#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include "node.h" void initList(node* p) { p[0].x= 2.0; p[0].y= 1.0; p[1].x= 1.0; p[1].y= 2.0; p[2].x= 1.2; p[2].y= 3.0; p[3].x= 3.0; p[3].y= 4.0; p[4].x= 5.0; p[4].y= 5.0; p[5].x= 1.5; p[5].y= 5.5; p[6].x= 2.5; p[6].y= 7.0; p[7].x= 3.5; p[7].y= 8.0; p[8].x= 4.0; p[8].y= 9.0; p[9].x = 3.9; p[9].y = 8.8; } //测试分治和暴力; int main() { node* p = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node)*10); initList(p); double ddf = force(p, 10); //9 is the number of elements; printf("the output of force is %lf\n", ddf); double dd = callMinDist(p, 10); printf("the output of divide-conquer is %lf\n", dd); getchar(); return 0; }上述中的force()是枚举的实现,callMinDist则是分治的实现,上述的initList主要对采用的测试案例进行初始化。
#ifndef __NODE__ #define __NODE__ #define SIZE 4 #define MAX 100000.0 typedef struct{ double x; double y; }node; //排序部分; void mergeX(node a[], node b[], int s, int m, int t); void mergeY(node a[], node b[], int s, int m, int t); void mergeSortX(node a[], node b[], int s, int t); void mergeSortY(node a[], node b[], int s, int t); //utility; void show(node* a, int size); void initList(node* list); double dist(node* n1, node* n2); //枚举部分; double force(node* nodelist, int n); //分治部分; double combine(node* py, int n, double lx, double delta); void copynode(node* dt, node* sr, int b, int n); double minDist(node* px, node* py, int n); double callMinDist(node*p, int n); #endif
#include <math.h> #include "node.h" double dist(node* n1, node* n2) { double temp1 = n1->x - n2->x; double temp2 = n1->y - n2->y; double sum = temp1*temp1 + temp2*temp2; //pow(temp1, 2)+pow(temp2, 2); return sqrt(sum); } double force(node* nodelist, int n) //n is number of elements { //这里d需要有一个初始的大值; double d = MAX; double t; //函数的主体就是下面这个双层循环; for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ for(int j=i+1; j<n; j++) { t = dist(&nodelist[i], &nodelist[j]); if(t<d) d = t; } } //这里最后返回d; return d; }
double callMinDist(node* p, int n){ node* px = (node*)malloc(n*sizeof(node)); //n主要是用于此处的空间申请; node* py = (node*)malloc(n*sizeof(node)); //show(p, n); mergeSortX(p, px, 0, n-1); //按点的x轴值排序; copynode(px, p, 0, n-1); //show(px, n); //show(p, n); mergeSortY(p, py, 0, n-1); //按点的y轴值排序; copynode(py, p, 0, n-1); //show(py, n); double min = minDist(px, py, n); free(px); free(py); return min; }
double minDist(node* px, node* py, int n) //这里n是number of elements呢?还是max of index?根据下面的空间申请,应该是number of elements. { //printf("n is %d\n", n); if(n<=3){ //show(px, n); //n is number of elements; double d = force(px, n); //n is number of elements; //printf("n=%d is %lf\n",n, d); return d; } int m=n/2; double fx = px[m].x; node* lx = (node*)malloc(m*sizeof(node)); node* ly = (node*)malloc(m*sizeof(node)); node* rx = (node*)malloc((n-m)*sizeof(node)); node* ry = (node*)malloc((n-m)*sizeof(node)); copynode(lx, px, 0, m-1); //对copy而言,这里的m应该是index; //show(lx, m); //show中的n是number of elements; //printf("lx :%x\n", lx); copynode(rx, px, m, n-1); //copy这边是index; //show(rx, n-m); copynode(ly, py, 0, m-1); //show(ly, m); copynode(ry, py, m, n-1); //show(ry, n-m); double d1 = minDist(lx, ly, m); //m is number of elements; double dr = minDist(rx, ry, n-m); double delta = min(d1, dr); double d = combine(py, n, fx, delta); //对combine而言,这里的n是number of elements; //printf("lx :%x\n", lx); free(lx); free(ly); free(rx); free(ry); return min(delta, d); }
dr = minDist(rx, ry, n-m)完成右半部分的计算;
最后通过combine(py, n, fx, delta)将两半部分的结果整合在一起;
double combine(node* py, int n, double lx, double delta) { int num; double d=MAX; double tempd; node* temp = (node*)malloc(n*sizeof(node)); int j=0; for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { if(fabs(py[i].x - lx)<= delta){ //求取在区间范围内的点; temp[j].x = py[i].x; temp[j].y = py[i].y; j++; } } num = j; //temp中的元素 for(int i=0; i<num; i++) { for(j=i+1; j<(i+8) && (j<num); j++) { tempd = dist(&temp[i], &temp[j]); if(tempd < d) d=tempd; } } free(temp); return d; }根据书本上的分析,在区间中求取时,只需要计算当前点后(按y轴的值排序)的6到7
for(j=i+1; j<(i+8)&&(j<num); j+)....
void copynode(node* dt, node* sr, int b, int n) //n is max of index; { int k=0; for(int i=b; i<=n; i++) { dt[k].x = sr[i].x; dt[k].y = sr[i].y; k++; } } double min(double x, double y) { if(x<=y) return x; return y; }
void mergeSortX(node a[], node b[], int s, int t) { if(s == t){ b[s].x = a[s].x; b[s].y = a[s].y; } else{ int m = (s+t)/2; mergeSortX(a, b, s, m); mergeSortX(a, b, m+1, t); mergeX(a, b, s, m, t); } } void mergeSortY(node a[], node b[], int s, int t) { if(s == t){ b[s].x = a[s].x; b[s].y = a[s].y; } else{ int m = (s+t)/2; mergeSortY(a, b, s, m); mergeSortY(a, b, m+1, t); mergeY(a, b, s, m, t); } } void mergeX(node* a, node* b, int s, int m, int t) { int i, j, n; for(i=s, j=m+1, n=s; (i<=m)&&(j<=t); n++){ if(b[i].x<=b[j].x){ a[n].x = b[i].x; a[n].y = b[i].y; i++; }else{ a[n].x = b[j].x; a[n].y = b[j].y; j++; } } while(i<=m){ a[n].x = b[i].x; a[n++].y = b[i++].y; } while(j<=t){ a[n].x = b[j].x; a[n++].y = b[j++].y; } //这里需要将a中的数据重新拷贝到b中; for(int i=s; i<=t; i++){ b[i].x = a[i].x; b[i].y = a[i].y; } } void mergeY(node* a, node* b, int s, int m, int t) { int i, j, n; for(i=s, j=m+1, n=s; (i<=m)&&(j<=t); n++){ if(b[i].y<=b[j].y){ a[n].x = b[i].x; a[n].y = b[i].y; i++; }else{ a[n].x = b[j].x; a[n].y = b[j].y; j++; } } while(i<=m){ a[n].x = b[i].x; a[n++].y = b[i++].y; } while(j<=t){ a[n].x = b[j].x; a[n++].y = b[j++].y; } //这里需要将a中的数据重新拷贝到b中; for(int i=s; i<=t; i++){ b[i].x = a[i].x; b[i].y = a[i].y; } }注意:上述的归并排序函数写得不好,没必要用到a这个参数,完全可以函数内部堆上分配局部变量进行