标签:-- 类型 load date 主机 派生 rac its ram
select fu.user_ID, fu.user_name, fu.start_date, fu.END_DATE, fu.description, fe.last_name, fr.RESPONSIBILITY_NAME, fr.description, --职责描述 fr.start_date, fr.END_DATE, frg.request_group_name, ---- 请求组名称 frg.description requestdsc, ---- 请求组描述 fr.menu_id, ---- 菜单 ID REQUEST_UNIT_TYPE, ---- 请求类型 fcp.user_concurrent_program_name, ---请求并发程序名 decode(fcp.EXECUTION_METHOD_CODE, ‘H‘, ‘主机‘, ‘S‘, ‘立即‘, ‘J‘, ‘Java 存储过程‘, ‘K‘, ‘Java 并发程序‘, ‘M‘, ‘多语言功能‘, ‘P‘, ‘Oracle Reports‘, ‘I‘, ‘PL/SQL 存储过程‘, ‘B‘, ‘请求集阶段函数‘, ‘A‘, ‘派生‘, ‘L‘, ‘SQL*Loader 程序‘, ‘Q‘, ‘SQL*Plus‘, ‘E‘, ‘Perl 并发程序‘) from fnd_user fu, hr_employees_all_v fe, FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS_DIRECT ugd, FND_RESPONSIBILITY_VL fr, fnd_request_groups frg, FND_REQUEST_GROUP_UNITS frgu, FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAMS_VL fcp where to_char(fu.creation_date, ‘yyyy‘) >= ‘2008‘ and fu.employee_id = fe.employee_id(+) --用户与职员关系 and fu.user_id = ugd.user_id and ugd.RESPONSIBILITY_ID = fr.responsibility_id and ugd.RESPONSIBILITY_APPLICATION_ID = fr.APPLICATION_ID --- 以上用户与职责关系 and fr.request_group_id = frg.request_group_id(+) and fr.group_application_id = frg.application_ID(+) --- 以上是请求组和职责关系 and frgu.application_id(+) = frg.application_ID and frg.request_group_id = frgu.request_group_id(+) --- 以上是请求组中间表与职责 and fcp.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID = frgu.REQUEST_UNIT_ID and frgu.UNIT_application_id = fcp.application_id and user_name = ‘SUNYUKUN‘ --- ‘SUNYUKUN‘ 登录用户名,可变量 order by User_id, Responsibility_name
Oracle EBS 获取用户挂的职责 请求 请求的类别(RTF还是什么的)
标签:-- 类型 load date 主机 派生 rac its ram