror check path tip bubuko __init__ 2.0 gate
网上都是python2 urllib库的。
于是写了1版python3 requests库的
# /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # mail: infaaf@126.com import requests import json import os ## user config here ip = ‘‘ user = "Admin" password = "zabbix" ## user config end class ZabbixApi: def __init__(self, ip, user, password): self.url = ‘http://‘ + ip + ‘/zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php‘ # ‘‘ self.headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json", } self.user = user self.password = password self.auth = self.__login() def __login(self): ‘‘‘ zabbix登陆获取auth :return: auth # 样例bdc64373690ab9660982e0bafe1967dd ‘‘‘ data = json.dumps({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "user.login", "params": { "user": self.user, "password": self.password }, "id": 10, # "auth": ‘none‘ }) try: response = requests.post(url=self.url, headers=self.headers, data=data, timeout=2) # {"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"bdc64373690ab9660982e0bafe1967dd","id":10} auth = response.json().get(‘result‘, ‘‘) return auth except Exception as e: print("\033[0;31;0m Login error check: IP,USER,PASSWORD\033[0m") raise Exception def host_get(self, hostname=‘‘): ‘‘‘ 获取主机。不输入hostname 则获取所有 :param hostName: zabbix主机名不允许重复。(IP允许重复)。#host_get(hostname=‘gateway1‘) :return: {‘jsonrpc‘: ‘2.0‘, ‘result‘: [], ‘id‘: 21} :return: {‘jsonrpc‘: ‘2.0‘, ‘result‘: [{‘hostid‘: ‘10277‘, ... , ‘host‘: ‘gateway‘, ...}], ‘id‘: 21} ‘‘‘ if hostname == ‘‘: # print("no hostname and find all host") data = json.dumps({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "host.get", "params": { "output": [ "hostid", "host" ], "selectInterfaces": [ "interfaceid", "ip" ] }, "id": 20, "auth": self.auth }) else: data = json.dumps({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "host.get", "params": {"output": "extend", "filter": {"host": hostname}, }, "id": 21, "auth": self.auth }) try: response = requests.get(url=self.url, headers=self.headers, data=data, timeout=2) # hosts_count=len(response.json().get(‘result‘,‘‘)) # print(‘l‘,hosts) return response.json() # len(ret.get(‘result‘))为1时获取到,否则未获取到。 except Exception as e: print("\033[0;31;0m HOST GET ERROR\033[0m") raise Exception def hostgroup_get(self,hostGroupName=‘‘): ‘‘‘ 获取主机组 :param hostGroupName: :return: {‘jsonrpc‘: ‘2.0‘, ‘result‘: [{‘groupid‘: ‘15‘, ‘name‘: ‘linux group 1‘, ‘internal‘: ‘0‘, ‘flags‘: ‘0‘}], ‘id‘: 1} ‘‘‘ data = json.dumps({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "hostgroup.get", "params": { "output": "extend", "filter": { "name": hostGroupName } }, "auth": self.auth, "id": 1, }) try: response = requests.get(url=self.url, headers=self.headers, data=data, timeout=2) # hosts_count=len(response.json().get(‘result‘,‘‘)) # print(‘l‘,hosts) return response.json() # len(ret.get(‘result‘))为1时获取到,否则未获取到。 except Exception as e: print("\033[0;31;0m HOSTGROUP GET ERROR\033[0m") raise Exception def hostgroup_create(self,hostGroupName=‘‘): if len(self.hostgroup_get(hostGroupName).get(‘result‘))==1: print("无需创建,hostgroup存在") return 100 data = json.dumps({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "hostgroup.create", "params": { "name": hostGroupName }, "auth": self.auth, "id": 1 }) try: response = requests.get(url=self.url, headers=self.headers, data=data, timeout=2) # hosts_count=len(response.json().get(‘result‘,‘‘)) # print(‘l‘,hosts) return response.json() # len(ret.get(‘result‘))为1时获取到,否则未获取到。 except Exception as e: print("\033[0;31;0m HOSTGROUP CREATE ERROR\033[0m") raise Exception def template_get(self,templateName=‘‘): data = json.dumps({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "template.get", "params": { "output": "extend", "filter": { "name": templateName } }, "auth": self.auth, "id": 50, }) try: response = requests.get(url=self.url, headers=self.headers, data=data, timeout=2) # hosts_count=len(response.json().get(‘result‘,‘‘)) # print(‘l‘,hosts) return response.json() # len(ret.get(‘result‘))为1时获取到,否则未获取到。 except Exception as e: print("\033[0;31;0m Template GET ERROR\033[0m") raise Exception def host_create(self,hostname,hostip,hostGroupName,templateName): ‘‘‘ 创建host,并分配分组,关联模版 host_create(‘host3‘,‘‘,‘gp1 test,gp2 test‘,‘Template App FTP Service,Template App HTTP Service‘) :param hostname: ‘host3‘ :param hostip: ‘‘ :param hostGroupName: 多个组逗号分割‘gp1 test,gp2 test‘ :param templateName: 多个模版都逗号分割‘Template App FTP Service,Template App HTTP Service‘ :return: ‘‘‘ # 判断主机名是否重复。 zabbix不允许主机名重复 find_hostname=self.host_get(hostname) if len(find_hostname.get(‘result‘)): print("###recheck### hostname[%s] exists and return"%hostname) return 1 # 判断template是否存才,不存在退出。 否则初始化备用 template_list = [] for t in templateName.split(‘,‘): find_template = self.template_get(t) if not len(find_template.get(‘result‘)): # template不存在退出 # 一般因为输错关系 print("###recheck### template[%s] not find and return " %t) return 1 tid=self.template_get(t).get(‘result‘)[0][‘templateid‘] template_list.append({‘templateid‘:tid}) # 判断hostgroup是否存在。 不存在则创建。 并初始化hostgroup_list备用 hostgroup_list=[] for g in hostGroupName.split(‘,‘): find_hostgroupname = self.hostgroup_get(g) if not len(find_hostgroupname.get(‘result‘)): # hostgroupname 不存在,创建 self.hostgroup_create(g) #{‘jsonrpc‘: ‘2.0‘, ‘result‘: [{‘groupid‘: ‘15‘, ‘name‘: ‘linux group 1‘, ‘internal‘: ‘0‘, ‘flags‘: ‘0‘}],‘id‘: 1} # for g in hostGroupName.split(‘,‘): # print(self.hostgroup_get(g).get(‘result‘)) gid=self.hostgroup_get(g).get(‘result‘)[0][‘groupid‘] hostgroup_list.append({‘groupid‘:gid}) # # print("## 测试组信息 ##") # print(hostgroup_list) # print(template_list) data = json.dumps({ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "host.create", "params": { "host": hostname, "interfaces": [ { "type": 1, "main": 1, "useip": 1, "ip": hostip, "dns": "", "port": "10050" } ], "groups": hostgroup_list, "templates": template_list, }, "auth": self.auth, "id": 1 }) try: response = requests.get(url=self.url, headers=self.headers, data=data, timeout=2) # hosts_count=len(response.json().get(‘result‘,‘‘)) # print(‘l‘,hosts) print("执行返回信息: 添加HOST[%s,%s]完成"%(hostname,hostip)) return response.json() # len(ret.get(‘result‘))为1时获取到,否则未获取到。 except Exception as e: print("\033[0;31;0m HOST CREATE ERROR\033[0m") raise Exception def unittest(): # zabbix = ZabbixApi(ip, user, password) # print("login success") # # 获取主机测试 # hostsinfo=zabbix.host_get() # hostinfo = zabbix.host_get(hostname=‘gateway‘) # print(hostinfo) # print(len(hostinfo.get(‘result‘))) # 获取到结果时为1 否则为0 # # 获取/创建hostgroup测试 # groupinfo=zabbix.hostgroup_get(‘linux group 1‘) # print(groupinfo) # print(groupinfo.get(‘result‘)[0][‘groupid‘]) # r=zabbix.hostgroup_create(hostGroupName=‘gt3‘) # print(r) # # 获取template测试 # r=zabbix.template_get(‘Template App FTP Service‘) # print(r.get(‘result‘)[0][‘templateid‘]) ## 添加测试 # r=zabbix.host_create(‘testadd1‘,‘gp1‘,‘tmp1‘) # print(r) pass if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: try: zabbix = ZabbixApi(ip, user, password) print("...login success...") # unittest() # 添加主机单台 #zabbix.host_create(‘host7‘,‘‘,‘gp1 test,gp2 test‘,‘Template App FTP Service,Template App HTTP Service‘) #批量添加主机,从文本serverlist.txt BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) ADD_LIST= os.path.join(BASE_DIR,‘serverlist.txt‘) with open(ADD_LIST,‘r‘,encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f: for line in f: if len(line.strip()): #跳过空行 serverinfo=line.strip().split(‘#‘) # # print(serverinfo[0].strip("‘"),serverinfo[1].strip("‘"),serverinfo[2].strip("‘"),serverinfo[3].strip("‘")) # # print(serverinfo[0]) zabbix.host_create(serverinfo[0],serverinfo[1],serverinfo[2],serverinfo[3]) except Exception as e: print(e) # print(zabbix.auth)
host1# test,gp2 test#Template App FTP Service,Template App HTTP Service host2# test,gp3 test#Template App FTP Service,Template App HTTP Service host3# test,gp4 test#Template App FTP Service,Template App HTTP Service host4# test,gp5 test#Template App FTP Service,Template App HTTP Service host5# test,gp6 test#Template App FTP Service,Template App HTTP Service,Template App HTTPS Service host6# test,gp6 test#Template App FTP Service,Template App HTTP Service,Template App HTTPS Service host7# test,gp6 test#Template App FTP Service,Template App HTTP Service,Template App HTTPS Service host8# test,gp6 test#Template App FTP Service,Template App HTTP Service,Template App HTTPS Service
标签:erro ror check path tip bubuko __init__ 2.0 gate