标签:top append bin sel exit self error: some ln -s
android 代码编译时遇到如下问题需要将 ubuntu 下 python2.7.3 升级到 python 2.7.6 及以上。
[100% 109208/109208] Target vbmeta image: out/target/product/lotus/vbmeta.img FAILED: out/target/product/lotus/vbmeta.img /bin/bash -c "(mkdir -p out/target/product/lotus/obj/avb_chain_keys ) && (out/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool make_vbmeta_image --include_descriptors_from_image out/target/product/lotus/boot.img --include_descriptors_from_image out/target/product/lotus/system.img --include_descriptors_from_image out/target/product/lotus/vendor.img --include_descriptors_from_image out/target/product/lotus/recovery.img --algorithm SHA256_RSA2048 --key device/xiaomi/lotus/oemprvk.pem --padding_size 4096 --output out/target/product/lotus/vbmeta.img ) && (rm -rf out/target/product/lotus/obj/avb_chain_keys )" Traceback (most recent call last): File "out/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool", line 3931, in <module> tool.run(sys.argv) File "out/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool", line 3797, in run args.func(args) File "out/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool", line 3825, in make_vbmeta_image args.padding_size) File "out/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool", line 2402, in make_vbmeta_image append_to_release_string) File "out/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool", line 2549, in _generate_vbmeta_blob (_, _, image_descriptors, _) = self._parse_image(image_handler) File "out/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool", line 2223, in _parse_image descriptors = parse_descriptors(image.read(h.descriptors_size)) File "out/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool", line 1731, in parse_descriptors ret.append(c(bytearray(data[o:o + 16 + nb_following]))) File "out/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool", line 1403, in __init__ digest_len, _) = struct.unpack(self.FORMAT_STRING, data[0:self.SIZE]) struct.error: unpack requires a string argument of length 132 ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. 13:54:14 ninja failed with: exit status 1 [0;31m#### failed to build some targets (04:14:02 (hh:mm:ss)) ####[00m
1. 下载并安装 python 2.7.6
$su root #cd /usr/local #wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.6/Python-2.7.6.tgz #tar -zxvf Python-2.7.6.tgz && cd Python-2.7.6 && ./configure && make all && make install && make clean && make distclean
2. 建立软连接
#mv /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/python2.7.3 // 备份系统python,万一出错可以复原 #ln -s /usr/local/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python // 将新安装的 python 2.7.6 建立软连接到 python #python -V // 查看现在使用的 python 版本是否符合
3. 此时使用#pip 看是否可用,如可用则 python 已安成功。如报错:
ImportError: No module named ‘pkg_resources‘
这是因为 python 升级带来的问题。
1. 安装 distribute
#cd /usr/local #wget https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/d/distribute/distribute-0.7.3.zip --no-check-certificate #unzip distribute-0.7.3.zip #cd distribute-0.7.3 #python setup.py install
2. 安装 setuptool
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools 下载最新版
#cd setuptools-xxx #python setup.py install
3. 安装 pip
#easy_install pip #pip -V
显示 pip 版本,即 pip 可以使用了。
python 2.7.3(ubuntu12.04 default python) 升级到 python 2.7.6 版本的方法
标签:top append bin sel exit self error: some ln -s