标签:特定 not lease get import 语法 字符串 rate enum
6-2字符串标识符.修改例 6-1 的 idcheck.py 脚本,使之可以检测长度为一的标识符,并且可以识别 Python 关键字,对后一个要求,你可以使用 keyword 模块(特别是 keyword.kelist)来辅助#!/usr/bin/env python
def check_id(myInput):
import string
import keyword
alphas = string.letters + ‘_‘
nums = string.digits
alphanums = alphas + nums
key = keyword.kwlist
str_length = len(myInput)
if str_length == 0:
print ‘WRONG: zero-lengthed string("%s").‘%(myInput)
elif myInput[0] not in alphas:
print ‘‘‘invalid: first symbol must be alphabetic‘‘‘
elif myInput in key:
print ‘‘‘invalid :Input cannot be a keyword‘‘‘
for otherChar in myInput[1:]:
if otherChar not in alphanums:
print ‘‘‘invalid: remaining symbols must be alphanumertic‘‘‘
print ‘%s is logal identifier.‘ % (myInput)
if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:
while True:
myInput = raw_input(‘Identifier to test?‘)
s = raw_input(‘please enter a serial of numbers,using SPACE to seperate: \n‘)
import string
alphas = string.digits + " "
for eachs in s:
if eachs not in alphas:
print ‘you may have entered non-digit character.‘
a = s.strip()
s_input = a.split(" ")
num = []
for i in s_input:
print ‘Sorted result(Big-->Small): ‘,
for t in num:
print t,
print ‘acording the directory to get result: ‘,
for i,j in enumerate(num):
print (i,j),
#!/usr/bin/env python
s = raw_input(‘please enter a string : ‘)
print ‘the strip of string is :‘,
import string
alpha = ‘ ‘ + string.letters
st = []
for c in s :
if c not in alpha:
print ‘Error:you may have entered non-string‘
l = len(s)
i = 0
while i < l:
if s[i] == ‘ ‘:
i += 1
s = s[i:]
l = len(s) - 1
while l > 0:
if s[l] == ‘ ‘:
l -= 1
s = s[:l+1]
print s
#!/usr/bin/env python
num_str = raw_input(‘Enter a number: ‘)
num_num = int(num_str)
fac_list = range(1, num_num+1)
print "BEFORE:", fac_list
set_fac = set(fac_list)
i = 0
while i < len(fac_list):
if num_num % fac_list[i] == 0:
del fac_list[i]
i = i + 1
print "AFTER:"+str(fac_list)
print "Factors of %d are: "%num_num, str(list(set_fac-set(fac_list)))
#!/usr/bin/env python
#_*_ coding:utf-8 _*_
alpha = [‘one‘,‘two‘,‘three‘,‘forth‘,‘five‘,‘six‘,‘seven‘,‘eight‘,‘nine‘,‘ten‘,‘eleven‘,‘twelve‘,‘thirteen‘,‘fourteen‘, ‘fifteen‘,‘sixteen‘,‘seventeen‘,‘eighteen‘,‘nineteen‘,‘twenty‘,‘‘]
tendigits = [‘twenty‘,‘thirty‘,‘forty‘,‘fifty‘,‘sixty‘,‘eighty‘,‘ninety‘,‘‘]
s_num = raw_input("enter a number: ")
s = int(s_num)
if s < 0:
print ‘Error:you may have entered a minus.‘
elif s <= 20:
print alpha[s - 1]
elif s < 100:
i = s / 10
j = s - i * 10
print tendigits[i - 2]+‘-‘+alpha[j - 1]
elif s <1000:
a = s / 100
b = (s - a * 100) / 10
c = s - a * 100 - b * 10
if b == 0 and c ==0:
print alpha[a - 1]+‘ hundred‘
elif b == 0 and c != 0:
print alpha[a-1]+‘ hundred‘+‘ and ‘+alpha[c-1]
elif b != 0 and c == 0:
print alpha[a-1] + tendigits[b-2]
print alpha[a - 1]+‘ hundred‘+‘ and ‘+tendigits[b - 2]+‘-‘+alpha[c - 1]
elif s == 1000:
print ‘one thousand‘
#!/usr/bin/env python
#_*_ coding: utf-8 _*_
def reverseletters():
str_input = raw_input(‘Input a string : ‘)
print str_input.swapcase()
if __name__ ==‘__main__‘:
#!/usr/bin/env python
#_*_ coding : utf-8 _*_
def findchr(string,char):
i = 0
l = len(string)
if char not in string:
print -1
while i < l:
if string[i] == char:
print i,
i += 1
if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:
string = raw_input("please input a string :")
char = raw_input(‘a char:‘)
#! /usr/bin/env python
#_*_ coding : utf-8 _*_
def rfindchar():
str_input = raw_input(‘please enter a string :‘)
str_char = raw_input(‘please enter a char :‘)
l = len(str_input)
i = -1
for a in range(i,-l-1,-1):
while i >= -l:
if str_input[a] == str_char:
print a+l
#! /usr/bin/env python
#_*_ coding:utf-8 _*_
def subchar(string, origchar, newchar):
l = len(string)
i = 0
while i < l:
if string[i] == origchar:
string = string[:i]+newchar+string[i+1:]
i += 1
print string
if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:
string = raw_input(‘please enter a string :‘)
origchar = raw_input(‘input a origchar : ‘)
newchar = raw_input(‘input a new char : ‘)
#!/usr/bin/env python
#_*_ coding : utf-8 _*_
def Rochambeau():
text = {0 : ‘Cloth‘, 1 : ‘Scissor‘, 2 : ‘Stone‘}
import random
mac = random.randrange(0,3,1)
humans = int(raw_input(‘your choice(0-Cloth, 1-Scissor, 2-Stone):‘))
nums = range(0,3,1)
print "You: %s Computer: %s " % (text[humans], text[mac])
print ‘the result is : ‘
if humans not in nums:
print ‘Error:Wrong input!‘
elif humans-mac == 0:
print ‘Draw‘
elif humans-mac == 1 or humans-mac == -2:
print ‘You win !!!‘
print ‘Computer win !!!‘
if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:
while True:
标签:特定 not lease get import 语法 字符串 rate enum