标签:span code 增加 5.6 DBName 授权 xxx 中断 ip add
在生产环境中我们偶尔会遇到show processlist;显示host为 unauthenticated user 这样的连接,同时伴有数据库服务器层面的load,sys cpu较高,或者thread running异常。
类似于校园门卫看到一个陌生的人进入学校,对TA提出的哲学式问题:TA是谁?从哪里来? 要干什么?本文从IT技术角度回答这个哲学问题。
unauthenticated user refers to a thread that has become associated with a client connection but for which authentication of the client user has not yet been done。
意即:MySQL有一个线程在处理客户端的连接,但是该客户端还没通过用户验证,show processlist时显示"unauthenticated user"。
ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can‘t connect to MySQL server on ‘[host]‘ (111)
MySQL服务器向客户端响应基本信息 数据库服务器的ip,port,mysqld version,the thread id,客户端的host,port等等,此时连接已经建立但是尚未完成授权。
“When a new client connects to mysqld, mysqld spawns a new thread to handle the request. This thread first checks whether the host name is in the host name cache. If not, the thread attempts to resolve the host name: The thread takes the IP address and resolves it to a host name (using gethostbyaddr()). It then takes that host name and resolves it back to the IP address (using gethostbyname()) and compares to ensure it is the original IP address.”
实际连接过程是 mysql 分配一个新的线程来处理客户端的连接请求。先检查客户端的hostname 是否在缓存中,如果不在则对hostname解析。先作反向解析客户端IP --> 客户端的hostname,然后作客户端的hostname --> 客户端IP的正向解析。如果结果符合,则验证为合法用户允许登录,如果不符合则定义为"unauthenticated user"。
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘user‘@‘host‘ (using password: [YES/NO])
在 /etc/my.cnf 的[mysqld]中添加
在 /etc/hosts 添加IP与主机名对应关系 xxxx
目标机器上 MySQL中执行telnet x.x.x.x 3306
有一个连接显示为unauthenticated user 。 因此这种现象不一定就是数据库本身的问题,下面这些都有可能产生这种现象:mysql>show processlist;
标签:span code 增加 5.6 DBName 授权 xxx 中断 ip add