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  Servlet 3.0规范之前




  • The contents of this file are subject to the terms
  • of the Common Development and Distribution License
  • (the "License"). You may not use this file except
  • in compliance with the License.
  • You can obtain a copy of the license at
  • glassfish/bootstrap/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt or
  • https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDLv1.0.html.
  • See the License for the specific language governing
  • permissions and limitations under the License.
  • When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
  • HEADER in each file and include the License file at
  • glassfish/bootstrap/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt. If applicable,
  • add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
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  • Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Portions Copyright Apache Software Foundation.

package javax.servlet;

import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Set;


  • Defines a set of methods that a servlet uses to communicate with its
  • servlet container, for example, to get the MIME type of a file, dispatch
  • requests, or write to a log file.
  • <p>There is one context per "web application" per Java Virtual Machine. (A
  • "web application" is a collection of servlets and content installed under a
  • specific subset of the server‘s URL namespace such as <code>/catalog</code>
  • and possibly installed via a <code>.war</code> file.)
  • <p>In the case of a web
  • application marked "distributed" in its deployment descriptor, there will
  • be one context instance for each virtual machine. In this situation, the
  • context cannot be used as a location to share global information (because
  • the information won‘t be truly global). Use an external resource like
  • a database instead.
  • <p>The <code>ServletContext</code> object is contained within
  • the {@link ServletConfig} object, which the Web server provides the
  • servlet when the servlet is initialized.
  • @author Various
  • @see Servlet#getServletConfig
  • @see ServletConfig#getServletContext
  • */

public interface ServletContext {

 * Returns the context path of the web application.
 * <p>The context path is the portion of the request URI that is used
 * to select the context of the request. The context path always comes
 * first in a request URI. The path starts with a "/" character but does
 * not end with a "/" character. For servlets in the default (root)
 * context, this method returns "".
 * <p>It is possible that a servlet container may match a context by
 * more than one context path. In such cases the
 * {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#getContextPath()}
 * will return the actual context path used by the request and it may
 * differ from the path returned by this method.
 * The context path returned by this method should be considered as the
 * prime or preferred context path of the application.
 * @return The context path of the web application, or "" for the
 * default (root) context
 * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#getContextPath()
 * @since Servlet 2.5
public String getContextPath();

 * Returns a <code>ServletContext</code> object that 
 * corresponds to a specified URL on the server.
 * <p>This method allows servlets to gain
 * access to the context for various parts of the server, and as
 * needed obtain {@link RequestDispatcher} objects from the context.
 * The given path must be begin with "/", is interpreted relative 
 * to the server‘s document root and is matched against the context roots of
 * other web applications hosted on this container.
 * <p>In a security conscious environment, the servlet container may
 * return <code>null</code> for a given URL.
 * @param uripath     a <code>String</code> specifying the context path of
 *            another web application in the container.
 * @return        the <code>ServletContext</code> object that
 *            corresponds to the named URL, or null if either
        none exists or the container wishes to restrict 
 *             this access.
 * @see         RequestDispatcher

public ServletContext getContext(String uripath);

 * Returns the major version of the Java Servlet API that this
 * servlet container supports. All implementations that comply
 * with Version 2.5 must have this method
 * return the integer 2.
 * @return         2

public int getMajorVersion();

 * Returns the minor version of the Servlet API that this
 * servlet container supports. All implementations that comply
 * with Version 2.5 must have this method
 * return the integer 5.
 * @return         5

public int getMinorVersion();

 * Returns the MIME type of the specified file, or <code>null</code> if 
 * the MIME type is not known. The MIME type is determined
 * by the configuration of the servlet container, and may be specified
 * in a web application deployment descriptor. Common MIME
 * types are <code>"text/html"</code> and <code>"image/gif"</code>.
 * @param   file    a <code>String</code> specifying the name
 *            of a file
 * @return         a <code>String</code> specifying the file‘s MIME type

public String getMimeType(String file);

* Returns a directory-like listing of all the paths to resources within the web application whose longest sub-path
* matches the supplied path argument. Paths indicating subdirectory paths end with a ‘/‘. The returned paths are all 
* relative to the root of the web application and have a leading ‘/‘. For example, for a web application 
* containing<br><br>

* /welcome.html<br>
* /catalog/index.html<br>
* /catalog/products.html<br>
* /catalog/offers/books.html<br>
* /catalog/offers/music.html<br>
* /customer/login.jsp<br>
* /WEB-INF/web.xml<br>
* /WEB-INF/classes/com.acme.OrderServlet.class,<br><br>
* getResourcePaths("/") returns {"/welcome.html", "/catalog/", "/customer/", "/WEB-INF/"}<br>
* getResourcePaths("/catalog/") returns {"/catalog/index.html", "/catalog/products.html", "/catalog/offers/"}.<br>

*@param path        the partial path used to match the resources,
*                which must start with a /
*@return a Set containing the directory listing, or null if there are no resources in the web application whose path
* begins with the supplied path.

* @since Servlet 2.3

public Set getResourcePaths(String path);

 * Returns a URL to the resource that is mapped to a specified
 * path. The path must begin with a "/" and is interpreted
 * as relative to the current context root.
 * <p>This method allows the servlet container to make a resource 
 * available to servlets from any source. Resources 
 * can be located on a local or remote
 * file system, in a database, or in a <code>.war</code> file. 
 * <p>The servlet container must implement the URL handlers
 * and <code>URLConnection</code> objects that are necessary
 * to access the resource.
 * <p>This method returns <code>null</code>
 * if no resource is mapped to the pathname.
 * <p>Some containers may allow writing to the URL returned by
 * this method using the methods of the URL class.
 * <p>The resource content is returned directly, so be aware that 
 * requesting a <code>.jsp</code> page returns the JSP source code.
 * Use a <code>RequestDispatcher</code> instead to include results of 
 * an execution.
 * <p>This method has a different purpose than
 * <code>java.lang.Class.getResource</code>,
 * which looks up resources based on a class loader. This
 * method does not use class loaders.
 * @param path                 a <code>String</code> specifying
 *                        the path to the resource
 * @return                     the resource located at the named path,
 *                         or <code>null</code> if there is no resource
 *                        at that path
 * @exception MalformedURLException     if the pathname is not given in 
 *                         the correct form

public URL getResource(String path) throws MalformedURLException;

 * Returns the resource located at the named path as
 * an <code>InputStream</code> object.
 * <p>The data in the <code>InputStream</code> can be 
 * of any type or length. The path must be specified according
 * to the rules given in <code>getResource</code>.
 * This method returns <code>null</code> if no resource exists at
 * the specified path. 
 * <p>Meta-information such as content length and content type
 * that is available via <code>getResource</code>
 * method is lost when using this method.
 * <p>The servlet container must implement the URL handlers
 * and <code>URLConnection</code> objects necessary to access
 * the resource.
 * <p>This method is different from 
 * <code>java.lang.Class.getResourceAsStream</code>,
 * which uses a class loader. This method allows servlet containers 
 * to make a resource available
 * to a servlet from any location, without using a class loader.
 * @param path     a <code>String</code> specifying the path
 *            to the resource
 * @return         the <code>InputStream</code> returned to the 
 *            servlet, or <code>null</code> if no resource
 *            exists at the specified path 

public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String path);

 * Returns a {@link RequestDispatcher} object that acts
 * as a wrapper for the resource located at the given path.
 * A <code>RequestDispatcher</code> object can be used to forward 
 * a request to the resource or to include the resource in a response.
 * The resource can be dynamic or static.
 * <p>The pathname must begin with a "/" and is interpreted as relative
 * to the current context root.  Use <code>getContext</code> to obtain
 * a <code>RequestDispatcher</code> for resources in foreign contexts.
 * This method returns <code>null</code> if the <code>ServletContext</code>
 * cannot return a <code>RequestDispatcher</code>.
 * @param path     a <code>String</code> specifying the pathname
 *            to the resource
 * @return         a <code>RequestDispatcher</code> object
 *            that acts as a wrapper for the resource
 *            at the specified path, or <code>null</code> if 
 *            the <code>ServletContext</code> cannot return
 *            a <code>RequestDispatcher</code>
 * @see         RequestDispatcher
 * @see         ServletContext#getContext

public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String path);

 * Returns a {@link RequestDispatcher} object that acts
 * as a wrapper for the named servlet.
 * <p>Servlets (and JSP pages also) may be given names via server 
 * administration or via a web application deployment descriptor.
 * A servlet instance can determine its name using 
 * {@link ServletConfig#getServletName}.
 * <p>This method returns <code>null</code> if the 
 * <code>ServletContext</code>
 * cannot return a <code>RequestDispatcher</code> for any reason.
 * @param name     a <code>String</code> specifying the name
 *            of a servlet to wrap
 * @return         a <code>RequestDispatcher</code> object
 *            that acts as a wrapper for the named servlet,
 *            or <code>null</code> if the <code>ServletContext</code>
 *            cannot return a <code>RequestDispatcher</code>
 * @see         RequestDispatcher
 * @see         ServletContext#getContext
 * @see         ServletConfig#getServletName

public RequestDispatcher getNamedDispatcher(String name);

 * @deprecated    As of Java Servlet API 2.1, with no direct replacement.
 * <p>This method was originally defined to retrieve a servlet
 * from a <code>ServletContext</code>. In this version, this method 
 * always returns <code>null</code> and remains only to preserve 
 * binary compatibility. This method will be permanently removed 
 * in a future version of the Java Servlet API.
 * <p>In lieu of this method, servlets can share information using the 
 * <code>ServletContext</code> class and can perform shared business logic
 * by invoking methods on common non-servlet classes.

public Servlet getServlet(String name) throws ServletException;

 * @deprecated    As of Java Servlet API 2.0, with no replacement.
 * <p>This method was originally defined to return an <code>Enumeration</code>
 * of all the servlets known to this servlet context. In this
 * version, this method always returns an empty enumeration and
 * remains only to preserve binary compatibility. This method
 * will be permanently removed in a future version of the Java
 * Servlet API.

public Enumeration getServlets();

 * @deprecated    As of Java Servlet API 2.1, with no replacement.
 * <p>This method was originally defined to return an 
 * <code>Enumeration</code>
 * of all the servlet names known to this context. In this version,
 * this method always returns an empty <code>Enumeration</code> and 
 * remains only to preserve binary compatibility. This method will 
 * be permanently removed in a future version of the Java Servlet API.

public Enumeration getServletNames();

 * Writes the specified message to a servlet log file, usually
 * an event log. The name and type of the servlet log file is 
 * specific to the servlet container.
 * @param msg     a <code>String</code> specifying the 
 *            message to be written to the log file

public void log(String msg);

 * @deprecated    As of Java Servlet API 2.1, use
 *             {@link #log(String message, Throwable throwable)} 
 *            instead.
 * <p>This method was originally defined to write an 
 * exception‘s stack trace and an explanatory error message
 * to the servlet log file.

public void log(Exception exception, String msg);

 * Writes an explanatory message and a stack trace
 * for a given <code>Throwable</code> exception
 * to the servlet log file. The name and type of the servlet log 
 * file is specific to the servlet container, usually an event log.
 * @param message         a <code>String</code> that 
 *                describes the error or exception
 * @param throwable     the <code>Throwable</code> error 
 *                or exception

public void log(String message, Throwable throwable);

 * Returns a <code>String</code> containing the real path 
 * for a given virtual path. For example, the path "/index.html"
 * returns the absolute file path on the server‘s filesystem would be
 * served by a request for "http://host/contextPath/index.html",
 * where contextPath is the context path of this ServletContext..
 * <p>The real path returned will be in a form
 * appropriate to the computer and operating system on
 * which the servlet container is running, including the
 * proper path separators. This method returns <code>null</code>
 * if the servlet container cannot translate the virtual path
 * to a real path for any reason (such as when the content is
 * being made available from a <code>.war</code> archive).
 * @param path     a <code>String</code> specifying a virtual path
 * @return         a <code>String</code> specifying the real path,
 *                  or null if the translation cannot be performed

public String getRealPath(String path);

 * Returns the name and version of the servlet container on which
 * the servlet is running. 
 * <p>The form of the returned string is 
 * <i>servername</i>/<i>versionnumber</i>.
 * For example, the JavaServer Web Development Kit may return the string
 * <code>JavaServer Web Dev Kit/1.0</code>.
 * <p>The servlet container may return other optional information 
 * after the primary string in parentheses, for example,
 * <code>JavaServer Web Dev Kit/1.0 (JDK 1.1.6; Windows NT 4.0 x86)</code>.
 * @return         a <code>String</code> containing at least the 
 *            servlet container name and version number

public String getServerInfo();

 * Returns a <code>String</code> containing the value of the named
 * context-wide initialization parameter, or <code>null</code> if the 
 * parameter does not exist.
 * <p>This method can make available configuration information useful
 * to an entire "web application".  For example, it can provide a 
 * webmaster‘s email address or the name of a system that holds 
 * critical data.
 * @param    name    a <code>String</code> containing the name of the
 *                  parameter whose value is requested
 * @return         a <code>String</code> containing at least the 
 *            servlet container name and version number
 * @see ServletConfig#getInitParameter

public String getInitParameter(String name);

 * Returns the names of the context‘s initialization parameters as an
 * <code>Enumeration</code> of <code>String</code> objects, or an
 * empty <code>Enumeration</code> if the context has no initialization
 * parameters.
 * @return         an <code>Enumeration</code> of <code>String</code> 
 *                  objects containing the names of the context‘s
 *                  initialization parameters
 * @see ServletConfig#getInitParameter

public Enumeration getInitParameterNames();

 * Returns the servlet container attribute with the given name, 
 * or <code>null</code> if there is no attribute by that name.
 * An attribute allows a servlet container to give the
 * servlet additional information not
 * already provided by this interface. See your
 * server documentation for information about its attributes.
 * A list of supported attributes can be retrieved using
 * <code>getAttributeNames</code>.
 * <p>The attribute is returned as a <code>java.lang.Object</code>
 * or some subclass.
 * Attribute names should follow the same convention as package
 * names. The Java Servlet API specification reserves names
 * matching <code>java.*</code>, <code>javax.*</code>,
 * and <code>sun.*</code>.
 * @param name     a <code>String</code> specifying the name 
 *            of the attribute
 * @return         an <code>Object</code> containing the value 
 *            of the attribute, or <code>null</code>
 *            if no attribute exists matching the given
 *            name
 * @see         ServletContext#getAttributeNames

public Object getAttribute(String name);

 * Returns an <code>Enumeration</code> containing the 
 * attribute names available
 * within this servlet context. Use the
 * {@link #getAttribute} method with an attribute name
 * to get the value of an attribute.
 * @return         an <code>Enumeration</code> of attribute 
 *            names
 * @see        #getAttribute

public Enumeration getAttributeNames();

 * Binds an object to a given attribute name in this servlet context. If
 * the name specified is already used for an attribute, this
 * method will replace the attribute with the new to the new attribute.
 * <p>If listeners are configured on the <code>ServletContext</code> the  
 * container notifies them accordingly.
 * <p>
 * If a null value is passed, the effect is the same as calling 
 * <code>removeAttribute()</code>.
 * <p>Attribute names should follow the same convention as package
 * names. The Java Servlet API specification reserves names
 * matching <code>java.*</code>, <code>javax.*</code>, and
 * <code>sun.*</code>.
 * @param name     a <code>String</code> specifying the name 
 *            of the attribute
 * @param object     an <code>Object</code> representing the
 *            attribute to be bound

public void setAttribute(String name, Object object);

 * Removes the attribute with the given name from 
 * the servlet context. After removal, subsequent calls to
 * {@link #getAttribute} to retrieve the attribute‘s value
 * will return <code>null</code>.

 * <p>If listeners are configured on the <code>ServletContext</code> the 
 * container notifies them accordingly.

 * @param name    a <code>String</code> specifying the name 
 *             of the attribute to be removed

public void removeAttribute(String name);

 * Returns the name of this web application corresponding to this ServletContext as specified in the deployment
 * descriptor for this web application by the display-name element.
 * @return        The name of the web application or null if no name has been declared in the deployment descriptor.
 * @since Servlet 2.3

public String getServletContextName();

定义了 一些列的方法,具体就不看了,有兴趣的可以详细看下

  Servlet 3.0+ 规范



 * Copyright (c) 1997-2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package javax.servlet;

import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.EventListener;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.servlet.descriptor.JspConfigDescriptor;

 * Defines a set of methods that a servlet uses to communicate with its
 * servlet container, for example, to get the MIME type of a file,
 * dispatch requests, or write to a log file.
 * <p>There is one context per "web application" per Java Virtual Machine.  (A
 * "web application" is a collection of servlets and content installed under a
 * specific subset of the server‘s URL namespace such as <code>/catalog</code>
 * and possibly installed via a <code>.war</code> file.)
 * <p>In the case of a web
 * application marked "distributed" in its deployment descriptor, there will
 * be one context instance for each virtual machine.  In this situation, the
 * context cannot be used as a location to share global information (because
 * the information won‘t be truly global).  Use an external resource like
 * a database instead.
 * <p>The <code>ServletContext</code> object is contained within
 * the {@link ServletConfig} object, which the Web server provides the
 * servlet when the servlet is initialized.
 * @author     Various
 * @see     Servlet#getServletConfig
 * @see     ServletConfig#getServletContext

public interface ServletContext {

     * The name of the <tt>ServletContext</tt> attribute which stores
     * the private temporary directory (of type <tt>java.io.File</tt>)
     * provided by the servlet container for the <tt>ServletContext</tt>
    public static final String TEMPDIR = "javax.servlet.context.tempdir";

     * The name of the <code>ServletContext</code> attribute whose value
     * (of type <code>java.util.List&lt;java.lang.String&gt;</code>) contains
     * the list of names of JAR files in <code>WEB-INF/lib</code> ordered by
     * their web fragment names (with possible exclusions if
     * <code>&lt;absolute-ordering&gt;</code> without any
     * <code>&lt;others/&gt;</code> is being used), or null if no
     * absolute or relative ordering has been specified
    public static final String ORDERED_LIBS =

     * Returns the context path of the web application.
     * <p>The context path is the portion of the request URI that is used
     * to select the context of the request. The context path always comes
     * first in a request URI. If this context is the "root" context
     * rooted at the base of the Web server‘s URL name space, this path
     * will be an empty string. Otherwise, if the context is not rooted at
     * the root of the server‘s name space, the path starts with a /
     * character but does not end with a / character.
     * <p>It is possible that a servlet container may match a context by
     * more than one context path. In such cases the
     * {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#getContextPath()}
     * will return the actual context path used by the request and it may
     * differ from the path returned by this method.
     * The context path returned by this method should be considered as the
     * prime or preferred context path of the application.
     * @return The context path of the web application, or "" for the
     * root context
     * @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#getContextPath()
     * @since Servlet 2.5
    public String getContextPath();

     * Returns a <code>ServletContext</code> object that
     * corresponds to a specified URL on the server.
     * <p>This method allows servlets to gain
     * access to the context for various parts of the server, and as
     * needed obtain {@link RequestDispatcher} objects from the context.
     * The given path must be begin with <tt>/</tt>, is interpreted relative
     * to the server‘s document root and is matched against the context
     * roots of other web applications hosted on this container.
     * <p>In a security conscious environment, the servlet container may
     * return <code>null</code> for a given URL.
     * @param uripath     a <code>String</code> specifying the context path of
     *            another web application in the container.
     * @return        the <code>ServletContext</code> object that
     *            corresponds to the named URL, or null if either
            none exists or the container wishes to restrict
     *             this access.
     * @see         RequestDispatcher
    public ServletContext getContext(String uripath);

     * Returns the major version of the Servlet API that this
     * servlet container supports. All implementations that comply
     * with Version 4.0 must have this method return the integer 4.
     * @return 4
    public int getMajorVersion();

     * Returns the minor version of the Servlet API that this
     * servlet container supports. All implementations that comply
     * with Version 4.0 must have this method return the integer 0.
     * @return 0
    public int getMinorVersion();

     * Gets the major version of the Servlet specification that the
     * application represented by this ServletContext is based on.
     * <p>The value returned may be different from {@link #getMajorVersion},
     * which returns the major version of the Servlet specification
     * supported by the Servlet container.
     * @return the major version of the Servlet specification that the
     * application represented by this ServletContext is based on
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public int getEffectiveMajorVersion();

     * Gets the minor version of the Servlet specification that the
     * application represented by this ServletContext is based on.
     * <p>The value returned may be different from {@link #getMinorVersion},
     * which returns the minor version of the Servlet specification
     * supported by the Servlet container.
     * @return the minor version of the Servlet specification that the
     * application represented by this ServletContext is based on
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public int getEffectiveMinorVersion();

     * Returns the MIME type of the specified file, or <code>null</code> if
     * the MIME type is not known. The MIME type is determined
     * by the configuration of the servlet container, and may be specified
     * in a web application deployment descriptor. Common MIME
     * types include <code>text/html</code> and <code>image/gif</code>.
     * @param file a <code>String</code> specifying the name of a file
     * @return a <code>String</code> specifying the file‘s MIME type
    public String getMimeType(String file);

     * Returns a directory-like listing of all the paths to resources
     * within the web application whose longest sub-path matches the
     * supplied path argument.
     * <p>Paths indicating subdirectory paths end with a <tt>/</tt>.
     * <p>The returned paths are all relative to the root of the web
     * application, or relative to the <tt>/META-INF/resources</tt>
     * directory of a JAR file inside the web application‘s
     * <tt>/WEB-INF/lib</tt> directory, and have a leading <tt>/</tt>.
     * <p>The returned set is not backed by the {@code ServletContext} object,
     * so changes in the returned set are not reflected in the
     * {@code ServletContext} object, and vice-versa.</p>
     * <p>For example, for a web application containing:
     * <pre>{@code
     *   /welcome.html
     *   /catalog/index.html
     *   /catalog/products.html
     *   /catalog/offers/books.html
     *   /catalog/offers/music.html
     *   /customer/login.jsp
     *   /WEB-INF/web.xml
     *   /WEB-INF/classes/com.acme.OrderServlet.class
     *   /WEB-INF/lib/catalog.jar!/META-INF/resources/catalog/moreOffers/books.html
     * }</pre>
     * <tt>getResourcePaths("/")</tt> would return
     * <tt>{"/welcome.html", "/catalog/", "/customer/", "/WEB-INF/"}</tt>,
     * and <tt>getResourcePaths("/catalog/")</tt> would return
     * <tt>{"/catalog/index.html", "/catalog/products.html",
     * "/catalog/offers/", "/catalog/moreOffers/"}</tt>.
     * @param path the partial path used to match the resources,
     * which must start with a <tt>/</tt>
     * @return a Set containing the directory listing, or null if there
     * are no resources in the web application whose path
     * begins with the supplied path.
     * @since Servlet 2.3
    public Set<String> getResourcePaths(String path);

     * Returns a URL to the resource that is mapped to the given path.
     * <p>The path must begin with a <tt>/</tt> and is interpreted
     * as relative to the current context root,
     * or relative to the <tt>/META-INF/resources</tt> directory
     * of a JAR file inside the web application‘s <tt>/WEB-INF/lib</tt>
     * directory.
     * This method will first search the document root of the
     * web application for the requested resource, before searching
     * any of the JAR files inside <tt>/WEB-INF/lib</tt>.
     * The order in which the JAR files inside <tt>/WEB-INF/lib</tt>
     * are searched is undefined.
     * <p>This method allows the servlet container to make a resource
     * available to servlets from any source. Resources
     * can be located on a local or remote
     * file system, in a database, or in a <code>.war</code> file.
     * <p>The servlet container must implement the URL handlers
     * and <code>URLConnection</code> objects that are necessary
     * to access the resource.
     * <p>This method returns <code>null</code>
     * if no resource is mapped to the pathname.
     * <p>Some containers may allow writing to the URL returned by
     * this method using the methods of the URL class.
     * <p>The resource content is returned directly, so be aware that
     * requesting a <code>.jsp</code> page returns the JSP source code.
     * Use a <code>RequestDispatcher</code> instead to include results of
     * an execution.
     * <p>This method has a different purpose than
     * <code>java.lang.Class.getResource</code>,
     * which looks up resources based on a class loader. This
     * method does not use class loaders.
     * @param path a <code>String</code> specifying
     * the path to the resource
     * @return the resource located at the named path,
     * or <code>null</code> if there is no resource at that path
     * @exception MalformedURLException if the pathname is not given in
     * the correct form
    public URL getResource(String path) throws MalformedURLException;

     * Returns the resource located at the named path as
     * an <code>InputStream</code> object.
     * <p>The data in the <code>InputStream</code> can be
     * of any type or length. The path must be specified according
     * to the rules given in <code>getResource</code>.
     * This method returns <code>null</code> if no resource exists at
     * the specified path.
     * <p>Meta-information such as content length and content type
     * that is available via <code>getResource</code>
     * method is lost when using this method.
     * <p>The servlet container must implement the URL handlers
     * and <code>URLConnection</code> objects necessary to access
     * the resource.
     * <p>This method is different from
     * <code>java.lang.Class.getResourceAsStream</code>,
     * which uses a class loader. This method allows servlet containers
     * to make a resource available
     * to a servlet from any location, without using a class loader.
     * @param path     a <code>String</code> specifying the path
     *            to the resource
     * @return         the <code>InputStream</code> returned to the
     *            servlet, or <code>null</code> if no resource
     *            exists at the specified path
    public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String path);

     * Returns a {@link RequestDispatcher} object that acts
     * as a wrapper for the resource located at the given path.
     * A <code>RequestDispatcher</code> object can be used to forward
     * a request to the resource or to include the resource in a response.
     * The resource can be dynamic or static.
     * <p>The pathname must begin with a <tt>/</tt> and is interpreted as
     * relative to the current context root.  Use <code>getContext</code>
     * to obtain a <code>RequestDispatcher</code> for resources in foreign
     * contexts.
     * <p>This method returns <code>null</code> if the
     * <code>ServletContext</code> cannot return a
     * <code>RequestDispatcher</code>.
     * @param path     a <code>String</code> specifying the pathname
     *            to the resource
     * @return         a <code>RequestDispatcher</code> object
     *            that acts as a wrapper for the resource
     *            at the specified path, or <code>null</code> if
     *            the <code>ServletContext</code> cannot return
     *            a <code>RequestDispatcher</code>
     * @see         RequestDispatcher
     * @see         ServletContext#getContext
    public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String path);

     * Returns a {@link RequestDispatcher} object that acts
     * as a wrapper for the named servlet.
     * <p>Servlets (and JSP pages also) may be given names via server
     * administration or via a web application deployment descriptor.
     * A servlet instance can determine its name using
     * {@link ServletConfig#getServletName}.
     * <p>This method returns <code>null</code> if the
     * <code>ServletContext</code>
     * cannot return a <code>RequestDispatcher</code> for any reason.
     * @param name     a <code>String</code> specifying the name
     *            of a servlet to wrap
     * @return         a <code>RequestDispatcher</code> object
     *            that acts as a wrapper for the named servlet,
     *            or <code>null</code> if the <code>ServletContext</code>
     *            cannot return a <code>RequestDispatcher</code>
     * @see         RequestDispatcher
     * @see         ServletContext#getContext
     * @see         ServletConfig#getServletName
    public RequestDispatcher getNamedDispatcher(String name);

     * @deprecated    As of Java Servlet API 2.1, with no direct replacement.
     * <p>This method was originally defined to retrieve a servlet
     * from a <code>ServletContext</code>. In this version, this method
     * always returns <code>null</code> and remains only to preserve
     * binary compatibility. This method will be permanently removed
     * in a future version of the Java Servlet API.
     * <p>In lieu of this method, servlets can share information using the
     * <code>ServletContext</code> class and can perform shared business logic
     * by invoking methods on common non-servlet classes.
     * @param name the servlet name
     * @return the {@code javax.servlet.Servlet Servlet} with the given name
     * @throws ServletException if an exception has occurred that interfaces
     *                          with servlet‘s normal operation
    public Servlet getServlet(String name) throws ServletException;

     * @deprecated    As of Java Servlet API 2.0, with no replacement.
     * <p>This method was originally defined to return an
     * <code>Enumeration</code> of all the servlets known to this servlet
     * context.
     * In this version, this method always returns an empty enumeration and
     * remains only to preserve binary compatibility. This method
     * will be permanently removed in a future version of the Java
     * Servlet API.
     * @return an <code>Enumeration</code> of {@code javax.servlet.Servlet Servlet}
    public Enumeration<Servlet> getServlets();

     * @deprecated    As of Java Servlet API 2.1, with no replacement.
     * <p>This method was originally defined to return an
     * <code>Enumeration</code>
     * of all the servlet names known to this context. In this version,
     * this method always returns an empty <code>Enumeration</code> and
     * remains only to preserve binary compatibility. This method will
     * be permanently removed in a future version of the Java Servlet API.
     * @return an <code>Enumeration</code> of {@code javax.servlet.Servlet Servlet} names
    public Enumeration<String> getServletNames();

     * Writes the specified message to a servlet log file, usually
     * an event log. The name and type of the servlet log file is
     * specific to the servlet container.
     * @param msg     a <code>String</code> specifying the
     *            message to be written to the log file
    public void log(String msg);

     * @deprecated    As of Java Servlet API 2.1, use
     *             {@link #log(String message, Throwable throwable)}
     *            instead.
     * <p>This method was originally defined to write an
     * exception‘s stack trace and an explanatory error message
     * to the servlet log file.
     * @param exception the <code>Exception</code> error
     * @param msg a <code>String</code> that describes the exception
    public void log(Exception exception, String msg);

     * Writes an explanatory message and a stack trace
     * for a given <code>Throwable</code> exception
     * to the servlet log file. The name and type of the servlet log
     * file is specific to the servlet container, usually an event log.
     * @param message         a <code>String</code> that
     *                describes the error or exception
     * @param throwable     the <code>Throwable</code> error
     *                or exception
    public void log(String message, Throwable throwable);

     * Gets the <i>real</i> path corresponding to the given
     * <i>virtual</i> path.
     * <p>For example, if <tt>path</tt> is equal to <tt>/index.html</tt>,
     * this method will return the absolute file path on the server‘s
     * filesystem to which a request of the form
     * <tt>http://&lt;host&gt;:&lt;port&gt;/&lt;contextPath&gt;/index.html</tt>
     * would be mapped, where <tt>&lt;contextPath&gt;</tt> corresponds to the
     * context path of this ServletContext.
     * <p>The real path returned will be in a form
     * appropriate to the computer and operating system on
     * which the servlet container is running, including the
     * proper path separators.
     * <p>Resources inside the <tt>/META-INF/resources</tt>
     * directories of JAR files bundled in the application‘s
     * <tt>/WEB-INF/lib</tt> directory must be considered only if the
     * container has unpacked them from their containing JAR file, in
     * which case the path to the unpacked location must be returned.
     * <p>This method returns <code>null</code> if the servlet container
     * is unable to translate the given <i>virtual</i> path to a
     * <i>real</i> path.
     * @param path the <i>virtual</i> path to be translated to a
     * <i>real</i> path
     * @return the <i>real</i> path, or <tt>null</tt> if the
     * translation cannot be performed
    public String getRealPath(String path);

     * Returns the name and version of the servlet container on which
     * the servlet is running.
     * <p>The form of the returned string is
     * <i>servername</i>/<i>versionnumber</i>.
     * For example, the JavaServer Web Development Kit may return the string
     * <code>JavaServer Web Dev Kit/1.0</code>.
     * <p>The servlet container may return other optional information
     * after the primary string in parentheses, for example,
     * <code>JavaServer Web Dev Kit/1.0 (JDK 1.1.6; Windows NT 4.0 x86)</code>.
     * @return         a <code>String</code> containing at least the
     *            servlet container name and version number
    public String getServerInfo();

     * Returns a <code>String</code> containing the value of the named
     * context-wide initialization parameter, or <code>null</code> if
     * the parameter does not exist.
     * <p>This method can make available configuration information useful
     * to an entire web application.  For example, it can provide a
     * webmaster‘s email address or the name of a system that holds
     * critical data.
     * @param    name    a <code>String</code> containing the name of the
     *                  parameter whose value is requested
     * @return a <code>String</code> containing the value of the
     * context‘s initialization parameter, or <code>null</code> if the
     * context‘s initialization parameter does not exist.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the argument {@code name} is
     * {@code null}
     * @see ServletConfig#getInitParameter
    public String getInitParameter(String name);

     * Returns the names of the context‘s initialization parameters as an
     * <code>Enumeration</code> of <code>String</code> objects, or an
     * empty <code>Enumeration</code> if the context has no initialization
     * parameters.
     * @return         an <code>Enumeration</code> of <code>String</code>
     *                  objects containing the names of the context‘s
     *                  initialization parameters
     * @see ServletConfig#getInitParameter
    public Enumeration<String> getInitParameterNames();

     * Sets the context initialization parameter with the given name and
     * value on this ServletContext.
     * @param name the name of the context initialization parameter to set
     * @param value the value of the context initialization parameter to set
     * @return true if the context initialization parameter with the given
     * name and value was set successfully on this ServletContext, and false
     * if it was not set because this ServletContext already contains a
     * context initialization parameter with a matching name
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this ServletContext has already
     * been initialized
     * @throws NullPointerException if the name parameter is {@code null}
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public boolean setInitParameter(String name, String value);

     * Returns the servlet container attribute with the given name, or
     * <code>null</code> if there is no attribute by that name.
     * <p>An attribute allows a servlet container to give the
     * servlet additional information not
     * already provided by this interface. See your
     * server documentation for information about its attributes.
     * A list of supported attributes can be retrieved using
     * <code>getAttributeNames</code>.
     * <p>The attribute is returned as a <code>java.lang.Object</code>
     * or some subclass.
     * <p>Attribute names should follow the same convention as package
     * names. The Java Servlet API specification reserves names
     * matching <code>java.*</code>, <code>javax.*</code>,
     * and <code>sun.*</code>.
     * @param name     a <code>String</code> specifying the name
     *            of the attribute
     * @return an <code>Object</code> containing the value of the
     *            attribute, or <code>null</code> if no attribute
     *            exists matching the given name.
     * @see         ServletContext#getAttributeNames
     * @throws NullPointerException if the argument {@code name} is
     * {@code null}
    public Object getAttribute(String name);

     * Returns an <code>Enumeration</code> containing the
     * attribute names available within this ServletContext.
     * <p>Use the {@link #getAttribute} method with an attribute name
     * to get the value of an attribute.
     * @return         an <code>Enumeration</code> of attribute
     *            names
     * @see        #getAttribute
    public Enumeration<String> getAttributeNames();

     * Binds an object to a given attribute name in this ServletContext. If
     * the name specified is already used for an attribute, this
     * method will replace the attribute with the new to the new attribute.
     * <p>If listeners are configured on the <code>ServletContext</code> the
     * container notifies them accordingly.
     * <p>
     * If a null value is passed, the effect is the same as calling
     * <code>removeAttribute()</code>.
     * <p>Attribute names should follow the same convention as package
     * names. The Java Servlet API specification reserves names
     * matching <code>java.*</code>, <code>javax.*</code>, and
     * <code>sun.*</code>.
     * @param name     a <code>String</code> specifying the name
     *            of the attribute
     * @param object     an <code>Object</code> representing the
     *            attribute to be bound
     * @throws NullPointerException if the name parameter is {@code null}
    public void setAttribute(String name, Object object);

     * Removes the attribute with the given name from
     * this ServletContext. After removal, subsequent calls to
     * {@link #getAttribute} to retrieve the attribute‘s value
     * will return <code>null</code>.
     * <p>If listeners are configured on the <code>ServletContext</code> the
     * container notifies them accordingly.
     * @param name    a <code>String</code> specifying the name
     *             of the attribute to be removed
    public void removeAttribute(String name);

     * Returns the name of this web application corresponding to this
     * ServletContext as specified in the deployment descriptor for this
     * web application by the display-name element.
     * @return The name of the web application or null if no name has been
     * declared in the deployment descriptor.
     * @since Servlet 2.3
    public String getServletContextName();

     * Adds the servlet with the given name and class name to this servlet
     * context.
     * <p>The registered servlet may be further configured via the returned
     * {@link ServletRegistration} object.
     * <p>The specified <tt>className</tt> will be loaded using the
     * classloader associated with the application represented by this
     * ServletContext.
     * <p>If this ServletContext already contains a preliminary
     * ServletRegistration for a servlet with the given <tt>servletName</tt>,
     * it will be completed (by assigning the given <tt>className</tt> to it)
     * and returned.
     * <p>This method introspects the class with the given <tt>className</tt>
     * for the {@link javax.servlet.annotation.ServletSecurity},
     * {@link javax.servlet.annotation.MultipartConfig},
     * <tt>javax.annotation.security.RunAs</tt>, and
     * <tt>javax.annotation.security.DeclareRoles</tt> annotations.
     * In addition, this method supports resource injection if the
     * class with the given <tt>className</tt> represents a Managed Bean.
     * See the Java EE platform and JSR 299 specifications for additional
     * details about Managed Beans and resource injection.
     * @param servletName the name of the servlet
     * @param className the fully qualified class name of the servlet
     * @return a ServletRegistration object that may be used to further
     * configure the registered servlet, or <tt>null</tt> if this
     * ServletContext already contains a complete ServletRegistration for
     * a servlet with the given <tt>servletName</tt>
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this ServletContext has already
     * been initialized
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>servletName</code> is null
     * or an empty String
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public ServletRegistration.Dynamic addServlet(
        String servletName, String className);

     * Registers the given servlet instance with this ServletContext
     * under the given <tt>servletName</tt>.
     * <p>The registered servlet may be further configured via the returned
     * {@link ServletRegistration} object.
     * <p>If this ServletContext already contains a preliminary
     * ServletRegistration for a servlet with the given <tt>servletName</tt>,
     * it will be completed (by assigning the class name of the given servlet
     * instance to it) and returned.
     * @param servletName the name of the servlet
     * @param servlet the servlet instance to register
     * @return a ServletRegistration object that may be used to further
     * configure the given servlet, or <tt>null</tt> if this
     * ServletContext already contains a complete ServletRegistration for a
     * servlet with the given <tt>servletName</tt> or if the same servlet
     * instance has already been registered with this or another
     * ServletContext in the same container
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this ServletContext has already
     * been initialized
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given servlet instance
     * implements {@link SingleThreadModel}, or <code>servletName</code> is null
     * or an empty String
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public ServletRegistration.Dynamic addServlet(
        String servletName, Servlet servlet);

     * Adds the servlet with the given name and class type to this servlet
     * context.
     * <p>The registered servlet may be further configured via the returned
     * {@link ServletRegistration} object.
     * <p>If this ServletContext already contains a preliminary
     * ServletRegistration for a servlet with the given <tt>servletName</tt>,
     * it will be completed (by assigning the name of the given
     * <tt>servletClass</tt> to it) and returned.
     * <p>This method introspects the given <tt>servletClass</tt> for
     * the {@link javax.servlet.annotation.ServletSecurity},
     * {@link javax.servlet.annotation.MultipartConfig},
     * <tt>javax.annotation.security.RunAs</tt>, and
     * <tt>javax.annotation.security.DeclareRoles</tt> annotations.
     * In addition, this method supports resource injection if the
     * given <tt>servletClass</tt> represents a Managed Bean.
     * See the Java EE platform and JSR 299 specifications for additional
     * details about Managed Beans and resource injection.
     * @param servletName the name of the servlet
     * @param servletClass the class object from which the servlet will be
     * instantiated
     * @return a ServletRegistration object that may be used to further
     * configure the registered servlet, or <tt>null</tt> if this
     * ServletContext already contains a complete ServletRegistration for
     * the given <tt>servletName</tt>
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this ServletContext has already
     * been initialized
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>servletName</code> is null
     * or an empty String
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public ServletRegistration.Dynamic addServlet(String servletName,
        Class <? extends Servlet> servletClass);

     * Adds the servlet with the given jsp file to this servlet context.
     * <p>The registered servlet may be further configured via the returned
     * {@link ServletRegistration} object.
     * <p>If this ServletContext already contains a preliminary
     * ServletRegistration for a servlet with the given <tt>servletName</tt>,
     * it will be completed (by assigning the given <tt>jspFile</tt> to it)
     * and returned.
     * @param servletName the name of the servlet
     * @param jspFile the full path to a JSP file within the web application
     *                beginning with a `/‘.
     * @return a ServletRegistration object that may be used to further
     * configure the registered servlet, or <tt>null</tt> if this
     * ServletContext already contains a complete ServletRegistration for
     * a servlet with the given <tt>servletName</tt>
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this ServletContext has already
     * been initialized
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>servletName</code> is null
     * or an empty String
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 4.0
    public ServletRegistration.Dynamic addJspFile(
        String servletName, String jspFile);

     * Instantiates the given Servlet class.
     * <p>The returned Servlet instance may be further customized before it
     * is registered with this ServletContext via a call to
     * {@link #addServlet(String,Servlet)}.
     * <p>The given Servlet class must define a zero argument constructor,
     * which is used to instantiate it.
     * <p>This method introspects the given <tt>clazz</tt> for
     * the following annotations:
     * {@link javax.servlet.annotation.ServletSecurity},
     * {@link javax.servlet.annotation.MultipartConfig},
     * <tt>javax.annotation.security.RunAs</tt>, and
     * <tt>javax.annotation.security.DeclareRoles</tt>.
     * In addition, this method supports resource injection if the
     * given <tt>clazz</tt> represents a Managed Bean.
     * See the Java EE platform and JSR 299 specifications for additional
     * details about Managed Beans and resource injection.
     * @param <T> the class of the Servlet to create
     * @param clazz the Servlet class to instantiate
     * @return the new Servlet instance
     * @throws ServletException if the given <tt>clazz</tt> fails to be
     * instantiated
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public <T extends Servlet> T createServlet(Class<T> clazz)
        throws ServletException;

     * Gets the ServletRegistration corresponding to the servlet with the
     * given <tt>servletName</tt>.
     * @return the (complete or preliminary) ServletRegistration for the
     * servlet with the given <tt>servletName</tt>, or null if no
     * ServletRegistration exists under that name
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @param servletName the name of a servlet
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public ServletRegistration getServletRegistration(String servletName);

     * Gets a (possibly empty) Map of the ServletRegistration
     * objects (keyed by servlet name) corresponding to all servlets
     * registered with this ServletContext.
     * <p>The returned Map includes the ServletRegistration objects
     * corresponding to all declared and annotated servlets, as well as the
     * ServletRegistration objects corresponding to all servlets that have
     * been added via one of the <tt>addServlet</tt> and <tt>addJspFile</tt>
     * methods.
     * <p>If permitted, any changes to the returned Map must not affect this
     * ServletContext.
     * @return Map of the (complete and preliminary) ServletRegistration
     * objects corresponding to all servlets currently registered with this
     * ServletContext
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public Map<String, ? extends ServletRegistration> getServletRegistrations();

     * Adds the filter with the given name and class name to this servlet
     * context.
     * <p>The registered filter may be further configured via the returned
     * {@link FilterRegistration} object.
     * <p>The specified <tt>className</tt> will be loaded using the
     * classloader associated with the application represented by this
     * ServletContext.
     * <p>If this ServletContext already contains a preliminary
     * FilterRegistration for a filter with the given <tt>filterName</tt>,
     * it will be completed (by assigning the given <tt>className</tt> to it)
     * and returned.
     * <p>This method supports resource injection if the class with the
     * given <tt>className</tt> represents a Managed Bean.
     * See the Java EE platform and JSR 299 specifications for additional
     * details about Managed Beans and resource injection.
     * @param filterName the name of the filter
     * @param className the fully qualified class name of the filter
     * @return a FilterRegistration object that may be used to further
     * configure the registered filter, or <tt>null</tt> if this
     * ServletContext already contains a complete FilterRegistration for
     * a filter with the given <tt>filterName</tt>
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this ServletContext has already
     * been initialized
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>filterName</code> is null or
     * an empty String
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public FilterRegistration.Dynamic addFilter(
        String filterName, String className);

     * Registers the given filter instance with this ServletContext
     * under the given <tt>filterName</tt>.
     * <p>The registered filter may be further configured via the returned
     * {@link FilterRegistration} object.
     * <p>If this ServletContext already contains a preliminary
     * FilterRegistration for a filter with the given <tt>filterName</tt>,
     * it will be completed (by assigning the class name of the given filter
     * instance to it) and returned.
     * @param filterName the name of the filter
     * @param filter the filter instance to register
     * @return a FilterRegistration object that may be used to further
     * configure the given filter, or <tt>null</tt> if this
     * ServletContext already contains a complete FilterRegistration for a
     * filter with the given <tt>filterName</tt> or if the same filter
     * instance has already been registered with this or another
     * ServletContext in the same container
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this ServletContext has already
     * been initialized
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>filterName</code> is null or
     * an empty String
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public FilterRegistration.Dynamic addFilter(
        String filterName, Filter filter);

     * Adds the filter with the given name and class type to this servlet
     * context.
     * <p>The registered filter may be further configured via the returned
     * {@link FilterRegistration} object.
     * <p>If this ServletContext already contains a preliminary
     * FilterRegistration for a filter with the given <tt>filterName</tt>,
     * it will be completed (by assigning the name of the given
     * <tt>filterClass</tt> to it) and returned.
     * <p>This method supports resource injection if the given
     * <tt>filterClass</tt> represents a Managed Bean.
     * See the Java EE platform and JSR 299 specifications for additional
     * details about Managed Beans and resource injection.
     * @param filterName the name of the filter
     * @param filterClass the class object from which the filter will be
     * instantiated
     * @return a FilterRegistration object that may be used to further
     * configure the registered filter, or <tt>null</tt> if this
     * ServletContext already contains a complete FilterRegistration for a
     * filter with the given <tt>filterName</tt>
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this ServletContext has already
     * been initialized
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>filterName</code> is null or
     * an empty String
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public FilterRegistration.Dynamic addFilter(String filterName,
        Class <? extends Filter> filterClass);

     * Instantiates the given Filter class.
     * <p>The returned Filter instance may be further customized before it
     * is registered with this ServletContext via a call to
     * {@link #addFilter(String,Filter)}.
     * <p>The given Filter class must define a zero argument constructor,
     * which is used to instantiate it.
     * <p>This method supports resource injection if the given
     * <tt>clazz</tt> represents a Managed Bean.
     * See the Java EE platform and JSR 299 specifications for additional
     * details about Managed Beans and resource injection.
     * @param <T> the class of the Filter to create
     * @param clazz the Filter class to instantiate
     * @return the new Filter instance
     * @throws ServletException if the given <tt>clazz</tt> fails to be
     * instantiated
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public <T extends Filter> T createFilter(Class<T> clazz)
        throws ServletException;

     * Gets the FilterRegistration corresponding to the filter with the
     * given <tt>filterName</tt>.
     * @param filterName the name of a filter
     * @return the (complete or preliminary) FilterRegistration for the
     * filter with the given <tt>filterName</tt>, or null if no
     * FilterRegistration exists under that name
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public FilterRegistration getFilterRegistration(String filterName);

     * Gets a (possibly empty) Map of the FilterRegistration
     * objects (keyed by filter name) corresponding to all filters
     * registered with this ServletContext.
     * <p>The returned Map includes the FilterRegistration objects
     * corresponding to all declared and annotated filters, as well as the
     * FilterRegistration objects corresponding to all filters that have
     * been added via one of the <tt>addFilter</tt> methods.
     * <p>Any changes to the returned Map must not affect this
     * ServletContext.
     * @return Map of the (complete and preliminary) FilterRegistration
     * objects corresponding to all filters currently registered with this
     * ServletContext
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public Map<String, ? extends FilterRegistration> getFilterRegistrations();

     * Gets the {@link SessionCookieConfig} object through which various
     * properties of the session tracking cookies created on behalf of this
     * <tt>ServletContext</tt> may be configured.
     * <p>Repeated invocations of this method will return the same
     * <tt>SessionCookieConfig</tt> instance.
     * @return the <tt>SessionCookieConfig</tt> object through which
     * various properties of the session tracking cookies created on
     * behalf of this <tt>ServletContext</tt> may be configured
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public SessionCookieConfig getSessionCookieConfig();

     * Sets the session tracking modes that are to become effective for this
     * <tt>ServletContext</tt>.
     * <p>The given <tt>sessionTrackingModes</tt> replaces any
     * session tracking modes set by a previous invocation of this
     * method on this <tt>ServletContext</tt>.
     * @param sessionTrackingModes the set of session tracking modes to
     * become effective for this <tt>ServletContext</tt>
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this ServletContext has already
     * been initialized
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>sessionTrackingModes</tt>
     * specifies a combination of <tt>SessionTrackingMode.SSL</tt> with a
     * session tracking mode other than <tt>SessionTrackingMode.SSL</tt>,
     * or if <tt>sessionTrackingModes</tt> specifies a session tracking mode
     * that is not supported by the servlet container
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public void setSessionTrackingModes(Set<SessionTrackingMode> sessionTrackingModes);

     * Gets the session tracking modes that are supported by default for this
     * <tt>ServletContext</tt>.
     * <p>The returned set is not backed by the {@code ServletContext} object,
     * so changes in the returned set are not reflected in the
     * {@code ServletContext} object, and vice-versa.</p>
     * @return set of the session tracking modes supported by default for
     * this <tt>ServletContext</tt>
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public Set<SessionTrackingMode> getDefaultSessionTrackingModes();

     * Gets the session tracking modes that are in effect for this
     * <tt>ServletContext</tt>.
     * <p>The session tracking modes in effect are those provided to
     * {@link #setSessionTrackingModes setSessionTrackingModes}.
     * <p>The returned set is not backed by the {@code ServletContext} object,
     * so changes in the returned set are not reflected in the
     * {@code ServletContext} object, and vice-versa.</p>
     * @return set of the session tracking modes in effect for this
     * <tt>ServletContext</tt>
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public Set<SessionTrackingMode> getEffectiveSessionTrackingModes();

     * Adds the listener with the given class name to this ServletContext.
     * <p>The class with the given name will be loaded using the
     * classloader associated with the application represented by this
     * ServletContext, and must implement one or more of the following
     * interfaces:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@link ServletContextAttributeListener}
     * <li>{@link ServletRequestListener}
     * <li>{@link ServletRequestAttributeListener}
     * <li>{@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionAttributeListener}
     * <li>{@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionIdListener}
     * <li>{@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener}
     * </ul>
     * <p>If this ServletContext was passed to
     * {@link ServletContainerInitializer#onStartup}, then the class with
     * the given name may also implement {@link ServletContextListener},
     * in addition to the interfaces listed above.
     * <p>As part of this method call, the container must load the class
     * with the specified class name to ensure that it implements one of
     * the required interfaces.
     * <p>If the class with the given name implements a listener interface
     * whose invocation order corresponds to the declaration order (i.e.,
     * if it implements {@link ServletRequestListener},
     * {@link ServletContextListener}, or
     * {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener}),
     * then the new listener will be added to the end of the ordered list of
     * listeners of that interface.
     * <p>This method supports resource injection if the class with the
     * given <tt>className</tt> represents a Managed Bean.
     * See the Java EE platform and JSR 299 specifications for additional
     * details about Managed Beans and resource injection.
     * @param className the fully qualified class name of the listener
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the class with the given name
     * does not implement any of the above interfaces, or if it implements
     * {@link ServletContextListener} and this ServletContext was not
     * passed to {@link ServletContainerInitializer#onStartup}
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this ServletContext has already
     * been initialized
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public void addListener(String className);

     * Adds the given listener to this ServletContext.
     * <p>The given listener must be an instance of one or more of the
     * following interfaces:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@link ServletContextAttributeListener}
     * <li>{@link ServletRequestListener}
     * <li>{@link ServletRequestAttributeListener}
     * <li>{@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionAttributeListener}
     * <li>{@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionIdListener}
     * <li>{@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener}
     * </ul>
     * <p>If this ServletContext was passed to
     * {@link ServletContainerInitializer#onStartup}, then the given
     * listener may also be an instance of {@link ServletContextListener},
     * in addition to the interfaces listed above.
     * <p>If the given listener is an instance of a listener interface whose
     * invocation order corresponds to the declaration order (i.e., if it
     * is an instance of {@link ServletRequestListener},
     * {@link ServletContextListener}, or
     * {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener}),
     * then the listener will be added to the end of the ordered list of
     * listeners of that interface.
     * @param <T> the class of the EventListener to add
     * @param t the listener to be added
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given listener is not
     * an instance of any of the above interfaces, or if it is an instance
     * of {@link ServletContextListener} and this ServletContext was not
     * passed to {@link ServletContainerInitializer#onStartup}
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this ServletContext has already
     * been initialized
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public <T extends EventListener> void addListener(T t);

     * Adds a listener of the given class type to this ServletContext.
     * <p>The given <tt>listenerClass</tt> must implement one or more of the
     * following interfaces:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@link ServletContextAttributeListener}
     * <li>{@link ServletRequestListener}
     * <li>{@link ServletRequestAttributeListener}
     * <li>{@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionAttributeListener}
     * <li>{@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionIdListener}
     * <li>{@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener}
     * </ul>
     * <p>If this ServletContext was passed to
     * {@link ServletContainerInitializer#onStartup}, then the given
     * <tt>listenerClass</tt> may also implement
     * {@link ServletContextListener}, in addition to the interfaces listed
     * above.
     * <p>If the given <tt>listenerClass</tt> implements a listener
     * interface whose invocation order corresponds to the declaration order
     * (i.e., if it implements {@link ServletRequestListener},
     * {@link ServletContextListener}, or
     * {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener}),
     * then the new listener will be added to the end of the ordered list
     * of listeners of that interface.
     * <p>This method supports resource injection if the given
     * <tt>listenerClass</tt> represents a Managed Bean.
     * See the Java EE platform and JSR 299 specifications for additional
     * details about Managed Beans and resource injection.
     * @param listenerClass the listener class to be instantiated
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given <tt>listenerClass</tt>
     * does not implement any of the above interfaces, or if it implements
     * {@link ServletContextListener} and this ServletContext was not passed
     * to {@link ServletContainerInitializer#onStartup}
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this ServletContext has already
     * been initialized
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public void addListener(Class <? extends EventListener> listenerClass);

     * Instantiates the given EventListener class.
     * <p>The specified EventListener class must implement at least one of
     * the {@link ServletContextListener},
     * {@link ServletContextAttributeListener},
     * {@link ServletRequestListener},
     * {@link ServletRequestAttributeListener},
     * {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionAttributeListener},
     * {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionIdListener}, or
     * {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener}
     * interfaces.
     * <p>The returned EventListener instance may be further customized
     * before it is registered with this ServletContext via a call to
     * {@link #addListener(EventListener)}.
     * <p>The given EventListener class must define a zero argument
     * constructor, which is used to instantiate it.
     * <p>This method supports resource injection if the given
     * <tt>clazz</tt> represents a Managed Bean.
     * See the Java EE platform and JSR 299 specifications for additional
     * details about Managed Beans and resource injection.
     * @param <T> the class of the EventListener to create
     * @param clazz the EventListener class to instantiate
     * @return the new EventListener instance
     * @throws ServletException if the given <tt>clazz</tt> fails to be
     * instantiated
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified EventListener class
     * does not implement any of the
     * {@link ServletContextListener},
     * {@link ServletContextAttributeListener},
     * {@link ServletRequestListener},
     * {@link ServletRequestAttributeListener},
     * {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionAttributeListener},
     * {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionIdListener}, or
     * {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener}
     * interfaces.
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public <T extends EventListener> T createListener(Class<T> clazz)
        throws ServletException;

     * Gets the <code>&lt;jsp-config&gt;</code> related configuration
     * that was aggregated from the <code>web.xml</code> and
     * <code>web-fragment.xml</code> descriptor files of the web application
     * represented by this ServletContext.
     * @return the <code>&lt;jsp-config&gt;</code> related configuration
     * that was aggregated from the <code>web.xml</code> and
     * <code>web-fragment.xml</code> descriptor files of the web application
     * represented by this ServletContext, or null if no such configuration
     * exists
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @see javax.servlet.descriptor.JspConfigDescriptor
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public JspConfigDescriptor getJspConfigDescriptor();

     * Gets the class loader of the web application represented by this
     * ServletContext.
     * <p>If a security manager exists, and the caller‘s class loader
     * is not the same as, or an ancestor of the requested class loader,
     * then the security manager‘s <code>checkPermission</code> method is
     * called with a <code>RuntimePermission("getClassLoader")</code>
     * permission to check whether access to the requested class loader
     * should be granted.
     * @return the class loader of the web application represented by this
     * ServletContext
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @throws SecurityException if a security manager denies access to
     * the requested class loader
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public ClassLoader getClassLoader();

     * Declares role names that are tested using <code>isUserInRole</code>.
     * <p>Roles that are implicitly declared as a result of their use within
     * the {@link ServletRegistration.Dynamic#setServletSecurity
     * setServletSecurity} or {@link ServletRegistration.Dynamic#setRunAsRole
     * setRunAsRole} methods of the {@link ServletRegistration} interface need
     * not be declared.
     * @param roleNames the role names being declared
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the argument roleNames is
     * null or the empty string
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the ServletContext has already
     * been initialized
     * @since Servlet 3.0
    public void declareRoles(String... roleNames);

     * Returns the configuration name of the logical host on which the
     * ServletContext is deployed.
     * Servlet containers may support multiple logical hosts. This method must
     * return the same name for all the servlet contexts deployed on a logical
     * host, and the name returned by this method must be distinct, stable per
     * logical host, and suitable for use in associating server configuration
     * information with the logical host. The returned value is NOT expected
     * or required to be equivalent to a network address or hostname of the
     * logical host.
     * @return a <code>String</code> containing the configuration name of the
     * logical host on which the servlet context is deployed.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 3.1
    public String getVirtualServerName();

     * Gets the session timeout in minutes that are supported by default for
     * this <tt>ServletContext</tt>.
     * @return the session timeout in minutes that are supported by default for
     * this <tt>ServletContext</tt>
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 4.0
    public int getSessionTimeout();

     * Sets the session timeout in minutes for this ServletContext.
     * @param sessionTimeout session timeout in minutes
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this ServletContext has already
     * been initialized
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 4.0
    public void setSessionTimeout(int sessionTimeout);

     * Gets the request character encoding that are supported by default for
     * this <tt>ServletContext</tt>. This method returns null if no request
     * encoding character encoding has been specified in deployment descriptor
     * or container specific configuration (for all web applications in the
     * container).
     * @return the request character encoding that are supported by default for
     * this <tt>ServletContext</tt>
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 4.0
    public String getRequestCharacterEncoding();

     * Sets the request character encoding for this ServletContext.
     * @param encoding request character encoding
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this ServletContext has already
     * been initialized
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 4.0
    public void setRequestCharacterEncoding(String encoding);

     * Gets the response character encoding that are supported by default for
     * this <tt>ServletContext</tt>. This method returns null if no response
     * encoding character encoding has been specified in deployment descriptor
     * or container specific configuration (for all web applications in the
     * container).
     * @return the request character encoding that are supported by default for
     * this <tt>ServletContext</tt>
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 4.0
    public String getResponseCharacterEncoding();

     * Sets the response character encoding for this ServletContext.
     * @param encoding response character encoding
     * @throws IllegalStateException if this ServletContext has already
     * been initialized
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this ServletContext was
     * passed to the {@link ServletContextListener#contextInitialized} method
     * of a {@link ServletContextListener} that was neither declared in
     * <code>web.xml</code> or <code>web-fragment.xml</code>, nor annotated
     * with {@link javax.servlet.annotation.WebListener}
     * @since Servlet 4.0
    public void setResponseCharacterEncoding(String encoding);
从3.0新增的方法,方法描述上都有标明@since Servlet 3.0,大家可以去细看下3.0具体新增了哪些方法。新增的add系列方法如下



    servlet 3.0是一个大的版本变动,相比之前增加了比较多的特性,本文就涉及到其中一个特性:支持无web.xml配置(新的注解支持)

    servlet 3.0及之后,Filter、Servlet和Listener支持注解配置(3.0之前都是配置在web.xml中)
        package com.lee.register.filter;

import javax.servlet.*;
import java.io.IOException;

public class MyFilter implements Filter {

    public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
        System.out.println("myfilter init...");

    public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
        chain.doFilter(request, response);

    public void destroy() {
        System.out.println("myfilter destroy...");
package com.lee.register.config;

import com.lee.register.filter.MyFilter;
import com.lee.register.listener.MyListener;
import com.lee.register.servlet.MyServlet;
import org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.FilterRegistrationBean;
import org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.ServletListenerRegistrationBean;
import org.springframework.boot.web.servlet.ServletRegistrationBean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

import java.util.Arrays;

public class MyConfig {

    public ServletListenerRegistrationBean myListener() {
        ServletListenerRegistrationBean registrationBean = new ServletListenerRegistrationBean(new MyListener());
        return registrationBean;

    public FilterRegistrationBean myFilter() {
        FilterRegistrationBean filterRegistrationBean = new FilterRegistrationBean(new MyFilter());
        return filterRegistrationBean;

    public ServletRegistrationBean myServlet() {
        ServletRegistrationBean registrationBean = new ServletRegistrationBean(new MyServlet());
        return registrationBean;


 * Copyright 2012-2017 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.boot.web.servlet;

import javax.servlet.Filter;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;

import org.springframework.util.Assert;

 * A {@link ServletContextInitializer} to register {@link Filter}s in a Servlet 3.0+
 * container. Similar to the {@link ServletContext#addFilter(String, Filter) registration}
 * features provided by {@link ServletContext} but with a Spring Bean friendly design.
 * <p>
 * The {@link #setFilter(Filter) Filter} must be specified before calling
 * {@link #onStartup(ServletContext)}. Registrations can be associated with
 * {@link #setUrlPatterns URL patterns} and/or servlets (either by {@link #setServletNames
 * name} or via a {@link #setServletRegistrationBeans ServletRegistrationBean}s. When no
 * URL pattern or servlets are specified the filter will be associated to ‘/*‘. The filter
 * name will be deduced if not specified.
 * @param <T> the type of {@link Filter} to register
 * @author Phillip Webb
 * @since 1.4.0
 * @see ServletContextInitializer
 * @see ServletContext#addFilter(String, Filter)
 * @see DelegatingFilterProxyRegistrationBean
public class FilterRegistrationBean<T extends Filter>
        extends AbstractFilterRegistrationBean<T> {

     * Filters that wrap the servlet request should be ordered less than or equal to this.
    public static final int REQUEST_WRAPPER_FILTER_MAX_ORDER = AbstractFilterRegistrationBean.REQUEST_WRAPPER_FILTER_MAX_ORDER;

    private T filter;

     * Create a new {@link FilterRegistrationBean} instance.
    public FilterRegistrationBean() {

     * Create a new {@link FilterRegistrationBean} instance to be registered with the
     * specified {@link ServletRegistrationBean}s.
     * @param filter the filter to register
     * @param servletRegistrationBeans associate {@link ServletRegistrationBean}s
    public FilterRegistrationBean(T filter,
            ServletRegistrationBean<?>... servletRegistrationBeans) {
        Assert.notNull(filter, "Filter must not be null");
        this.filter = filter;

    public T getFilter() {
        return this.filter;

     * Set the filter to be registered.
     * @param filter the filter
    public void setFilter(T filter) {
        Assert.notNull(filter, "Filter must not be null");
        this.filter = filter;

FilterRegistrationBean的类描述:一个用于向Servlet 3.0+容器注册Filter的ServletContextInitializer,类似于ServletContext提供的ServletContext#addFilter(String,Filter)注册功能,但具有Spring Bean特性的友好设计。相当于对ServletContext#addFilter进行了spring bean的友好性适配,本质还是ServletContext#addFilter。

 * Copyright 2012-2017 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.boot.web.servlet;

import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;

import org.springframework.web.SpringServletContainerInitializer;
import org.springframework.web.WebApplicationInitializer;

 * Interface used to configure a Servlet 3.0+ {@link ServletContext context}
 * programmatically. Unlike {@link WebApplicationInitializer}, classes that implement this
 * interface (and do not implement {@link WebApplicationInitializer}) will <b>not</b> be
 * detected by {@link SpringServletContainerInitializer} and hence will not be
 * automatically bootstrapped by the Servlet container.
 * <p>
 * This interface is primarily designed to allow {@link ServletContextInitializer}s to be
 * managed by Spring and not the Servlet container.
 * <p>
 * For configuration examples see {@link WebApplicationInitializer}.
 * @author Phillip Webb
 * @since 1.4.0
 * @see WebApplicationInitializer
public interface ServletContextInitializer {

     * Configure the given {@link ServletContext} with any servlets, filters, listeners
     * context-params and attributes necessary for initialization.
     * @param servletContext the {@code ServletContext} to initialize
     * @throws ServletException if any call against the given {@code ServletContext}
     * throws a {@code ServletException}
    void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException;

ServletContextInitializer允许我们以编程方式配置Servlet 3.0+ ServletContext上下文,并且SpringServletContainerInitializer不会检测到实现此接口的类(类没有实现WebApplicationInitializer),因此不会被Servlet容器自动引导;ServletContextInitializer的设计目的是由spring管理,而不是Servlet容器。ServletContextInitializer就一个方法:onStartup,我们顺着FilterRegistrationBean的类图来看看onStartup的实现






spring-boot-2.0.3源码篇 - filter的注册,值得一看

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