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提出 partition-masked Convolutin Neural Network (CNN) ,用以提升 HEVC 压缩视频的质量。
而现存的质量提升方法中,大多要么只在编码端(环路滤波器),要么只在解码端( 一般 CNN 方法)。
However, existing works only consider the appearance of input coding units
(CUs) or frames, while the partition variations in different CUs and frames are neglected.
块分割信息,实际上暗示了 visual compression artifacts 的来源。因此块分割信息可以用于质量增强。
In practice, since the partition information (e.g., 1616, 88) is introduced by the blockwise processing and quantization of HEVC, this indicates the source of visual compression artifacts.
Thus, we use the partition information to effectively guide the quality enhancement process performed by CNN.
Since the block-wise transform and quantization are performed in HEVC during encoding, the quality degradation of compressed frames is highly related to the coding unit splitting.
Thus, the partition information contains useful clues for eliminating the artifacts present during the encoding.
块分割信息,经过 mask generation 后,得到 mask 。
mask 和待增强的帧分别进行特征提取,再融合,最终生成“质量更高”的帧。
其 CNN 网络如图:
作为本文的第二个贡献,作者首先提出并对比了两种 mask 。
第一种是 Mean-based mask ,第二种是 Boundary-based mask ,如图。
在边界 mask 中,边界宽度为2,用 1 填满;其余部分为 0 。
没有太多的说道。唯一的说法是:由于 mask 的块之间差异很大,因此可以借鉴许多有意义的信息?
其次,作者提出了 3 种融合方式:
在20个标准测试序列上的实验结果表面,MM + AF 效果最优。
标签:方式 mat 文学 add ase inf ima 论文 diff