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类引用(Class Reference)是一种数据类型,有时又称为元类(MetaClass),是类的类型的引用。类引用的定义形式如下:
class of type
type SomeClass = class of TObject; var AnyObj: SomeClass;
TObject = class end; TClass = class of TObject;
program Project1; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} type TPerson = class { 人员类 } Name : string; { 姓名 } end; TEmployee = class( TPerson ) { 职员类 } DeptName : string; { 部门名称 } procedure Infor; { 显示职员信息 } end; CRef = class of TObject; { 定义了一个"类引用"数据类型 } var Employee : array [ 0 .. 1 ] of TObject; { 类的变量数组 } i : Integer; { 循环变量 } CR : array [ 0 .. 1 ] of CRef; { 类引用数组 } { TEmployee } procedure TEmployee.Infor; begin Writeln( ’ 姓名 : ’, name, ’ ; 部门名称 : ’, DeptName ); end; begin CR[ 0 ] := TPerson; { 给类引用赋值 } CR[ 1 ] := TEmployee; for i := 0 to 1 do begin Employee[ i ] := CR[ i ].Create; { 创建对象 } if Employee[ i ] is TEmployee then { 判断对象的类型 } begin ( Employee[ i ] as TEmployee ).Name := ’ 残月 ’; ( Employee[ i ] as TEmployee ).DeptName := ’ 人事部 ’; ( Employee[ i ] as TEmployee ).Infor; end; end; Readln; end.
procedure StepEditor( strgrid : TStringGrid; Step : TStep ); var sValue, sField : string; EditorClass : TStepEditorClass; Editor : TStepEditor; begin sField := strgrid.Cells[ 0, strgrid.Selection.Top ]; sValue := strgrid.Cells[ 1, strgrid.Selection.Top ]; EditorClass := EditorClassList.Editors[ sField ]; Editor := EditorClass.Create; Editor.Field := sField; Editor.Step := Step; Editor.Edit( sValue ); Editor.Free; strgrid.Cells[ 1, strgrid.Selection.Top ] := sValue; end;
EditorClass 是一个Class of Class, 也就是类的类 比如 TFormClass = Class of TForm;
但是不同于:TFormClass = Class( TForm ); 这是两个概念!
而 EditorClassList 里面存放的就是 类的类的列表;
Editor := EditorClass.Create;
Create是类方法,而不是对象方法,所以可以由 EditorClass来创建EditorClass的一个实例
TStepEditor = Class( TObject )
TStepEditorClass = Class of TStepEditor;
元类(meta class),也叫类引用类型(class-reference type),
TClass = Class of TObject;
AClass: TClass;
AClass := TObject;
AClass := TButton;
AClass := TForm;
A class-reference type, sometimes called a metaclass, is denoted by a construction of the form
class of type
where type is any class type.
The identifier type itself denotes a value whose type is class of type.
If type1 is an ancestor of type2, then class of type2 is assignment-compatible with class of type1. Thus
type TClass = class of TObject; var
AnyObj: TClass;
declares a variable called AnyObj that can hold a reference to any class.
(The definition of a class-reference type cannot occur directly in a variable declaration or parameter list.)
You can assign the value nil to a variable of any class-reference type.
To see how class-reference types are used, look at the declaration of the constructor for TCollection (in the Classes unit):
type TCollectionItemClass = class of TCollectionItem; ... constructor Create(ItemClass: TCollectionItemClass);
This declaration says that to create a TCollection instance object,
you must pass to the constructor the name of a class descending from TCollectionItem.
Class-reference types are useful when you want to invoke a class method
or virtual constructor on a class or object whose actual type is unknown at compile Time .
元类 就是类之类, 如果说 对象(引用) 是类的变量,那么 元类变量 就是 类的 类型的 变量.
TForm = class(TCustomForm)
TFormClass= class of TForm
{ 定义部分 } interface type TMyClass = class( TObject ) end; TMyClassClass = class of TMyClass; TMyClass1 = class( TMyClass )
TMyClass2 = class( TMyClass )
end; { 执行部分 } implementation procedure MyProcedure; var MyClass : TMyClassClass; MyObj : TMyClass; begin { 创建TMyClass1的实例 } MyClass := TMyClass1; MyObj := MyClass.Create; MyObj.Free; { 创建TMyClass2的实例 } MyClass := TMyClass2; MyObj := MyClass.Create; MyObj.Free; end;
这个概念本来在一个关于Delphi RTTI 介绍的文档中已经说得很清楚了。
一个Delphi Exe程序中项目文件的Application.CreateForm,跟踪下源代码就能明白,
TComponentClass = class of TComponent;
procedure TApplication.CreateForm(InstanceClass: TComponentClass; var Reference); begin Instance := TComponent(InstanceClass.NewInstance); Instance.Create(Self); ... end;
我们的代码中什么地方需要使用class of ?
procedure TTableSet.Add(const AExoprtObjectInfo: record) var ExprotTable: TExportTable; begin ExprotTable := TExportTable.Create(nil) { 根据AExoprtObjectInfo的数据内容具体化ExportTable对象以方便复用代码 } end;
TInStorageBill = class(TExportTable) { 一些具体的类属性和方法 } { 覆盖TExportTable的Create方法以创建相应的资源 } end;
或换而言之:“我怎么在在知道父类的情况下创建其不确定的子类?”。 而你们都知道答案了。
关于物件参考(Object reference)与类别参考(Class reference):
type TMyClass = class of TForm; { 宣告了关于TForm的一个类别参考,意即C++中的别名。} var MyClass: TForm; { 宣告了关于TForm的一个物件参考。}
Type TControlCls = Class of TControl; function CreateComponent(ControlCls: TControlCls): TControl; begin result:=ControlCls.Create(Form1); ... end; function CreateComponent(ControlCls: TControl): TControl; begin result:=ControlCls.Create(Form1); ... end;
前者要求传入一个 类, 而后者要求传入一个 对象(类的实例)
type MyClassRef = calss of TMyClass; { 表示 MyClassRef 为指向 TMyClass 或 其父类 的指针 }
类的引用 就像指向 类的指针 一样
类的引用 就是 类 的类型,可以声明一个类的引用变量, 赋给它一个类,可以通过这个 类的引用变量 创建 对象 的实例。
How can I create an instance of an object using a class reference,
and ensure that the constructor is executed?
In this code example, the constructor of TMyClass will not be called:
type TMyClass = class(TObject) MyStrings: TStrings; constructor Create; virtual; end; constructor TMyClass.Create; begin MyStrings := TStringList.Create; end; procedure Test; var Clazz: TClass; Instance: TObject; begin Clazz := TMyClass; Instance := Clazz.Create; end;
Your code slightly modified:
type TMyObject = class(TObject) MyStrings: TStrings; constructor Create; virtual; end;
TMyClass = class of TMyObject; constructor TMyObject.Create; begin inherited Create; MyStrings := TStringList.Create; end; procedure Test; var C: TMyClass; Instance: TObject; begin C := TMyObject; Instance := C.Create; end;
Use this:
type TMyClass = class(TObject) MyStrings: TStrings; constructor Create; virtual; end;
TMyClassRef = class of TMyClass; constructor TMyClass.Create; begin MyStrings := TStringList.Create; end; procedure Test; var MyClassRef: TMyClassRef; Instance: TObject; begin MyClassRef := TMyClass; { you can use TMyClass or any of its child classes. } Instance := MyClassRef.Create; { virtual constructor will be used } end;
Alternatively, you can use a type-casts to TMyClass (instead of class of TMyClass).
Alexander‘s solution is a fine one but does not suffice in certain situations.
Suppose you wish to set up a TClassFactory class where TClass references
can be stored during runtime and an arbitrary number of instances retrieved later on.
Such a class factory would never know anything about the actual types of the classes it holds
and thus cannot cast them into their according meta classes.
To invoke the correct constructors in such cases, the following approach will work.
First, we need a simple demo class (don‘t mind the public fields, it‘s just for demonstration purposes).
interface uses RTTI; type THuman = class(TObject) public Name: string; Age: Integer; constructor Create(); virtual; end; implementation constructor THuman.Create(); begin Name:= ‘John Doe‘; Age:= -1; end;
Now we instantiate an object of type THuman purely by RTTI and with the correct constructor call.
procedure CreateInstance(); var someclass: TClass; c: TRttiContext; t: TRttiType; v: TValue; human1, human2, human3: THuman; begin someclass:= THuman; { Invoke RTTI } c:= TRttiContext.Create; t:= c.GetType(someclass); { Variant 1a - instantiates a THuman object but calls constructor of TObject } human1:= t.AsInstance.MetaclassType.Create; { Variant 1b - same result as 1a } human2:= THuman(someclass.Create); { Variant 2 - works fine } v:= t.GetMethod(‘Create‘).Invoke(t.AsInstance.MetaclassType,[]); human3:= THuman(v.AsObject); { free RttiContext record (see text below) and the rest } c.Free; human1.Destroy; human2.Destroy; human3.Destroy; end;
You will find that the objects "human1" and "human2" have been initialized to zero,
i.e., Name=‘‘ and Age=0, which is not what we want.
The object human3 instead holds the default values provided in the constructor of THuman.
Note, however, that this method requires your classes to have constructor methods with not parameters.
All the above was not conceived by me but explained brillantly and in much more detail (e.g., the c.Free part)
Delphi 类引用 Class Reference 元类 MetaClass 用法
标签:des style blog http color io os 使用 ar