create procedure [dbo].[pro_getStu] ( @pindex int, --最小是1,第1页 @psize int, @name nvarchar, @dbcount int out--总记录数 ) as begin
-----取符合条件的记录信息总数量 declare @Sqlcount NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @Sqlcount = N‘SELECT @dbcount = COUNT(1) FROM DoFolder where 1=1 ‘ if @name is not null begin set @Sqlcount+=‘ and [DoFolderName] like ‘‘%‘+@name+‘%‘‘‘; end EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @Sqlcount,N‘@dbcount int output‘,@dbcount output
-----取符合条件的记录信息 declare @sql varchar(2000); set @sql=‘ select * from ( select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by DoFolderName) as num, [DoFolderID],[DoFolderName],[ParentID] from DoFolder where 1=1 ‘;
if @name is not null begin set @sql+=‘and [DoFolderName] like ‘‘%‘+@name+‘%‘‘‘; end
set @sql +=‘) temptable --where num between ((页码-1)*几条+1) and (页码*几条) where num between ‘+ convert( varchar,(@pindex-1)*@psize+1) +‘ and ‘+ convert(varchar,@pindex*@psize); print(@sql); exec(@sql);