标签:sele ... 多个 mysq sql mys 去掉 必须 between
show create table 表名;
drop table 表名;
alter table 表名 add(列 列类型);
alter table 表名 modify 列 列类型;
alter table 表名 change 原列名 新列名 列类型;
alter table 表名 drop 列名;
alter table 原表名 rename to 新表名;
select 列 from 表名;
in(set),is null,and,or,not,between...and
select * from stu where gender=‘female‘ and age>50;
select sid,sname from stu where gender=‘female‘ and age>50;
select * from stu where age>50;
select * from stu where age=40;
select * from stu where age< 30;
select * from stu where sname<>‘lisi‘;
select * from stu where sname !=‘lisi‘;
----查询学号为1001 ,或者名字是李四(or)
select * from stu where sid=‘S_1001‘ or sname=‘lisi‘;
select sname,age from stu where sid=‘S_1001‘ or sname=‘lisi‘;
select * from stu where sid in(‘S_1001‘,‘S_1002‘,‘S_1003‘);
select age,gender from stu where sid in(‘S_1001‘,‘S_1002‘,‘S_1003‘);
select * from stu where sid not in (‘S_1001‘,‘S_1002‘,‘S_1003‘);
select age,gender from stu where sid not in(‘S_1001‘,‘S_1002‘,‘S_1003‘);
select * from stu where age is null;
insert into stu values(‘S_1012‘,‘aaa‘,null,‘null‘);
select * from stu where gender is null;
select * from stu where gender =‘null‘;
------查询年龄在20到40 (and)
select * from stu where age>=20 and age<=40;
select sid,sname from stu where age>=20 and age<=40;
select * from stu where age between 20 and 40;
select sid,sname from stu where age between 20 and 40;
select * from stu where gender !=‘male‘;
select * from stu where gender <> ‘male‘;
select * from stu where not gender=‘male‘;
select * from stu where not sname is null;
insert into stu values(‘S_1013‘,‘null‘,12,‘male‘);
select * from stu where sname is not null;
-----模糊查询必须使用LIKE关键字。其中 “_”匹配任意一个字符,5个“_”表示5个任意字母。
select * from stu where sname like‘_____‘;
select * from stu where sname like‘___‘;
select * from stu where sname like‘____i‘;
select sid,gender from stu where sname like‘____i‘;
select * from stu where sname like‘z%‘;
select * from stu where sname like‘z_____‘;
select * from stu where sname like ‘_i%‘;
select * from stu where sname like‘%a%‘;
select * from emp;
select distinct(去掉重复的) sal from emp;
select *(原来的所有的列),sal+ comm from emp;
select *,sal+ifnull(comm,0) from emp;
----给字段其别名:(关键字as 可以省略)
select *,sal+ifnull(comm,0) as 总和 from emp;
----order by
----asc 升序
----desc 降序
select * from stu order by age;
select * from stu order by age asc;
select * from stu order by age desc;
----查询员工月薪按降序排序 ,如果月薪相同按编号排序
select * from emp order by sal desc,empno asc;
分组查询:group by
select * from emp limit 0,5;
select * from emp limit 2,10;
Select * from emp limit (3-1)*10,10
标签:sele ... 多个 mysq sql mys 去掉 必须 between