module(‘Point‘, package.seeall) -- require("script/battle/BattleCommon") --计算F值 function CalcF( point ) point.F = point.G + point.H end function create( posId ) local point = {} point.parentPoint = {} point.step = 1 --用于计算h值 local x,y = BattleCommon.convertPosIdToCoord(posId) point.F = 0 point.G = 0 point.H = 0 point.X = y --point.X范围[1,5] point.Y = x --point.Y范围[1,8] point.posId = posId point.CalcF = CalcF return point end return Point地形(Maze)结构
--根据一个table创建一个地形 function create( tb ) local maze = {} maze.step = 1 --格子与格子的基本距离,用于计算H值 maze.mazeArray = tb maze.openList = TabledArray.create() --开启列表 maze.closeList = TabledArray.create() --关闭列表 maze.findPath = findPath return maze end
module(‘Maze‘, package.seeall) require("script/battle/TabledArray") require("script/battle/BattleCommon") require ("script/battle/Point") -- --获取列表中F值最小的点 function getMinPoint( pointsList ) local minPoint = pointsList.tbl[1] for i = 1,pointsList:getSize() do if minPoint.F > pointsList.tbl[i].F then minPoint = pointsList.tbl[i] end end return minPoint end -- --检测是否有阻挡,没有阻挡为true function checkBlock( maze,x,y,roleFlag) --x范围[1,5] y范围[1,8] if roleFlag == BattleCommon.BATTLE_GROUP_ALLIES then --我方阵营 if maze.mazeArray[x][y][1] == 0 or maze.mazeArray[x][y][1] == 1 then return true --没有阻挡 else return false end elseif roleFlag == BattleCommon.BATTLE_GROUP_ENEMY then if maze.mazeArray[x][y][1] == 0 or maze.mazeArray[x][y][1] == 2 then return true --没有阻挡 else return false end end end -- --列表中是否包含x,y的点 function existsXY( list,x,y ) if list:getSize()>0 then for i,point in pairs(list.tbl) do if point.X == x and point.Y == y then return true end end end return false end --列表中是否包含某个点 function existsPoint( list,point ) for i, p in pairs(list.tbl) do if (p.X == point.X) and (p.Y == point.Y) then return true end end return false end -- --检测能达到的点 function canReach( maze,startPoint,x,y,roleFlag) if (not checkBlock(maze,x,y,roleFlag)) or existsXY(maze.closeList,x,y) then --关闭列表中包含这个点或者有阻挡 return false else if (math.abs(x-startPoint.X)+math.abs(y-startPoint.Y) == 1 ) then return true end end end -- --获取相邻的点 function getSurroundPoints( maze,point,roleFlag ) local surroundPoints = TabledArray.create() for i = point.X - 1 ,point.X + 1 do for j=point.Y - 1,point.Y + 1 do if i>0 and i<6 and j > 0 and j < 9 then --排除超过表姐 if BattleCommon.distanceFromTo(point.posId,BattleCommon.convertToPositionId(j-1,i-1)) < 2 then if canReach(maze,point,i,j,roleFlag) then surroundPoints:append(maze.mazeArray[i][j][2]) end end end end end return surroundPoints --返回point点的集合 end -- --计算G值 function CalcG( point ) local G = point.G local parentG = 0 if point.parentPoint then parentG = point.parentPoint.G end return G + parentG end function foundPoint( tempStart,point ) local G = CalcG(point) if G < point.G then point.parentPoint = tempStart point.G = G point:CalcF() end end function notFoundPoint( maze,tempStart,point ) point.parentPoint = tempStart point.G = CalcG(point) point:CalcF() maze.openList:append(point) end function getPoint( list,data ) for i,point in pairs(list.tbl) do if point.posId == data.posId then return point end end return nil end -- --寻找路径(起始路径) local function findPath( maze,startPoint,endPoint,roleFlag) maze.openList:append(startPoint) while maze.openList:getSize() ~= 0 do --找出F的最小值 local tempStart = getMinPoint(maze.openList) maze.openList:removeById(1) maze.closeList:append(tempStart) --找出它相邻的点 local surroundPoints = getSurroundPoints(maze,tempStart,roleFlag) for i,point in pairs(surroundPoints.tbl) do if existsPoint(maze.openList,point) then --计算G值,如果比原来大,就什么都不做,否则设置他的父节点为当前节点,并更新G和F foundPoint(tempStart,point) else --如果他们不再开始列表里面,就加入,并设置父节点,并计算GHF notFoundPoint(maze,tempStart,point) end end --如果最后一个存在则返回 if getPoint(maze.openList,endPoint) then return getPoint(maze.openList,endPoint) end end return getPoint(maze.openList,endPoint) end --根据一个table创建一个地形 function create( tb ) local maze = {} maze.step = 1 --格子与格子的基本距离,用于计算H值 maze.mazeArray = tb maze.openList = TabledArray.create() --开启列表 maze.closeList = TabledArray.create() --关闭列表 maze.findPath = findPath return maze end return Maze
function printPath( presentPoint ) local pathArray = TabledArray.create() while presentPoint do pathArray:preppend(presentPoint.posId) presentPoint = presentPoint.parentPoint end local startPoint = pathArray:get(2) local endPoint = pathArray:getLast() cclog(startPoint) cclog(endPoint) cclog("从"..startPoint.."到"..endPoint.."的路径是:") for i,p in pairs(pathArray.tbl) do cclog(p) end end
local array = battleBoard:createBoxPoints(cRole:getFlag(),40) local maze = Maze.create(array) local startPoint = Point.create(cRole:getPositionId()) local endPoint = Point.create(40) local presentPoint = maze:findPath(startPoint,endPoint,cRole:getFlag()) printPath(presentPoint)